The Princess Pride

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Everybody was just messing around in Craft Services. I mean, well, everyone but me and Courtney. She was doing something on her PDA, and I was trying to understand how you were supposed to feel after a break up. I mean, it had been about a week and a half since the whole thing, so I was kind of. . . well, I wasn't really sure what to feel when it happened, either.

Duncan got up on the table, and started imitating Chris. "Ten more seconds! Biggest burrito wins!" I rolled my eyes, and crossed out another idea in my notebook. "Hey. Think I'd make a good reality show host?" Duncan asked us both, and I responded before Courtney did.

"I mean, if you hosted a show about doing stupid stuff." "Uh, excuse me, doing stupid stuff is where it's at. What about you, Princess?" He turned his gaze to Courtney, who was less than enthusiastic about the question.

"Excuse me, I'm strategizing." Duncan mocked her, and pretended it was this massive thing. "Ooooh!" Courtney frowned, and turned to Duncan. "If you'd strategize, maybe you could manage something more articulate." He chose to mock her again. "Maybe you could blah, blah, bl-" Harold interrupted, as his watch beeped. "Time's up, co-competitors!"

Duncan pointed at Lindsay. "Hey, Linds, what do you got?" Lindsay held up the plate. It was two burritos tied together with a friendship bracelet. "Look! Beth and I are B.F.F!" She exclaimed, and her and Beth explained what it meant. "Burrito friends forever!" Duncan walked over with wide eyes, shocked at the presentation.

"Did you belt your burrito?" Beth nodded. "It's a custom friendship bracelet I made, to join our two burritos for always, and ever!" He put a hand on his chin, analysing it. "Weird, disturbing, but biggish. It qualifies." He then walked over to Harold, rolling his eyes. "Geek wad, you manage to make yours any bigger?" "I give you. . . the Luscious Leshawna!" He put his plate on the table, and it was a burrito replica of Leshawna.

"Aw. . . that is so sweet!" Beth and Lindsay cooed at it at the same time. Justin wasn't too impressed, though. "Sweet? Check out the guns on these beans!" He'd replicated the 'muscles' on his arms. It really wasn't impressive, despite him trying to be hot. "Nothing. You feel nothing?!" "Not a tingle." Beth answered, and was followed by Lindsay. "Not even an ingle."

"Man! This scratched schnoz has destroyed my looks, and my life! Why?!" He covered his face, before raising a fist to, I believe, what he thought was God. I mean, it wasn't God's fault that injury and ugly people existed. "Hey, Justin, calm down. It's not the worst. I mean, you could look like Beth." She sent me a glare, and I ignored her.

"Harold, your pathetic portrayal of puppy love makes me want to hurl. But, you did make the biggest burrito. So, you win." Duncan announced, and Justin found it incredibly unfair. He walked into the middle of the tent, and raised his voice. "This isn't right. I demand a second neutral opinion!"

He glanced at me and Courtney. "Dude. You're getting antsy over a burrito." I commented, but Courtney had a different remark. "Please. I'm not coming anywhere near the infected." At those words, Justin completely freaked. "Who's infected? Is there a rash?! I can't afford a rash!" It was pretty obvious what Courtney meant. Well, I thought so, but I had a hint to explain.

I chuckled, and shook my head. "No, no. You all have this thing called 'reality show-itis'. It's not real, but it's just a way of saying you guys turn every day tasks into crazy challenges." Courtney followed this up. "Thus. . . losing focus on the real competition, which, I refuse to do."

/// Justin ///

"When my good looks went, so did my winning edge. But Courtney's still managing to kick butt, and she's not nearly as good looking as I am!" He paused, before sighing. "Okay. As I WAS."

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