Ocean's Eight - Or Nine

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got some lewis x heather action for you. dw, it's just some wholesome fluff (i think i'm using that term right?) anyway, enjoy today's chapter!


I think I did something wrong. 

None of the Gaffers are talking to me. 

Plus, they're all super moody.

Duncan was scraping the table with his pocket knife, but glanced up at Heather after noticing she was glaring at him. "What?" "Vandal!" She turned to Harold and folded her arms. "Nerd!" Harold stuck his tongue out at her, but Leshawna was fed up BECAUSE of that. "We have to all stop acting like babies, or every one of us is goin' home!"

/// Harold ///

"Ever since Leshawna sold us all up the river for a day at the spa, I've finally come to see that she's only looking out for herself. Of course, if I looked like that, I'd probably just look at myself all day, too. Uh- But she's a bad, selfish person! Bad! So... uh... bad."

/// End ///

"Come on, you guys! What Leshawna did is for the best. Nobody needs a day at the spa like she does. In fact, you could write a tell-all book about her hair-do called 'WEAVE Got Problems!'" Heather made a joke about her hair, which caused Leshawna to widen her eyes at the silence. "Nobody's gonna argue with her?!" Harold folded his arms, and sided with Heather. "Sounds like an entertaining read." 

She angrily stood up, and stormed off. "I'm going back to the trailer." "Try not to let the door hit your butt on the way out!" Duncan yelled at her, much to Heather's confusion. "Door? It's a tent, idiot boy!" "Uh, it's a figure of speech?" "What you should've said was, 'Don't let the flap flutter your-" "Shut up, Harold!" 

"Why're you guys so angry at each other, anyways?" I questioned, looking at the 3 of them. They all looked at each other, and it sorta made me feel smaller than I was. Like I was stupid, or something. "Um, dude, don't you remember yesterday?" After getting no response, he decided to actually explain it. "Chris and Chef totally flipped! Harold spilled you had amnesia, and, oh, they did not like that." "It wasn't my fault! I was intimidated into answering!" "Intimidated? Pfft, as if! He literally only asked us if we knew what was going on!"

"Yeah, no, I don't remember any of that." I shook my head, and they weren't really happy about that. "Well, that's just great. You're not just forgetting memories, you're losing them." Heather complained, folding her arms. I raised my finger, unsure. "Aren't those the same things...?" She realized the mistake, and scoffed, ignoring me.

"I feel so lucky to still be here!" Beth said, and it was quickly followed up by Owen. "And I am back on track! My jaw's unwired, and back in business! I can finally eat like normal people!" He said excitedly, before tipping the entire plate of bacon and eggs into his mouth. Justin watched this in shock. "Or... like 10 normal people." "Uh- Sorry, you guys, but there's a great smell coming from Chef's steam table, and seconds are a-wasting!" He raced off into the kitchen, and left everyone to do their own thing.

Chris cut open the roof of the tent, and entered down through a rope. Beth, for some strange, strange reason, thought this was amazing. "What an entrance!" "Consider it a hint as to this week's movie genre!" Duncan crossed his arms, and raised a brow. "Is it lame-o, rock-climbing, wannabe host movies?" There was a moment of silence in between everyone. "No? This week, we're paying tribute to the action-packed bank heist gangster caper film!"

Justin looked around, before speaking up. "Uh, Chris? Our team is missing a player." I looked over, and saw that Owen still hadn't come back from the kitchen. "So is ours. But, we don't care." Heather spoke, with folded arms. She completely dismissed Leshawna for some reason, and that's about when I realized everyone was moody 'cause of Leshawna, not me.

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