Monster Cash

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I stepped in front of the film lot. Well, this was... something. "You didn't tell me it was abandoned." I raised an eyebrow at Dad, who simply laughed. "I didn't tell the campers, either! Fun, huh?" I smiled, and shook my head. "Whatever. How about this? You get your looks done, and I'll wait up on the teenagers." He pointed finger-guns at me. "I was thinking the exact same thing."

I shrugged. "Go on. Your stylist's waiting for you." He ruffled my hair, and happily walked away. Now, I just had to wait for the stupid buses to get here. Thirty minutes isn't a long time. Is it?

[Time Skip - 20 Minutes]

Uh... 10 more minutes. This is boring, but it's what I signed up to do. I can't exactly just run off and do something else. I was just hanging out in the ticket booth where the gates were, checking the time on my phone every 30 seconds.

I heard the screeching of tyres, but brushed it off as some old vehicle passing by the lot. However, I did not expect to hear anyone's voice, especially that of Duncan's.

"Man, I miss the smell of the city." I raised an eyebrow, and turned my head. Oh, you're joking me! The bus came early?! I thought I had 10 minutes to go! He was followed by Leshawna and Harold, then Heather and Gwen, who got stuck at the doors together. They both grunted. "Ugh! Step off!" "No, you step off!"

They both growled at each other angrily, as they fell through the doors. Gwen crashed into Harold, which made him stumble, and drop his puzzle cube. He bumped into Leshawna and fell over. His cube then broke into tiny squares. Leshawna, however, did not budge. "Ow! Sorry, Leshawna..." She smiled down at him. "No harm done."

Everybody else got off the bus, and I decided I should probably check this out. I didn't know how many people came without saying anything, so I needed a head count. I stepped out of the booth, and had my back to the road. I groaned as I stretched, and then turned around.

I had, at that point, come to the realization that not a single one of these people had seen my arm. "Oh, wow. I knew it was going to be fake, but that's just obvious." I growled, and clenched my fists at Heather. "You wanna see what's really obvious?" Leshawna put a hand on my shoulder, which made me back off.

"Cool off, hun." "Whatever." Heather scoffed. "I am NOT hanging around here." I raised an eyebrow, and straightened myself. "Wait, what?" Leshawna seemed to be as confused as I was, too. "You're really gonna give up the chance for a million big ones?" I snickered, and pointed at Heather's wig. "That's a lot of good weaves~!" She seemed to be convinced by that. "Guess I can stay for a bit."

I was bored as heck. Dad usually came out a few minutes early. What was taking so long? Beth shrugged. "Face it. The money's the only reason we put up with Chris." I cleared my throat, and raised an eyebrow. She looked at me, slightly unsure as to what I meant. I rolled my eyes at her. She and Lindsay completely brushed my questions off, and chatted like 5-year olds. "You are totally looking the part of my new BFF! That's my new best French friend! I am SO moving to France when I win!" Beth grinned up at her. "My mom said my world would totally open up when I got my braces off! She was right! I'm going to France!"

I shook my head in denial. "I don't think that's what she meant..." Bridgette stood beside me. "Don't tell her that." I laughed mockingly. "Yeah, whatever." I felt someone touching me. I looked to my side to find Harold messing around with my arm. I pulled it away, and hit him across the back of the head. "Hey! Hands off the merchandise!" He scurried off, and I groaned to myself. Honestly. When will that nerd learn to keep his hands to himself?! Leshawna already rejected his sexual advances.

I don't want his gross hands touching something that mattered a lot to me. Especially this thing. No matter how interested he was. Dad pulled up with a tour car, that had many, many seats in the back. Duncan grinned. "Dude, it's about time!" Dad smiled, as I took a seat in the back. "Hop on, everyone! Come on, people! SHEESH! We haven't got all day! This cart's rented by the hour!"

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