The Chefstank Redemption

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"Crime. Right up your alley, huh?" I questioned, tilting my head. "Is that another attack against my previous actions?" He responded to me. "Yes. Yes, it is. I don't get why we have to lock 'em in their trailers, though..." I spoke, backing away from the boys' one, key in hand. "Well, at first, I was gonna try a new approach to the challenge, but then I thought it'd just be funnier if I wait for them to charge the door."

"And... I'm guessing you unlock it before they break it down?" It was actually pretty obvious what the answer to that was. I mean, that would be kinda funny. "That is right."

/// Harold ///

"Rule number one. Do not wake Owen's beast within first thing in the morning."

/// End ///

They were being so loud I could hear them through the metal walls. That wasn't just the boys, actually. The girls were arguing, too. I guess that the arguments weren't exclusive to my first night's stay, then. But, since Dad wanted to change into his 'outfit' for the challenge, I was keeping an eye on the whole situation with them breaking down the door.

It was actually boring. Even with everybody's strength combined, they were having some amount of trouble doing anything related to damaging the door. 

/// Gwen ///

"Ever since the whole awful Trent thing went down, I've just been waiting for karma to bite me in the butt. But, what could I do? He was my weakness. My Achilles' heel! We all have one. And luckily, Heather has a whole bunch of useful ones. Glittery objects, new hair products, shameless flattery..."

/// End ///

"Huh. I wonder if they're actually doing anything in there." I put a hand to my chin as it got suspiciously quiet. However, that's when I heard yelling coming from inside the boy's trailer. "Ah. Guess I jinxed it. Oh, well." I walked up and unlocked the door, opening it to be met with every single one of the boys to come flying out. 

I turned around to find the girls had come out of their trailer, too. "Nice going. I didn't even notice you. Which, considering today's challenge, will prove to be extremely useful." "What kind of riddle is THAT supposed to be?" Heather glared at me, which, to be honest, didn't faze me. "Hope you all enjoyed your first taste of the gulag!" Dad came back, all dressed up like a police officer.

Lindsay, however, was incredibly confused. "Gulag? I didn't get any gulag!" "Well, prepare for it to get a whole lot worse. Because today is... prison flick day!" We were both met with many, many sighs and complaints from each contestant. A bit ungrateful, if you ask me, but whatever they want to think. "Lovely. At least we've got the only actual ex-con on our team." Heather was referencing Duncan, which he wasn't at all pleased about. "It was only juvenile detention, don't get too excited."

Out of nowhere, my dad went on an entire rant about prison. "Ah, prison... The confinement. The claustrophobia. The vile, nasty food. And, you're always looking over your shoulder, 'cause Mr. Killer Dude wants to cut ya for taking the last tater to! And no mater how hard you try, digging out spoonfuls of dirt, year after year, there's no escape! Unless you get voted off, of course." I glanced at him, slightly concerned. "That sounds like a personal experience..."

/// Harold ///

"Talk about overkill. This place is plenty prison-like already. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, I should probably be locked up for the ladies' sake anyways."

/// End ///

We'd moved over to the actual set, where it was designed to look like a prison. It was made strangely accurately, for someone who'd never even seen a prison flick before. I was talking about my dad. I've seen a prison flick, they're nothing like this.

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