Aftermath I: Trent's Descent

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[3rd Person P.O.V]


Geoff and bridgette sat on a couch, with applause of an unseen audience in the background. "What's going on everyone? Welcome to the brand new, totally off-the-hook, Total Drama Action Aftermath show!" There was another round of applause, as Bridgette began to talk. "We're coming to you live, to dish out everything Total... Drama... Action!" "This is where the real action is! Yeah-yeah! I'm Geoff." "And I'm Bridgette." "You may remember us from such series as Total Drama Island, and its even more thrilling sequel, Total Drama Action! Ha-hoo!"

"WHICH we were voted off of for kissing, and lost out on a million bucks." Bridgette folded her arms, and turned her line of sight away from Geoff. "I still say making out makes for awesome television." Geoff shrugged at his own rebuttal, before continuing. "But hey, we've got our own show, and this is way more fun, right? Yeah!" This caused cheering from the audience again, which lightened up Bridgette, and caused her to laugh.

"Right. Now we get to hang with you, and we're super stoked for the new season!" "What'd you think of it so far? The film lot. Totally awesome, right?" The clapping and cheering erupted from the audience again, with the uncommon whistle to go with it. "We are SO psyched to be here!" The camera then panned to the right to reveal the previous contestants that did not make it onto the second season.

"Yeah. Speak for yourselves." Eva said, very sarcastically. "I... was speaking for myself. Heh, but glad you reminded us you're here. Eva, everyone!" The cheering rose up, quite loudly, which caused Eva to anxiously wave at the audience. "We've brought along all our peeps from last season!" "They may be losers, but not in our book. Right, Geoff?" Bridgette added on, which caused Katie and Sadie to 'aw' at her generosity. "Aww!" "That is so sweet, you guys!"

Geoff and Bridgette then went ahead, and began to introduce everyone, pairing up clips with them. Most of them, something embarrassing. 

"Alright! We've got Cody!" Gwen was about to get hit by a ball, until he jumped in the way. Unfortunately, it hit him directly in the kiwis.

"And Noah!" He looked rather proud of himself for someone with a clip of him kissing Cody's ear.

"Ezekiel." Simple, he was just picking his nose.

"Ha-ha! Yo, homeschool! Ha-ha! Let's give it up for Eva!" She noticed Cody trying to grab her MP3 player, and nearly bit off his hand.

"Katie and Sadie!" This is where the clips stopped. They both spoke over each other, very excitedly. "Oh my gosh!" "We are so super excited to be here!" "And a shoutout to Courtney!" Courtney was busy speaking into her PDA, to her lawyers. "We are gonna sue the pants off this show, Michael!" "Uh... whoops. Uh, okay." Geoff anxiously rubbed his neck, before signalling to Bridgette to switch the topic of focus. 

"And, Tyler!" He winked at the camera, as, strangely, a clip of him played. He was water-skiing towards the island. Out of nowhere, he tripped up, and fell off of his skiis.

"There you are, dude! Will somebody please tell Lindsay?" Geoff cracked a joke, which sent the audience into bursts of laughter. "We've also got a ton of texts and emails from all of you!" "Plus, we'll have a couple of you on webcam, which is super, super cool." 

"Izzy- I mean, Kaleidoscope, will be here!" Bridgette corrected herself almost instantly, but it seemed the mistake was actually on purpose, because of her tone. "And of course, Trent!" Geoff held a thumbs-up, while the audience went wild with applause, yet again. Bridgette, however, toned them down when she began to talk. "Aww, poor Trent, right? What happened to him is just so wrong."

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