Celebrity Manhunt's TDA Reunion Special

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[going to be a VERRRRYYYY long chapter. if you don't really like reading for a long time, that's okay! so, in order to get you a bit hooked, let me say this: lewis breaks the law.]

"Hey there, celebrity lovers! Welcome to a very special edition of Celebrity Manhunt." A tall, black-haired host spoke, glancing at he blonde-haired female beside him. She, of course, began to talk after him. "Tonight is the night we've been waiting for all year. . . the Gemmy Awards! That's when our fave TV stars get all dressed up, and take home the gold." She explained, and the man continued this for her.

"In about a half an hour, we'll take you right onto the red carpet, to meet the hottest stars!" He said, and the blonde girl began to chat, as if the audience wanted to hear her opinion. "I am so pumped for this. Are you, Josh?!" She asked the man, rightfully named Josh, who enthusiastically responded. "Oh, yeah!"

"The shoes!" She presented her own heels. "The tuxes!" Josh said, holding both hands up to his suit. "The hair!" She held up her hair, and Josh finished this off with furrowed brows. "The drama!" They both then squealed in front of the camera, getting the audience to manage their energy without bluntly telling them too.


Slamming the hood of the car shut, Lewis stood up, wiping some sweat off his brow. "Whew! Well. . . with that engine fixed, I'm hoping this thing won't break down again. It's a pretty junky vehicle, though, so we'll have to see." He glanced over at Noah, who was making sure to avoid any and all paparazzi. "Thanks. Chris expects me to know how to fix a car. I'm only an assistant, not a mechanic."

Chuckling lightly, Lewis shrugged in response. "Eh, I know a guy. Italian, nice, baby-faced if you ask me. . . but he's a bit weird sometimes. Switching up a lot. I don't mind too much, though. They're all super sweet with me." He explained, and Noah scoffed mockingly. "Of course YOU would know a guy like that." Gasping dramatically, Lewis put a hand on his chest. 

"I am SO offended! Ha, but, no, really. Need any help with life advice, sports, fixing cars, catching animals. . . he's your guy. Or, uh, girl, depending on who you talk to." "Hmph. Might check him-slash-her out." Noah responded, moving to the side so the silent chauffeur could get into the car. 


Blaineley widened her eyes, before narrowing them. "Welcome back to Celebrity Manhunt! We thought we'd pay tribute to this year's most famous reality teen show cast. . . the teens who braved it all on the set of Total Drama Island. . . AND Total Drama Action! We'll catch you up on Beth, Owen, Heather, Trent, Duncan, Gwen, Lindsay, Katie and Sadie, Cody, Noah, Justin, DJ, Courtney, Harold, Tyler, Eva, Izzy, Leshawna, Geoff, Bridgette, Ezekiel, and we mustn't forget Lewis! They're nominated in the category of Best Reality Ensemble!"

Clenching his fist confidently, Josh spoke. "I think they're gonna nail it, Blaineley!" "No doubt." Blaineley nodded in response to this. "And when they reunite on that crimson rug, Celebrity Manhunt will drain every last drop of drama from these uber famous teens." "Love it!" They both said, and fist bumped at the idea. "Total Drama may have ended, but the drama goes on and on! Our crack team of undercover gossip reporters have been super busy this year." Blaineley explained, letting the camera shift to each teen.

"Poser boy got his party on. . . Miss Know-It-All was caught with her pants down in Paris. Zut alors! Meanwhile, has Duncney gone rabid? The Celebrity Manhunt cameras caught them all! Even Gwen spotting Heather's three ounce weight gain!" Josh continued these statements from Blaineley, with his own. . . ahem. . . 'input'. "Oh! I can't wait to see those kitties bare their claws on the red carpet. Rawr!" Blaineley frowned at him, and silently told him to shut up, putting him down quickly.

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