Masters of Disasters

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[uh-oh, here's another session of 'lewis nearly dies']


I was reading a book that I had still yet to finish in Craft Services, while listening to music. Where everyone was eating their crappy breakfast, full with cockroaches. I was already in a bad mood because of what happened last night. Harold quickly coughed up his gruel, and wiped his mouth. "I really miss DJ's cooking. It was as awesome as this is completely grossitating." "Yeah, uh, can't you cook for us, Lewis?" I looked up from my book. "Yes." "Really!?" "No."

I returned my focus down to my book, but suddenly perked up when I heard Beth speak. "I wish my boyfriend was here. He's such a great cook." I spun around almost instantly, and laughed mockingly, pulling my headphones down around my neck. "BOYFRIEND?! YOU have a boyfriend?!" "Oh, yeah. I have a boyfriend. I love my boyfriend. What? Didn't I mention my boyfriend before?"

"You... sure do like that word, 'boyfriend'. When did you two meet?" Leshawna said suspiciously. "We met between TV seasons." Beth explained. I raised a brow. "Weren't you guys at Playa des Losers for the entirety of those... months? When did YOU have time to get a boyfriend?" I spoke, narrowing my eyes. "I was on medical leave to go to the orthodontist! He was getting his braces off at the same time as me. At first, I wasn't into him. After the braces came off, look out! Such a cutie."

She held up a photo of this 'boyfriend', and it looked like a stock image. There was no way any boy could look that perfect. Well, apart from Justin. Speaking of Justin, him, Owen and Lindsay all snickered at the photo, which confused Beth a bit.

/// Izzy ///

"Okay! I bought a lotta junk off late-night infomercials, but I ain't buyin' that!"

/// End ///

Me and Heather looked at each other in disbelief, before she spoke up. "So, you have a boyfriend, huh? Prove it." Beth, surprisingly, was eager to tell us more about this boyfriend of hers. "Sure! I can tell you everything about him. He's 6'0 tall, has light brown hair, blue eyes, size 10 shoe, 32 pant with a 34-inch inseam!" Justin snatched the photo of him, and turned it around suspiciously. "Wait a second. Those stats are all written on the back of his picture. I know a comp card when I see one. Because I'm a... professional male model!"

"Yeah, we get it, Mr. Man-Candy, sir." I said, flicking a cockroach away from my book. "Yeah, well... maybe he's a model, too! You ever thought of that?" Beth took her photo back, and frowned. Duncan scraped his bowl of gruel into Harold's while talking. "No. No one ever thought of that." Leshawna raised a brow. "You been chasing after a boyfriend all this time, with a honey back home?" She got angry at her final words, because she saw it as ungrateful.

Beth grinned, and held the photo close to her chest. "Sure, my boyfriend's a model, but he's still just a guy. Justin is a super-model! I can't help myself! Now that my braces are off, it's a whole new dating world." "Oh, honey, you'll find out soon it really isn't." I remarked, although was brushed off. I didn't really care though.

"Aw, cool, bendy straws! These are just like the ones they had at the hospital where I had my kidneys switched." Harold exclaimed, as he took a few. Owen seemed interested, and let Harold explain. "I was born with a rare kidney condition. My left kidney was where the right one should be." Leshawna's eyes widened. "You had a surgical kidney swap!?" "That's right. I'm a rare case." He said proudly. Heather scoffed, and rolled her eyes. "Hm! You're a rare case, alright." Harold shoved a handful of straws in his pocket. "Whatever. I'm loading up!"

Owen was eating noisily, nearly like a dog. "Owen, mind keeping it down?" I glanced his way.

I couldn't hear my music over his sloppy eating! That's shocking, because my music is loud enough that anybody near me can hear it coming from my headphones.

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