Full Metal Drama

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[just so you know... things aren't exactly the same after that little... 'incident' last episode.]


...I feel worse than I did yesterday. I don't even wanna get out of bed today.


My eyes widened, and my grip on my blanket tightened. I didn't exactly care for that rude awakening. Despite that, I sat up, and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Since everybody was gone, doing... whatever the hell they were arguing over... I could actually get changed by myself, without having to leave.

Once I did that, I headed outside to see what everybody else was doing. 

It looked like I was the last one out, but I didn't really care about that.

"Today, we're all about war movies, so look lively, you-" "Buckets of horse doo-doo!" "So, get ready for the first death-defying challenge, you-" "Disgusting, slimy crustaceans!" "Move it, privates! Fall in!" "Sir, yes, sir!"

...Who's that guy?

/// Duncan ///

"I've always wanted to be in the Marines! They're rough, tough, they wear rad boots, and they say, 'Hoo-ah!'. No clue what it means, but it just sounds so cool. Hoo-ah!"

/// End ///

"I'm so pumped! My squad in Battlefront has won ten online multiplayer gaming titles. The secret to our success? Teamwork." Harold spoke happily, while Duncan rolled his eyes. "This is the real world, virtual loser. You wanna win? Sit back, and let me get my Marine on. I'm the main course, and the rest of you are gravy. As in, on the side."

Harold frowned. "You won't be saying that when I bust out my deadly numb-yo. No longer must we live in fear of ninja attacks. Not when I'm carrying this bad boy. I will defeat all enemies. And, smite them with dishonour." He was doing these weird things with his toy, but that was only before Duncan came and shoved a stick in the way. He got, like, all tied up and stuff, before the toy hit him again. "Aw! My nether regions!"

He fell to the ground, while Duncan laughed. "Harold just took a numb-yo in the numb-yos!" Everybody else laughed at the joke, but I didn't understand it. "What a loser! Haha!" "That wasn't funny, Duncan. Stop being such a jerk!" I yelled back at him, while kneeling down so that I could help Harold get himself out of the situation. Duncan didn't care though, 'cause he walked off with Heather and Leshawna, all of them still laughing.

/// Lewis ///

"Okay, I might not remember everything yet, but why the heck is Duncan being such a jerk to Harold!? What did Harold do that was so bad he deserves this?"

/// End ///

We got to the place the first challenge was, and they were supposed to be jumping from a plane, but they weren't supposed to KNOW they were jumping from a plane, so that's why they were wearing blindfolds.

"Okay, people! Remove your blindfolds!" They did, but they didn't seem suspicious at all. "When it comes to making a war movie, jumping out of an airplane is the most dangerous stunt there is. So, naturally, it's our first challenge!" Harold, Heather, and Owen gasped after learning what they were doing.

The blonde one turned to the girl next to her, and spoke really loudly. Probably 'cause the plane door was open, and it was hard to hear. "If we live, I was thinking I should totally be our team's admiral!" The girl raised a brow, as she explained to the blonde girl. "Admirals are in charge of sailors! Generals are in charge of soldiers... generally!" The blonde girl leaned in closer, and nodded. "But admiral sounds cuter! So, now, I'd like to be called, 'Admiral Lindsay, her Hotness', okay?"

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