Beach Blanket Bogus

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All I did last night was just hang out with the peanut gallery. I told them nothing about the show, despite them watching it anyway. Well, what I mean is that I didn't tell them what was going on behind the scenes. So, Courtney had no idea me, Duncan, and Owen were talking crap about her behind her back. She totally deserved it, after what she'd done to me and the other four boys.

I sighed as I walked into Craft Services. Everyone wasn't too surprised to see me, and, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't notice at all. I mean, Lindsay and Beth were too busy finding another guy to swoon over.

"Justin, look! I brought you bacon." "And, I brought you facon! Tofu's good for your heart." "Pig's good for his hair!" "Holy crap, I love his hair!" She literally attached herself to his head. I am so god damn glad I shut down Beth before she started getting like that with me. "Ladies, please. I accept both your offerings. Join me for breakfast?" They both laughed, and sat down at the table, not even touching their plates.

/// Beth ///

"If only making friends with a guy as gorgeous as Justin was as easy as making these bracelets!"

/// End ///

I ignored them, and sat down beside Duncan, Heather and Gwen. "Hey guys." "Dude, I didn't see you in the trailer last night. Where'd you go?" I shrugged, and rested my head in my palm. "Went to see the peanut gallery. They're in a crappy motel, so I stayed over." Gwen laughed, and shook her head. "Wow. That must suck." "Eh. Not really. Only took me five minutes to get to sleep, give or take."

All of a sudden, Duncan burst out laughing, and pointed at Trent. I looked over, and saw that the cap of the salt shaker had come off, and poured all over his food. "Haha! Ah, sorry about the morning as-salt!" Gwen slapped the back of his head, and frowned. "Third grade called. You're due back in class." Trent scowled at Duncan. "Reeaal mature. Don't you know it's bad luck to spill salt?"

He threw a handful over his shoulder, and...

...unfortunately...? landed directly in Heather's face. She screamed and stood up, which made Trent almost immediately regret his actions. "Nothing a little pepper won't fix." Heather then got a handful of pepper in her face, which sent her into a sneezing frenzy. She covered her eyes, and ran off screaming, much to my annoyance.

"A little pepper? You consider a handful to be a 'little'?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes. "Lay off, it was an accident!" He argued back. Duncan, however, could not get enough of this conflict. Or, rather, Trent's bad luck. He came over, laughing to himself. "Uh, you gonna finish those eggs, bro?" He ate an egg from Trent's plate, to which he reacted by standing up, raising his voice, and overall, just being dramatic about it.

"Are you nuts?! Now I only have eight pieces left!" I raised a brow, and folded my arms. "Dude. Duncan isn't nuts. You are." "Yeah, you're officially capital 'W' weird." Gwen approached us three, and played it off, like as if what Trent was doing wasn't off-putting or strange at all.

P.S, it totally was?

"Which is good, because I happen to really like weird." She ate another one of Trent's eggs, and smiled at him. "There. Now you've got seven pieces, which is an odd number again. Isn't that kinda better?" Trent nodded, and responded in, possibly, one of the worst ways imaginable. "Abso-Gwen-ley." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, while Duncan solemnly shook his head, but more out of disappointment that Gwen wasn't seeing what we were.

Out of nowhere, a whistle screeched, and Dad walked in. "Hang onto your coconuts, players! We're going back to the beach!" Owen cheered, because I think he thought we were going to the actual beach. Seems like he's forgotten where he is. Of course, to keep the mood that he'd established up, Dad explained today's challenge. "Ever seen one of those 1950's surfer movies where the kids get up to neato fun before the big bonfire twist-a-thon? And, the bully kicks the sandcastle in the nerdy guy's face?"

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