The Sand Witch Project

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Me, Leshawna, Harold, Owen and Izzy were playing a card game, while Duncan and Justin were playing football, sometimes using DJ's sleeping body to bounce the ball to each other. "Izzy... do you have a B.L.T?" Both me and Izzy looked at Owen, both confused and disturbed at the question. After realizing, he quickly corrected himself without fault. "I'll also take the five?" Immediately, Izzy slapped the cards out of Owen's hands, and began to shuffle the deck of cards again. I was playing a round with Leshawna and Harold though, so we could just carry on.

"Jeez, Owen, you really need to lay off with the cheating." I said, rummaging through my deck. "What- What do you mean? I'm not cheating, aha! Why- Why'd you think that?" I glanced upwards, raising a brow, before looking back down at my cards. "Never mind."

/// Harold ///

"Izzy thinks she's so cool. But, did she spend three whole entire summers at Magic Steve's Magic Camp? Allow me to demonstrate my mad magic skills by producing the Ace of Spades!" He clapped his hands together. Instead of producing the Ace of Spades, he revealed the picture of him without his pants, from Total Drama Island. "Oh- Ha! Hey, uh, how'd that get in there?"

/// End ///

"I can't believe you managed to steal these from lunch!" Lindsay said, as she shoved another sandwich into her mouth. "Yummers!" I placed down a card on the pile, and turned my head. "I didn't steal them, Lindsay, I made them." "Oh, right!" I rolled my eyes, but was distracted once Beth came rushing in, doing splits, flips, trying to show off. "I call this, the Egg Salad Firework! Drumroll!" She threw up a handful of sandwiches, trying to catch them in her mouth, but Owen got to them before her.

"OWEN! Stop stealing my sammies!" She angrily yelled. He nervously looked up from his cards with his mouth full. "What are you talking about?" Leshawna turned her head towards him, speaking in disgust. "You disgust me, Owen." Heather, for some reason, seemed to agree with her. "Yeah, what kind of pig are you?" Beth came to the realization that everyone had one, and they weren't exclusively for her. "You're all stealing them?!"

Justin spoke up beside Duncan, eating a sandwich, too. "Lewis' food has gotten so good! Mm-mm!" "Oh- um, thank you! It's- it's nothing, really..."

I get that he's trying to get me in an alliance, and I know I'll never hear the end of it. I want to be in his alliance, without explicitly saying that I want to be in his alliance.

We were interrupted by DJ's loud snoring, and I can only assume he was dreaming about his mom, or something like that. "This is fun, huh, bestie? Imagine if there was no challenge today!" Beth happily said, turning to Lindsay, who foolishly agreed with her. "Oh my gosh! We could totally just hang out, and braid each other's hair! I would LOVE that, bestie!" I walked over, folding my arms. "Ah, one can only hope." Heather walked over too, with another sandwich. "Yeah. Some of us are trying to keep up our strength to actually win the competition." "Thank you, Heather." "You're welcome, Lewis."

"Well, we don't think there is a challenge today." Lindsay said, glancing down at Beth in uncertainty. I raised a brow. "Uh, well, there better be, or God forbid I get a break from you." "Just like he said. Although, I'm here to win a million dollars, and the faster we eliminate you two pathetic, spineless followers, the better." "Hmph, I wish..." I said, walking away with Heather.

/// Lindsay ///

"You see those little bumps back there?" Lindsay held up an x-ray of her head. "Those are totally a spine! I am not a follower. Like, at cheerleading, I'm right in the middle of the pyramid. And, when all my sisters and I decide on something, like where to go shopping or whatevs, I'm always the third vote! That's not... oh, um... well, I can change! Uh- If that's okay with you guys."

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