Aftermath II: Forgive and For Gwen

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"He's... WHAT?!" 


"And you didn't tell me until NOW!? A WEEK LATER?!"

Ah, crap.

My cover's been blown. I still don't know if I'm using that right.


Chris looks pretty angry. And upset. And.. sorta both. Also scared.

Basically, Chris wanted to know why everybody was acting suspicious about me, and it didn't take long before Harold cracked under the non-existent pressure, and he sorta spilled everything he knew. And Chris flipped. Which brings us up to now.


That can't be good. I may not know a lot about him right now, but I know he's got one of the shortest tempers ever, like, in the world. Shorter than Eva's. I think.


I can't write what he said, because I'd probably get into trouble for writing it, if anyone ever read this. But, it was bad. He's really angry.


"Darn kids, makin' me drive all the way out here for some crappy... kid, are you sure you're okay? I mean, you nearly died!" He asked me. "Um... yeah. I- I mean, I think I am. I should be." I was slightly nervous. Being in a car with a guy who'd nearly choked out four teenagers at the same time can put you on edge.

We were going to that Aftermath place, where all the other people that weren't allowed on Action were. Chris said it was too risky bringing me to an actual doctor in my 'current situation', so they tried to come up with another solution, which, I think in his words, was 'putting him around people he knows' to help, or something like that.

...To be honest, I was scared. There were too many people. Too many faces, and names, and voices, and things I had to remember. I didn't like that.

I had a boyfriend to act like I remembered everything with, I had this whole thing called 'Team E-Scope', or something, and apparently, we were, like, 'best friends', I have an enemy, for God's sake!

If I can't even remember how I lost a limb, how the hell am I supposed to remember the people I was around...?

Once I heard the car door slamming, I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, and got out of the car. I was only feeling, like, weirder the closer I got to the studio. Chef seemed to notice, because he literally slowed down to talk to me. "You sure you're okay?" "...Mhm. I'm fine!" "Hmph. Those two so-called 'hosts' won't be when I'm done with 'em."


It wasn't very fun being told to leave the room when Chef wanted to talk to Geoff and Bridgette. It also wasn't very fun hearing them being yelled at through the wall.

I guess it was okay seeing Cody before the show. It was a change from everybody being tense.

"I- I thought you were out of commission! After Gwen'd told me what happened, I tried calling you, but you wouldn't pick up, and I got super scared! W-Wait, um, you remember that I'm dating you, right?" 

Gwen told me he was 'puny', but this is just pathetic. Why's he so concerned about everything?

"I- Don't worry. I do. I- It's sorta... smaller details now, I guess. I think I got hit on the head, or something, which is why I can't remember a bunch. It's just... I don't know what I should..." The conversation between us was interrupted when Cody's phone started buzzing.  When he checked it, he sighed with a mixture of relief and disappointment, I think?

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