Alien Resur-egg-tion

113 2 4

I was the first one up. Even Dad was still asleep. But, luckily, I was there to deal with it. I checked my watch once more, counting down the seconds until 6 AM.






I pressed the button on the airhorn, sending out a large alarm-like noise. Oh, man! I forgot how fun that was! Several groans and yells could be heard from inside of the trailers. Heather was the first one out, and I could tell she was expecting Chris. God damn...

"Where's Chris?" She glared at me, and seconds later, all the contestants that had not left from the noise, had, now that everything was settled down. I simply looked at her. "He's... uh, 'busy'..."

[camera crew closes in on chris sleeping with a teddy bear wearing an apron and a chef hat]

[snickering intensifies]

I cleared my throat. "Ahem. I will meet you at Craft Services, which is the only place you'll eat for the next six weeks." I pointed towards the singular tent further away from the trailers, but remembered Dad wasn't up yet. However, by that time, everybody was already in the tent. I groaned, and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "Fine. We'll just be like that, then."


"Okay, you guys. I think we've all noticed neither Chris or Chef is here yet. Questions?" I looked at everybody. "Yeah, uh, hello, Mr. Obvious? Where are they?!" I narrowed my eyes at Heather. "Uh, calm down, Felicia Mane. He's busy. I told you this, like, ten times already!" I raised my voice slightly.

Owen raised his hand. I looked at him. "Are we gonna eat soon?" "I'd wait a few more minutes. See if they turn up. If they don't, you get me cooking for you." I heard multiple sounds of agreement, and happiness. Were they really that fine with me cooking for them? I mean, I've never made breakfast for teenagers before... I don't know their preferences, and... Uh... Hold on. Why do I care about what they want? They know the routine! They'll get what they're given!

[Time Skip - 10 Minutes]

Nothing. Really? Not even a text, or-


My phone brought me out of my thoughts. I checked it, and saw Dad sent a photo. I sighed in relief, and swiped it open. I let out a small giggle as I looked down at the screen. No freakin' way. "What's so funny?" Duncan eyed me. I stifled another, and shook my head. "N-Nothing! Nothing. Just... just give me a minute."

I made my way outside, and looked down at my phone again.

. . .

Cool Dad

feeling silly today x

[angry alien chef while chris does a peace symbol, winking]

should i make the breakfast??

it would be of much convienice


we'll be 1 hour
is that enough?

thx dad

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