3:10 To Crazytown

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It was incredibly hot. Like, 35° hot. Everybody was sweating, and trying to stay in the shade, but for those that couldn't, for example, DJ, he was sitting in a tiny kiddie pool trying to cool off. Beth and Lindsay were sitting underneath their trailer's orange canopy. Harold, of course, was being an absolute idiot, and seeking refuge in his trailer. His... metal trailer. Y'know, one that'd be likely the hottest place?

"Too hot... to do... anything! Ugh!"

/// Harold ///

"My mad skills are leeching out of me. I can feel it..." He propped himself up on the table using both hands, before placing those hands on his head. "My mojo isn't sweat-proof!" He then collapsed, back onto the floor.

/// End ///

Me, however, I was relaxing with Justin. Neither of us minded the heat, but in Justin's case, it was because he was being fanned by Owen. I just didn't get hot, I guess. I've been all around Canada, and, I assure you, there are hotter places than Toronto. "Can't you fan any faster?" Justin turned to Owen, who was practically panting. "You're hot... but, I'm hotter." He released a quick, weak laugh, before collapsing, and panting, yet again.

"Ah, give him a break. He absorbs way more heat than us." I brushed it off, turning to Justin. He shrugged with a small frown. "I can see that." Although we were both wearing shades, I could tell he darted his eyes towards Owen for a split-second. 

/// Lewis ///

"Me and Justin are close, yeah. I mean, not that it matters, obviously. But, he's a good guy, once you get to know him."

/// Justin ///

"I'm only hanging out with that kid because I have to. But, just in case Beth and Lindsay don't work out, I suppose he'd be a good alliance member..."

/// End ///

Gwen sneezed a few times, before rubbing her nose. She sounded like she was in some disbelief about her condition. "I can't be getting a cold in this heat!" I did have some non-prescribed medications with me, but I wanted to see where exactly this was going before I gave her anything to take. Trent offered her his water bottle, with a slightly weird comment. "Water? You're the only girl I'd risk catching some heinous virus from." "Ha, that's, uh... sweet, Trent. Thanks, but it's probably just allergies." She took a sip from the bottle, and handed it back to Trent.

Of course, he wasn't satisfied. He took the bottle, and rubbed the neck and opening with his sleeve, nine times. Yep. Nine times. Counting every single one. He smiled nervously, while Gwen only glared at him for this.

/// Trent ///

"Sweet! I think I just scored a few extra bonus points!"

/// End ///

/// Gwen ///

"And... we're back to zero on the relationship scale. Not- Not that anyone's counting! I mean, y'know, besides Trent..."

/// End ///

I sighed, and approached them both, taking some medication out my shoulder bag. "It's probably hay fever. I've got some Piriton, it should help." She sniffled again, and took the box from me. "Thanks, Lewis." "No problem. Let me know if you need any more." I could feel the glare from Trent as I got up and walked back to my seat. I mean, if you want to be a good boyfriend, then don't rudely wipe your bottle in front of your girlfriend. Allergies aren't contagious, by the way.

I sat back in my chair, and relaxed, yet again. "Hey, Lewis." Justin began. I raised a brow at this, and responded to him. "What's up, dude?" "I was just thinking, it would be a great idea if we were in an alliance." I didn't really like the sound of that. I sat up properly, and turned my entire body towards him. "I'm not supposed to do that. It's against the rules of the game?" He sat up, too, and did the same thing. "Yeah, I know that, but Chris doesn't have to know. Plus, wouldn't Beth be jealous of you? I know you wanna make her pay for what she did to you." I thought for a few seconds.

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