2008: A Space Owen

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I was the first one to wake up this morning.

. . . Mainly because I woke up crying, but that wasn't the point.

I woke up first.

After clearing my eyes of any sign that I was crying, I headed outside, and just when I did, these loud ass speakers suddenly blared the most space-age music I've ever heard in my life. Obviously, I reacted to that, and. . . not in the best way possible. I think my yelling woke made everybody else go outside to check what the commotion was.

". . . What's going on?" Harold asked, as everybody walked out of the trailers, groaning and whining at the noise. Duncan was the last to walk out, and he looked quite uncomfortable. "Argh. . . argh! My back! Huh! What's with the mattresses?! Are they filled with rocks, or something?!" I raised a brow as I turned my head to Duncan, and noticed Harold grinning.

Okay, Harold's totally-

/// Harold ///

"Maybe I filled Duncan's mattress with rocks. . . and maybe I didn't. But, yeah." He sniggered, and held two large rocks in his hands. "I totally did!"

/// End ///

Beth and Courtney walked up to all the boys, although not intending to talk to them. Courtney glanced upwards at them all beside me, and furrowed her brows in disgust. "Can you believe those three, Beth? What a bunch of Neanderthals!" I glanced to my side, wanting to know what she meant, and I picked it up pretty quickly. They were all grunting like cavemen. I did not want to be associated with cavemen, so I took a step to the right, further away from them.

Both me and Courtney were surprised to see that Beth was hooting excitedly, and pointing behind everyone. We shared a look of disbelief, before walking over to where Beth was pointing, with every other contestant. I looked at Dad and Chef in confusion, since they were reusing the old costumes from the Stone Age flick.

"Good morning, cast! Or, should I say, 'Good middle of the night'? Hope you are all well rested, and ready to boldly go where very few men, and even fewer ladies have gone before." I processed this, trying to put together my dad's stupid riddle that he just loves introducing every challenge with. Harold raised his hand to his chin, and questioned the costume choice. Everyone looked at him whilst doing so.

"Wait a sec! I could have sworn we already did cavemen movies. . . ?" Dad nodded, and proceeded to explain why they were dressed the way they were. "We did, Harold! But, we had to reuse the costumes, since my astronomical salary accounts for. . . ooh. . . roughly 97% of the show's budget."

/// Lewis ///

". . . Wait a second. Am I supposed to be getting paid for this?!"

/// End ///

"Agh, dude! It's the middle of the night!" Duncan complained, trying to get the ache in his back to go away. "And, I was having the best dream about a bottomless deep dish pizza!" Owen added, whining sadly. "Sorry, Owen." Dad apologized, clearly uncaring for his feelings. "While today's movie genre may start at the dawn of time, it quickly moves up, up, and away!" 

Beth immediately understood what they were doing today, or rather. . . tonight. "Ohh! I get it, now! We're doing outer space movies!" Courtney narrowed her eyes, with a hand on her hip. "What was your first clue, genius?"

/// Beth ///

"I think splitting off from the guys, and forming a girl's alliance with Courtney  is really paying off. I mean, you heard her, right? She called me a 'genius'! It's a shame I'm starting to like Lewis again, though. . . I can't help it! He's got swoopy hair and shiny eyes that I could just swim in, he's like. . . Justin-type hot!" She suddenly realized what she was saying. "Um-! Just kidding, Brady! Haha. . ."

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