Top Dog

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". . . Lewis?" I narrowed my eyes at the voice. "What? What could you possibly want from me, now?" I asked, putting down the pen, to the left of my journal. I turned around and looked at my dad, expecting something to be taken from me, again. "I promise - it's nothing bad, it's just that. . . you're not acting like yourself lately. I wanted to know if you were okay."

I furrowed my brows at this. "I'm sorry?" "Huh? I asked if you were okay." He repeated. "I know that, I heard you. It's just. . . just that- NOW you want to know if I'm okay? I dunno, man, it's a pretty horrible time to ask if I'm okay. About, hm. . . two months late? I'm not in the mood." I explained, turning back around. ". . . Okay, sorry." I heard him leave, and sighed.

I don't hate my dad, it's just. . . there were so many other times where he could've asked. The hospital being the main one! And- I KNOW I should be grateful he's asking at all, but I'm really not! He's really gotten on my nerves, and I really should tell him, but then, I'll upset him, and I don't wanna make my dad upset!

I. . . I can't deal with this today. . .

I really need a break.


A night out of the trailers was much, much better than I imagined. Well, until it wasn't, with the whole 'are you okay' thing, but. . . yeah. 

I walked into the boys' trailers, saw no sign of Duncan, and woke Owen up by accident. "No pillow whipped at my head? No angry threat to 'stick a cork in it'?" He asked, before sitting up with a gasp. "Where's Duncan?!" Duncan walked past me, groaning in exhaustion. I looked at him in concern, before leading him over to, and sitting down on, a bed.

"Where were you all night?" I asked, a motherly tone in my voice. "An alien abduction?!" Owen worriedly followed up. And. . . unnecessarily continued. "It was, wasn't it?! You were subjected to a night of alien probing! OH, THE HUMANITY!" Duncan yawned, and rubbed his eyes. "Chill, Owen. . . I spent the night in Courtney's trailer. . ." "Really? What did you do all night? C'mon, c'mon!" He teased, but neither me nor Duncan were in the mood.

I sent a glare over to Owen, which shut him up. "Calm down, Owen. . . we talked. Y'know, about relationship stuff. It's. . . a little hazy. I'll let you know after I read this." He held up a large stack of papers, and I widened my eyes. "Oh, tell me that isn't. . ." I began. "Thirty two pages of Courtney outlining my faults and how to correct them if we're ever going to have a serious relationship. All of which. . . she expects me to memorize." Duncan finished off, still as tired as ever.

I furrowed my brows at this, and took it from his hand, to look at it myself. "I think I would've preferred a night of alien probing." Duncan said, looking at me skimming it. He then stretched, yawned, and laid down on the bed, shifting so he was behind me, and I wasn't in the way of his napping space. "This is crazy." I muttered.

Unfortunately, Dad wouldn't let Duncan get any rest, for he blew a trumpet directly into his ear, and yelled at him. "Wake up, sleepy heads! Breakfast is served, along with today's movie challenge! You have ten minutes to get down there." He left us three, and walked backwards, out the trailer. Duncan rubbed his head, before lying back down. "Great. Maybe I'll get lucky, and today's genre will be a guy in a coma movie."

Owen put his two index fingers together nervously. "Did you say something? I heard: 'breakfast is served', and then it kinda all gets hazy after that. . .'" I sighed, and stood up, still holding the stack of papers. "Come on, Duncan."


I walked into Craft Services with Duncan and Owen, fairly annoyed to see how happy Courtney looked with her life. Beth complimented Chef's food, which was a real shocker. "Wow, Chef, these scrambled eggs actually look pretty good!" He looked to see if she was serious, and when he saw that she was, he burst out laughing at her. "Scrambled eggs!?" He fell back, still laughing at her seriousness, kicking his legs.

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