The Dark Moon Part 2

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'How long's it been?' Stiles asked as we entered the animal clinic. I jumped onto the table. 'Weeks.' I replied. 'He hasn't gotten back to any of our texts.' I said. 'Derek ever return your texts?' Stiles asked. 'Once.' Scott replied. 'Definitely once, but this time it felt different. So we went to the loft, the alarm was on everything looked okay.' He said. 'Then we found these.' I said grabbing the metal box from Scott and placing it on the table. Stiles picked out one of the many bullets inside, they all had a skull on them. 'We showed it to Doctor D, he said it's the mark of a family of hunters from Mexico.' I explained. 'The Calaveras.' Scott added. 'What would they want with Derek?' Lydia asked. I shrugged not knowing the answer. 'You don't think they killed him do you?' Stiles asked. 'I don't know.' Scott sighed. 'That, is why you're here.' I said pointing a finger at Lydia, she raised her eyebrows at me. I shoved the box in her direction, she rolled her eyes before pulling the box closer to her and putting her hand inside. She grabbed the bullet casings in her hand and a slight frown appeared on her face. She suddenly dropped them on the table. 'Lydia?' I asked quietly. 'Is he dead?' She shook her head. 'No, but I'm not sure he's alive either...' She replied. 'What does that mean?' Scott asked. 'I don't know. There is something not right, I just... I don't know.' Lydia said. 'So if the Calaveras have him how do we find him?' Stiles asked. A grin appeared on my face. 'Mexico baby!'


I opened my eyes and was met with Kira's face. 'They're awake! Guys they're awake!' She called and footsteps came our way. I turned my head and saw Scott was next to me. 'Hey, you alright?' Stiles asked, he crouched down next to me and slightly grabbed my arm. 'Hmm, I'm fine.' I said pulling my arm back. 'They don't have him! They don't have Derek!' Scott said. 'We know.' Kira replied. 'But right now they've got Lydia.' She said. 'Lydia?' I exclaimed. 'What do they want with Lydia?' I asked crawling up and walking towards the door. Scott followed me and we tried to pull the door open but it wouldn't budge. 'We already looked for a way out, I think many people have.' Kira said. I noticed scratch marks on the wall. 'I say when that door opens again, we take out whoever's standing in the way and run for it.' Malia said. 'What about Lydia?' I asked turning around. 'What about her?' Malia asked with a frown. 'We're not leaving without her.' Scott said. 'Why not?' Malia asked, once again confused. Stiles walked towards her. 'Because we don't leave without people remember? We talked about this. Rules of the wild kingdom, don't apply to friends.' He told her. 'Is that what you would do as a coyote? Leave her for dead?' Kira asked. 'If she was weak and injured, yeah.' Malia replied. 'If hunting had been bad that season I would eat her, then I'd leave.' She replied. 'Hm, believe it or not but that's progress.' Stiles said and I scoffed. 'That's some progress you got there Mr. Stilinski.' I sighed crossing my arms over my chest. He looked at me with this look that said we needed to talk later. Scott sighed a little and grabbed my waist pulling me behind him. 'Alright guys, we're not dead yet. Araya wants something.' He said. 'But if the Calaveras don't know where Derek is, it means they didn't take him from the loft right?' Kira asked. 'Maybe he left on his own?' Stiles suggested. 'Or someone else got to him.' I shrugged. The door suddenly opened and a few men walked in with big stun guns that could probably do a lot of damage. They went straight for my brother. 'Hell no!' I growled and jumped in front of him. He pushed the stun gun against my stomach. 'How many volts is that?' I grunted. 'Enough to kill you if you don't move!' He said and tossed me against the wall. 'Sc- Scott!' I called but all I could do was watch them taser him and drag him out of the room. Stiles walked over to me and reached out his hand to help me up. 'Don't! Just... Don't.' I muttered and sat up straight against the wall. He shot Malia a look before sighing and crouching down in front of me. 'You were the one who broke up with me, why are you acting like this?' He asked me. 'You think I made that choice for fun? It hurts me every minute of every day Stiles!' I whisper shouted. 'I miss you, I miss staying over at your house, I miss your dad I miss everything okay! But that doesn't change anything, I should hate you, but strangely I don't. Maybe you should start by making up your mind!' I got cut off by this horrible pain all over my body. I screamed and laid down again curling myself up. 'Stiles? What's wrong with her?' I heard Malia ask. 'I-I don't know. Sammy what is it? What's wrong is it Scott?' He asked me. I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded. I screamed again and tasted my own tears. 'Sammy, tell me what you feel, where does it hurt?' Stiles asked. I screamed again and it turned into a roar. 'Everywhere!' Stiles turned to Malia. 'They're torturing him.' He said. He turned back to me. 'Sammy, can you hear him?' He asked. I shook my head. 'I can't.... Focus... Stiles it hurts!' I yelled. 'Okay, okay, stay here, I'll be right back.' He said and ran over to Malia who was sitting on the other side of the room. 'I can't focus there's too many sounds, too many voices...' Malia said. Stiles crouched down in front of her. 'Okay, it's okay just breathe with me, alright? You practiced this with Scott remember?' He told her. 'I'm trying.' Malia said. 'I know, it's okay, just focus on something, here look at my eyes. Just listen to the sound of my voice anything you have to do just concentrate. Concentrate on...' He was cut off by Malia pressing her lips to his. When she pulled back her eyes were electric blue. I turned my head to the ceiling and cried silent tears. The pain got even worse and I screamed again, I arched my back and my eyes turned yellow. The door opened again and two men entered the room. The walked over to me and lifted me off the ground. 'Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? Where are you taking her?' Stiles exclaimed but he was ignored, they carried me outside down the hallway into another room. I was dropped onto the floor. 'Sammy?' Scott. I rolled over and saw Scott and Lydia both tied to a chair. Kira was being forced to turn the dial on my brother. 'Magnificent.' Araya muttered. 'You stay down there, little girl, now Scott. Who could've taken him? Who has the power? The power of a shape shifter!' She said. 'I don't know.' Scott replied. 'Somebody who could've turned without knowing, turned but not by a bite.' Araya said. 'We don't know!' I growled arching my back again. Araya walked over to Kira and pushed her out of the way, she placed he finger on the dial and turned it all the way. The room and probably the rest of the building were filled with mine and my brother's screams. My eyes shut open. I remembered myself sitting on a bench during lacrosse practice, back when Jackson got all lizard, I remember crazy Kate asking Mr. Argent if you can get turned by a scratch, and I remembered Mr. Argent replying maybe, if the claws go deep enough. I screamed again and then the sound of chains breaking and the pain stopped. I turned my head towards the brother. 'Say the name.' Araya said. Scott looked up and nodded at me. I turned my head towards the ceiling again before we both spoke the name I never wanted to hear again. 'Kate.'


We stepped outside in the warm Mexican sun. 'So... You're just letting us go?' I asked Araya. 'I sent four men out to where Kate has been rumored to have been seen, none of them came back.' She replied. 'Let's see if you can do better.' She smiled. 'You could've just told us she was alive.' Scott shrugged. 'You wouldn't have believed me.' She replied. 'Now I know what kind of alpha you are, and where your next step lies.' She said and I looked up at my brother with a frown. 'What next step?' I asked confused. 'When you take the bite of an innocent. When you make a wolf of your own, when you do that, I will come crossing your border and come knocking at your door.' With that she walked away and Scott and I joined the others at Stiles' jeep. 'So what now?' Stiles asked us. 'She thinks she knows where we can find Derek.' I shrugged. 'Is she gonna tell us where?' Malia asked. 'Actually she's giving us a guide.' Scott said and from a distance I could hear a motorcycle coming our way. I had to pull Stiles back by his collar or he'd be under said motorcycle. The person took off the helmet covering their face and revealed a badass looking girl. 'You know her?' Stiles asked. 'Braeden.' Scott replied. She turned her had towards us and I saw the scars on her neck. 'Who's Braeden?' Malia asked. 'She's a mercenary.' Lydia replied. 'And right now I'm the only who's gonna take you to La Iglesia.' Braeden said. 'The church?' Lydia asked with a frown. 'What church?' Stiles asked. I sighed a little. 'Probably not where you'll find God.'


I'm so scared

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