Super Hero-Id

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I dunno why Duncan INSISTED on taking the boys out to Craft Services for a late night snack after the announcement of the merge. I wasn't even hungry. Well, I actually figured it out when we were leaving. 

"Hey, Harold! What's that in your pocket?" Duncan questioned, pointing at the bulge in Harold's pocket. "Huh? Oh, that's probably my. . ." Harold felt his pocket, and realized that a burrito was stuffed in there. "Aw, burrito! Sick! Quit picking on me!" He argued, but Duncan didn't mind. "C'mon, I wasn't picking on you. I was picking you up something for later. A healthy diet is critical for a growing wimp."

He noticed that Harold was glaring at him, which he didn't appreciate. "You makin' eyes at me, muchacho?" He shoved Harold forward, and smudged the sauce already leaking out of his pocket. "Oh, come ON!" Harold groaned, storming off. I glanced at Justin in uncertainty, and he returned the look, before speaking up. "Cut it out, you guys. We need to start sticking together." I nodded in agreement, but didn't speak up.

"Haha! Kinda like Harold's butt cheeks!" Duncan remarked, before unnecessarily explaining his joke. "You know, with the beans, and the sticking?" Neither Justin or I laughed. "Dude, there are four girls, and only three of us. Well, four if you count Lewis, but he's not playing for the money. We're outnumbered! With Courtney back, it won't be long before they figure it out." Justin explained. "If they haven't already. The girls are pretty sharp." Harold said, before sucking some hot sauce from the burrito off of his finger. 

"Whatever. We should probably be getting ready to head back to the trailers for some rest anyway. You know how Chris is with loiterers." I explained, shrugging off their current situation. "No, he doesn't care. You mean, 'you know how CHEF is with loiterers. With Chris, the more time we spend awake, the more drama he can get outta us." Duncan said, crossing his arms at me. "Hm. . . fair point."


We were literally brushing our teeth in the bathrooms. Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you. I had no idea there were bathrooms for both genders here. I was under the impression that the communal bathrooms were the ONLY bathrooms.

. . . Okay, that's not really important. Just. . . ignore what I said.

"I'm tellin' you, if we don't boot one of 'em, it'll be one of us, next?" Justin explained, while brushing his teeth. While Duncan spat his toothpaste residue onto the floor, really disgustingly, I spat mine into the sink, like a civilised human being. "I hear ya. Chicks are cutthroat!"

"The views of the contestants on Total Drama Action do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this network and / or this parent company. They may, but not necessarily!"

"Hey, tone it down! Girls aren't all bad! They're just. . . complicated. I mean, I would know. I used to be one." I complained, turning to face the other boys. "Just 'cause you used to be a girl doesn't mean you get girls, man." Duncan responded. "Hm. I think I would. After all, I sure know enough to be accused of sucking face with Heather." 

Everybody seemed shocked to hear it. It was actual silence, and I felt the need to explain. "What? It's on my 'number one' fan's blog. She somehow got footage of me telling Heather a joke. You guys know she won't stop stalking us for new content, right?" I questioned, placing a hand on my hip. "Now- see, that's what I'm talking about! Girls are absolutely crazy!" Justin responded, signalling over to me.


We'd all made our way back over to the trailers, and we were all in bed at this point. "So. . . what do you want to do?" Duncan asked, uncertain about the ways to fix their problem. "About the girls? We need a plan." Justin said, weirdly relaxed about everything. "Since when did you start thinking so much?" Duncan then joked, pointing over to Justin. 

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