Dial M for Merger

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[i've decided to merge the teams NEXT episode, because it doesn't fit into what i want to happen this chapter. ignore the 'merge' pun in the title.]


I was just sitting around the fire with the other contestants, but it was clear some weird tension was going on between these people. I had no clue why, but I wanted to ease it a little bit. When I tried, though. . . "So. . . ! Um. . . how are you guys doing. . . ?" "I don't think we need any of your opinion, as of late. So, keep your mouth shut." Courtney folded her arms and glared at me, and for once in my life. . . I actually felt obligated to listen to her.

I looked down at the ground nervously, staying quiet. That's about the moment Leshawna came up, holding a sandwich absolutely covered in flies. "Ugh! I keep eatin' like this, and my booty's gonna get fiddy!" Nobody responded to her because they were angry with her. I didn't respond to her because I knew that Courtney blabbed to everyone about me helping Leshawna. I could see nobody liked that, either. "See!? Now, that is not kosher. What's a girl gotta do? I've said I'm sorry about that teensy spa lie just about a million times now!"

/// Courtney ///

"And that is the only million Leshawna will ever see." She laughed mockingly, holding her PDA up into her ear. "My lawyers are working on it right now!"

/// End ///

Leshawna came over to me, Duncan and Harold, quite surprised. "Even my own teammates?! Lewis?" Harold stood up, cheering for her both half-heartedly, and unwillingly. "I can't talk right now. Courtney's looking at me. . ." I did talk, although not loud enough for the other team to hear. With that piece of information, she turned her attention back to Harold. "Careful. You'll get windburn from movin' so fast!" Duncan raised a brow. "Hey. I don't trust anybody anyway, so. . . heh. . . biz as usual, teamie." "Bleak, yet oddly heartwarming."

Our attention was drawn away from each other when Lindsay grunted. I looked upwards, to see she was struggling with getting the door open. "Ugh! Door! It's me, Lindsay, from this morning! You remember. . ." Courtney watched this in annoyance, before speaking up. "Door, meet doorknob!" "Oh, yeah!" 

When Lindsay tried the handle, though, a camera came down and scanned her face. "Intruder alert. Entry denied." The stairs to the trailer folded so that they turned into a ramp, and Lindsay slid down them, into this pit that had just appeared in the ground. When Duncan ran over to check on her, he got hit in the neck with a blowdart, and passed out, also into the pit. "DUNCIE!" Courtney yelled, which made me raise a brow. "Dun. . . huh?" Courtney ran over to the pit, but she also got knocked out, but I didn't really pay attention to how. 

Like, I do not know why everybody was so terrified of being knocked out. They all ran out into the single available trailer, and literally left Harold behind, outside, completely out in the open.

I'm starting to understand that natural selection does not always mean survival of the fittest.

Two interns came up to me holding, like, a bomb or something. "Yo, dude, we're gonna knock those kids out. Wanna do it?" I blinked in confusion, processing the question. "Uh, aha, obviously!" I took it, and immediately headed round to the closest window. I slid it open, to see absolute havoc going on in the trailer.

They were using tables and pillows to block the door, Beth was sobbing, Justin was covering his face, and Leshawna just looked overwhelmed by everything going on at once. "Um. . . are you guys. . . cool?" I asked, propping myself up in the window. "I'M HIDEOUS!" "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" "What do you think?! We're gonna die in here!"

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