Lewis' Bio

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(the layout is referenced from @KayOfAwesome's story, 'Cassidy of Wawanakwa')



Lewis McLean


The Host's Son




October 12th

Physical Features

Dark brown hair, black eyes, 172.7cm (5'8'')

(creds to PotatoLord on picrew

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(creds to PotatoLord on picrew.me/en)


Lewis was born in Newfoundland, was raised there for a section of his life, before moving to Canada, and has an accent, but it's practically non-existent. Visited his dad's cousin a few times, but still got to know him well.

He's physically fit, although not as skilled in cardio workouts. This is mainly sourced from when he spent a great deal of time in the forests around his house. His favourite thing to do is find animal skulls (not in a creepy way).

He's picked up quite a lot from his dad from quite a young age, but still knows where the line of morality stands.

Is incredibly good with medical supplies and treatment. He's read plenty, and had lots of practical work, too. From... you know who's... actions.

Transgender FTM and Gay. Chris has a hard time understanding it at first, but after a bit of explaining, he totally got it and is completely supportive. Chef fought alongside people in the LGBTQ+ so he had no trouble accepting it.

He's a large musical fan. Ride The Cyclone, Hamilton, Mean Girls, Heathers, mainly the ones with some form of drama in them. Doesn't show this publicly, but they're on his playlist.

Both Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action have completely screwed up his sleeping schedule. So, it's basically playing a game of Russian Roulette, but the danger is having a terrible night's sleep.


His journal has taken him his entire life to complete. Well, he's been writing in it since he was five, and it's seemingly endless. (hey that's hammerspace for you)

Lewis' dream is to see Nacreous clouds. He's been waiting his entire life, and hasn't gotten anything on them yet.

Dating Cody, and they're already comfortable with sleeping in the same bed.

He has three dogs. Banjo, Todd and Chris Jr.

Contrary to popular belief, he's not as freaked out by Sierra as he claims. Although, he does find her annoying.

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