Mutiny On The Soundstage

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This sucks ass! He didn't even hear me say 'I quit', 'cause he was so busy thinking about the kind of crap he'd do in the finale! 

I didn't want to make a big deal over it, and now I have to. Great.

Juuust great.

I heard a loud chattering from the girl's trailer, and realized it was just Beth. Me and Duncan were the only ones left in the boys' trailer, so of course it was the loudest thing there. "What's-? Oh, it's just Beth chattering again." Duncan scoffed, and cracked a joke. "With a face like that, I'd be scared, too! Right, guys?"

I ignored him, and covered my head with my pillow to try and block every noise out. ". . .Right. Nobody left to laugh at my excellent zingers. Good news is there's also nobody left to reek up the trailer with jungle breath, nobody to wake me up with screaming night terrors. . . 'mommy, mommy'! And. . . nobody with any chance of taking my guaranteed million away! Haha!"

I huffed at the noise still getting through. "PUT A BLINDFOLD ON, LOSER!" I yelled, hoping Beth could hear me from the trailer, before covering my head again. "Man. . . I'm never gonna get to sleep." Duncan agreed, putting his hands behind his head. Some kind of can dropped into the trailer, and I raised a brow to see what it was, and saw that it was just a can of sleeping gas.

". . . Right. I'm outta here." I said, standing up. I walked over to the door, put my jacket on, and left into the dark. I assume Beth got one of those, too, because I heard her loudly screaming for little to no reason. I doubt there was a shooter or anything, so she was just being a scaredy cat, yet again.

I just had to find another place to sleep. Then again, it'd be more beneficial to plan out where I was gonna move. . . I wonder if any of the contestants'll let me stay at theirs while I look.


I was forced to get ready at five in the morning, because Chris wanted to pretend that Beth and Duncan were shanghaied. Stupid, I know. Well, at least this time, Chef was also forced, and I did not have a unique feeling. Trust me, he was just as pissed as I was about it.

"Can't believe this." He said with a yawn. I folded my arms. "Ditto. Hm. I'm really starting to believe we're just material to him." I said, watching Chris get pampered like a child by all the interns. "I've been knowin' him for this long - you're probably right." "But. . . we're not even paid for it. Why do we even stay if we're not treated right?" I questioned, shrugging.

". . . Well. . . just between you an' me? I'm quittin'. Got a new gig on a cruise ship." I furrowed my brows, and looked at him. "What. . . what's that mean for us?" "Eh, I don't know. But, I ain't gonna give you up, just for some cheffin' gig. Still talk with you over the phone." I let out a small sigh of relief, and it was barely audible.

While everybody else went off to get what they wanted, I was left with the two unconscious people tied to a beam on deck. Luckily for me, they weren't unconscious for long, so I wasn't just standing there without a point. "Duncan. . . ? DUNCAN?!" As soon as Beth woke up, she freaked out. "It's PD day, Ma!"  Duncan responded, still asleep. Seeing as there was no point, Beth struggled, before shouting again. "Duncan!"

Duncan woke up this time, and glanced around, confused. "I think we've been shanghaied!" Beth explained. Duncan struggled in the rope he was in, before speaking. "Huh-? Tight, but not painful. . . hm! Chef's losing his edge." "Wait, I have a plan! It's gonna help make sure that one of us wins the million dollars." Duncan scoffed, and glanced at Beth. "All I'm planning is to make sure that the one of us is me."

"We could work together! Like. . . teamsies!" Beth proposed. "Ha! Teamsies?!" He scoffed again at Beth's immaturity. "Reach over to untie me, then I'll undo yours." She said, but he wasn't having any of it. "Oh, sure, and then you leave me here, and get a head start?" "But I don't have a mean bone in my body. I'm everybody's friend. I like everybody, and they like me!"

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