Riot On Set

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We were up extremely early. I mean, like 3:00 am early. I'm used to it, though. Hospital can be surprisingly demanding sometimes, especially if you're a famous person, and there's a bunch of obsessive fans waiting outside your ward, just to catch a glance of you.

Once again, I was on airhorn duty. So... I guess I had to tend to that. "Careful, Mani. This'll be loud." I warned the mouse in my pocket. He burrowed slightly further down in response to this, which was normal, considering we usually understood each other.

After a few seconds, I decided it was a good time, and it rang out throughout both trailers, causing both teams to jolt awake in quite a mood. I spoke through the megaphone, trying to not be harsh, but... also be harsh. If you know what I mean.

"All crew on set! Call time is 4:00 am!"

/// Beth ///

"At first, I thought he was talking to the CREW crew, not us. I was really hoping they'd replace Chris the Creep with a nice host this time around. Y'know, one that doesn't force his kid to scream into a megaphone at three in the morning! Is that mean? ...Sorry."

/// End ///

All the girls got out of their trailers first, and every single one was as exhausted as the next. The order went something like this; Gwen, Lindsay, Leshawna, Heather, and Beth. Leshawna, obviously, had something to say about it. "I can't believe I'm doing another season of this show." But, clearly, I had missed someone, because E-Scope jumped and skipped out of the cabin, energetic as ever.

The boys got out last, and the same feeling went for them. They were all exhausted. The order went like this; Owen, Trent, Justin, DJ, Harold, Duncan. Harold, just like Leshawna, had something to complain about, in his own nerdy way. "This continuing, sadistic wake up call is messing with the natural rhythms of my mind clock. My mojo will be destroyed."

I clicked my tongue, and put my hands on my hips. "Yeah, well, I'm not exactly happy about it either. Plus, you're on a film set now, and you're gonna have to learn that show biz is not all red carpets, and pool parties. Today, you're gonna be taught just how tough on-set production life can be."

Gwen raised a brow and spoke, while Heather rolled her eyes at the both of us. "Whatever. I can deal. I once had a summer job at a petting zoo. It's so adorable. Everybody feeding the adorable goats their adorable cabbages. But somebody, i.e. me, had to shovel up the less adorable end of the digestive track." I did not exactly care for that information, but I heard it, nevertheless.

"Speaking of which, it's time to pick your teammates, and then try to stick it to the team your, uh, little boyfriend chooses." I made a quick glance to Trent, who seemed rather upset about that. "I am not little! But... we're not gonna get all competitive and nasty, are we?" He nervously asked Gwen, who shook both her head and her hands. "Absolutely not! We learned from last season, right?"

Everyone got into random lines, which was rather annoying, but it had to be like that, 'cause I obviously wasn't allowed to confront it. "Okay, let's just get this bloodbath of a popularity contest over and done with. You're gonna choose 'schoolyard' style. Boy, girl, boy, girl. Y'know, the pattern that literally nobody likes. Ladies first, and... since we clearly have no ladies here, Gwen. Pick first."

She sighed in uncertainty, before shrugging, and pointing to someone. "I dunno. Duncan?" Trent gasped dramatically, obviously betrayed, while Duncan smirked at Gwen.

/// Trent ///

"I can't believe she just went ahead and chose Duncan! I mean, they're kind of alike. And, now she wants to be on the same team? What am I supposed to make of that?! You think you know a person!"

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