One Million Bucks, B.C.

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[for any courtney stans, here's a trigger warning. i'm highlighting everything courtney does to be unlikeable, and making it plain obvious. mainly because lewis doesn't like her.]

'Cause I had a link with Heather, people weren't judging me for going into the girls trailer. Either that, or because they knew I wasn't really a boy. Although both reasons are fine, I'd rather it be the first than last.

I think they were talking about people that'd been booted off, or something, but I was busy reading a book, so I was only half-listening.

"What about poor Owen? Oh! Or, that boy I liked, Tyson?" Lindsay asked while brushing her hair, but was not slow to be corrected by everyone else. "Tyler!" "Oh! Sorry. I keep forgetting..." She apologized. "Just like someone else we know." Beth said, crossing her arms, which earned a glare off of me. "Well, at least I can remember my own boyfriend's name!"

I actually couldn't. But, they didn't know that.

Leshawna walked past us both, turning to the vanity mirror. "Hey, now, you two. Anyway, girl's all lawyered up. I oughta try it. Get me the big bucks for being locked up in that safe all day!" She angrily pointed at Heather, who narrowed her eyes. "Well, you stole my spa day! Do the crime, do the time." "Oh, please! It wasn't your spa day! Besides, I could've starved in there, people!" Leshawna worriedly responded, looking downwards. "I seriously doubt that!" Heather chortled, walking away.

"And WHAT is it, exactly, that you planned on doing at the spa with that wash-and-go hair?" She snickered, but was stopped by Lindsay gasping. "Oh no! I've got my hair in a knot! Beth, could you-?" "Here, let me." Heather took the hairbrush, and prepared to get the knot out of her hair.

/// Heather ///

"It kills me that Linds-iot has all that hair on her head, when it's practically her fault I lost mine! I would've chopped it off, but all I had was a hairbrush."

/// End ///

"OW! HEATHER! I think you pulled my eyes into the back of my head!" She anxiously spoke, turning her gaze to Heather, who I could obviously see did that on purpose. "Not a bad idea. With Courtney on your team, you'd better watch your back." Leshawna suggested, rolling her eyes at the thought. "She's so bossy!" Beth complained, furrowing her brows. "And, it's not like we needed another know-it-all on the show." Lindsay spoke with a wave of her hand.

"Oh... really?" Heather grimaced, ripping the hairbrush through Lindsay's hair again. "OWW! I was talking about me! And, also Liam!" At first, I wasn't too bothered, but when she mentioned my name, I got offended. And, it was clear Heather was, too, because she ripped through Lindsay's hair again, making her scream, yet again.

"Now that Bossy McSmarty Pants is back, no one's ever gonna listen to me, like, ever again!" Lindsay further complained, and that was proven when Leshawna asked her a question. "Sorry, did you say somethin', honey?"

/// Heather ///

"I have GOT to get me some hair. Not Leshawna's gross weave, or Beth's pathetic ponytail. And... I'm way too smart to be 'Lindsay' blonde. But, Courtney's? Hers would be perfect." She picked up some large scissors with a smile. "I'm just gonna borrow these, 'kay?"

/// End ///

"Hm. I can smell Justin's cheap, crappy cologne from in here." I said, raising a brow at the trailer door. "Oh- Is that a new one!? He told me he'd just replaced his YESTERDAY!" Beth exclaimed, widening her eyes. I folded my arms, and shrugged. "He goes through them quick. 'Oh, look at me, my agent, Jesus, says it's my best feature! Along my neck, nose, chin, blah-blah-blah.' You would not believe how many times he's said that."

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