Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen

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[3rd Person P.O.V]


"I can't believe how exhausting all that rock 'n rolling was!" Beth said, pushing open the door, and falling face flat on the floor, sighing. Courtney followed her, standing at the open door, groaning in exhaustion. "I can't believe Lindsay voted herself off." Beth pushed herself up off the ground, and turned her head to Courtney. "Yeah, even as her friend, I have to say. . . she really outdid herself."

/// Courtney ///

"It was selfish and thoughtless of Lindsay to leave, so close to the finals! Now, there's three guys, only two girls, and. . . uh. . . whatever Lewis thinks he is. I'm basically being, like, forced to form an alliance with Beth!"

/// End ///

After washing her retainer, Beth spoke up. "Well, Brady and I are going to bed." Beth said, taking the framed photo of her boyfriend, and walking towards her bunk. Courtney was up on her top bunk, her PDA in hand. "Don't you want to stay up for a bit? We could watch a rom-com on my PDA!" 

Beth was already in bed. ". . . No thanks." Courtney had two bags of snacks, and shook them to try and get Beth's attention. "Cheese doodles? Sour grannies?" "Tempting, but. . ." Beth suddenly lashed out at Courtney. "I'm never going to form an alliance with you, so you can find another sucker!"

/// Beth ///

"I've fallen for enough fake friendships to know better. They lure you in, with the promise of chocolate, and before you know it, you are jacked up on cocoa butter, doing all their science homework! Never again!"

/// End ///


[Lewis' P.O.V.]


God, I forgot how loud Owen could be. . .

I could barely shut my eyes because of Owen's snoring. Luckily, I wasn't the only one awake because of it. Duncan glanced down at Owen with wide eyes, mockingly shaking his head in sorrow. But, he lightened up once he heard Harold giggling, for all the wrong reasons. "Hahaha! Come on, blankie, that tickles! Wait a minute. . . blankets don't have souls!"

He jumped out of bed with a scream, and saw himself covered in snails. I narrowed my eyes, and sat up. "Duncan, when are you gonna stop making Harold's life so brutal? He doesn't deserve this anymore." I stood up, and started helping Harold with his snail problem. "I don't know. When it stops being funny? As in. . . never."

I rolled my eyes, and carried the majority of the snails to the door, letting them leave by themselves. Harold was standing beside me. "Out you go, my mollusc amigos!" However, his attention was brought away when he found another snail on his shoulder. "Woah! Check it out! This one snail. . ." He held the snail close to his ear. "She sounds just like Leshawna!" I furrowed my brows, and looked up at Duncan, who returned the look. "Oh, boy."

/// Harold ///

He had the snail rested on his index finger. "She even looks like Leshawna! See?" He held it close to the camera. "Same soft eyes. . . same hard shell. . . same lusciously rounded booty! They could be twins."

/// End ///

"A matchbox? You're putting the snail in a matchbox?!" I questioned, surprised at his carelessness. "Yep! It's a nice home for her. Sweet dreams, Leshawna Junior." He also kissed the snail, which I feel the need to mention. "That's disgusting." I commented, pointing at both the way he kissed it, and the way there's no airholes in the matchbox.

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