One Flu Over the Cuckoos

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[TW: Suggested ED, illness, sickness/vomiting)

I don't know what about me Izzy seemed to like, but she was dragging me around, like, everywhere she went. She seemed to have an exploration spree before joining back up with the other teams. "Ha, everything is SO much smaller than I remember it!" "Maybe Kaleidoscope had a superiority complex?" I suggested, although it wasn't intended to be heard.

"I still can't believe Gwen made a side deal with the other team... Hm. Didn't know she had it in her." Duncan stated. I mean, I could totally believe that she would do that, but that's not exactly what had happened. I didn't bring it up, though. It'd only bring more tension than there already was. ...Wait a second.

"I remember that bush! I remember that tree! I- Oof!" Izzy was so busy remembering her memories that she'd stumbled over a rock, and because she wouldn't let go of my hand, I was taken down with her. "H-Hey!" She quickly stood up, finally letting go of me. I huffed, and stood up, brushing myself off. "Heh. Oh, I remember that rock! Heh, hey rock!" 

"Well, I can't believe they let Izzy back. They totally negated our numbers advantage!" Heather complained, before shadowing her mouth with her hand, and speaking to Duncan, although obnoxiously loud. "And that's the ONLY advantage we had." Leshawna could tell that this was directed at her, and shoved a finger in her face. "Don't you be starting something, girl!"

"Guys. There's a time and place for everything, and this is certainly not the time." I spoke up, glancing up at the sky for a millisecond, before looking back down. Lindsay seemed to agree, for she yawned, and began to walk to her trailer. "Well, goodnight, everybody! Oh?" When she tried to unlock the door, it wouldn't budge. She pulled a bit too hard, though, because she crashed into the door, and fell backwards almost immediately.

I wasted no time in helping her up, just in case she was injured, or had a concussion, or something like that. Duncan tried his trailer, but it was just the same for him. "Hey, who locked the door?!" He pulled on it harder, growling, but it still failed to open. So, he just gave up, when Izzy said she wanted to try. "Wait, wait, let me try it!" She ran straight for the door, only to crash into it just like Lindsay had, and fell directly onto the ground.

"COPS!" She sat up once she heard sirens, and it took me a few seconds to realize that was just an ambulance. "Izzy, that's just-" However, I was only tuned out by louder sirens. The ambulance skid to a stop, leaving behind a gurney covered by a sheet. The ambulance drove off again, and Heather immediately assumed worst-case scenario. "Ew, what is that?! A dead body?" Much to my surprise, Duncan assumed even worse. "Or an undead body."

Much to my expectancy, it was just Dad being an idiot again. He managed to make basically everybody uncomfortable before scaring the crap out of Harold, but to be honest, I found that somewhat entertaining. "Calm yourselves! No one's dead... yet. I'm here to prep you plucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet. These textbooks hold the sum total of eight years of med school. And, each one of you gets one because tomorrow, we're gonna play doctor!"

/// Duncan ///

"I hate doctors. They just get off on telling people stuff that they don't wanna hear, like, 'Don't pick at that scab!', or- or 'If you eat nothing but pickled eggs, you'll die.' Hey! Don't tell me what I can't eat! Now... playing doctor. Playing doctor, I can handle.

/// End ///

/// Harold ///

"I could be a doctor if I wanted to. I have plenty of hands-on experience, 'cause I've contracted more than three hundred known diseases. And, I've been cured of nearly all of them. But, there is no known vaccine for loving Leshawna."

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