Time Of Death Part 2

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'Is three enough?' Kira asked referring to the laptops in front of us. 'It depends on how many cameras they have but I think so.' I replied. 'Are we really doing this?' Liam asked. 'We're doing it, tonight.' Scott said. We were in the middle of Scott's living room with mine, Kira's and Sammy's laptop on the table. Scott's could've used his own but he insisted on using his sister's because it had a unicorn sticker on it, he'll use every opportunity he gets to make fun of her that kid. I was really surprised when I woke up this morning and saw she was next to me, for a second I thought I was dreaming again but it turned out she really snuck in last night. And that made me really happy. 'Isn't it kind of dangerous?' Liam asked. 'Yep, it's incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic.' I replied. 'Have you guys done something like this before?' He asked us. 'Something dangerous or something idiotic?' I asked. 'Because both we have.' Kira shrugged. 'You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want it.' Scott said noticing some doubt in Liam's eyes. 'I'm not scared.' He said. 'Well, then you're borderline idiotic.' I shrugged. 'If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us you know that right?' I said looking at all of them. 'How do we even something's definitely coming?' Kira asked. 'The tape from Garret's bag said visual confirmation is always required.' Scott replied. 'Yeah Simon said the same thing, he couldn't get paid by the Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead.' I said. 'So the idea is, when you kill someone on the dead pool but you can't send the proof...' Scott began. 'You can't get paid.' Kira finished. 'How does that get us any closer to the Benefactor?' Liam asked. 'He still needs to know if the target is really dead.' Scott said. 'Especially if it's someone high on the list.' I added. 'So if he wants visual confirmation...' Liam began. 'He's gonna have to come get it himself...' Scott added. 'There's still one thing I don't get though.' Liam said. 'Why isn't Sam here? Out of all people shouldn't she be here?' He asked. 'No, she wouldn't approve of the plan, I know her...' Scott said. 'But with this twin band, wouldn't she feel something's wrong?' Kira asked. 'Yes, there's no way to stop that, she'll probably come to the hospital or at least try calling on of you. I can only pray she won't hate me after this.' Scott sighed.


Melissa entered the room and joined us at the table we were all standing around, with Scott on it. Looking really, really dead. 'I still hate this plan.' She said. 'I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying he looks dead!' She continued. 'Give me your hand.' Mrs. Yukimura said. Melissa looked at me confused and I told her it was okay. She held out her hand and Kira's mother placed it on her sons chest, when she felt his heart beat she sighed with relief. The heartbeat was slow, but it was there. 'Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?' She asked. 'Enough for an alpha.' Noshiko replied. 'How much time do we have?' Melissa asked. '45 minutes.' Noshiko said. 'What happens after that?'

'I bring him back the same way.' Kira said. 'No I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than 45 minutes.' Melissa said. 'No one's told her?' Noshiko asked. Melissa's eyes widened. 'What? What happens after 45 minutes?' She asked. 'He dies.' Melissa lowered her head and took a deep breath. When she looked up again she looked around confused. 'Where's Sammy?' She asked confused. 'Uh, she doesn't know.' I replied quietly. Melissa turned to me with wide eyes. 'She doesn't know? Do you have any idea what that means?' She exclaimed. 'Scott didn't want her to know, he knew she wouldn't agree.' Kira said. Melissa was probably about to explode when my phone rang. I motioned for everyone to be quiet. I saw it was my dad and I frowned. 'Stiles.' Melissa whispered. 'They're connected, Violet almost killed both of them. Are you getting what I'm saying here?' She asked me. My eyes widened and I quickly pressed loudspeaker. 'Dad?'

'Stiles...' He began, his voice hardly above a whisper 'I just had to call an ambulance.' He said. My breathing hitched. 'What do you mean? What's going on, dad? Are you okay?' I rambled. 'I'm fine, I'm fine... It's Sammy. She has no pulse... I... I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I saw shoes at the bottom of the stairs so I went to check but she wouldn't wake up and  oh god...Stiles I...I  don't know what to do.' He replied. My eyes widened and I looked up at Melissa. She knew exactly what happened. 'Dad.' I began witha crack in my voice. 'You have to bring her to the hospital. I'll explain later.' I said. 'Explain lat...? Stiles I can still tell when a person has no pulse!'  He whisper shouted. 'Just trust me. It'll be alright.' I whispered and broke the connection. Melissa turned to Noshiko. 'You said that heartbeat is enough to keep an alpha alive, how about my other werewolf kid?' She asked. 'I... I wouldn't know for sure.' Noshiko replied. 'But this band... that they have. Is very special. I think Scott will keep her alive.' She said. Melissa sighed. 'If this gets both of my kids killed, it won't even matter what superpowers you have, this momma bear will destroy you! Now if you'll excuse I have to go get my daughter who seems to be dead but shouldn't be.' She said and stormed out of the room. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. 'We should've thought about this...We should've known this would happen! How could we be so stupid!' I rambled. 'If he knew he never would've gone through with it...' Noshiko said nodding at Scott. 'Well maybe that would've been better!' I exclaimed throwing my hands up. I sighed again and shook my head. 'I have to get to Argent, I guess we can now tell the Benefactor both McCall's are dead, if he doesn't show up now I don't know what will get him to do so.' I said before leaving the room.


Scott and Samantha McCall dead. Payment requested. That's what Argent send to the Benefactor. I raised my eyebrows. 'That's your assassin speak?' I asked. 'I said they're dead. What more do you want?' Argent shrugged. 'Well is was a little dry, you could've said something like "Target has been neutralized" you know "the crow flies at midnight" that's always cool.' I replied. The Benefactor replied and we both looked down at the computer screen. 'Visual confirmation is required.' It read. We both reached for the keyboard, he motioned that I could do it. 'Type this.' He began. 'Visual confirmation isn't possible, police coming to claim body in forty minutes.' He said. 'Visual confirmation is required for payment.' Was the answer. 'Tell him number one and two on the list are dead, I killed him, and if the wire transfer isn't completed in forty minutes...' He pushed me out of the way and typed the rest himself. 'I'm coming after you.' He typed.


'I'm here, you ready?' Argent asked through the phone. I was in an empty room with Liam and Kira, the laptops on the bed in front of us. 'Try now.' He said. I pushed one of the buttons on the keyboard and different angles of different cameras appeared on the screens of the laptops. Four on each screen. Now all we had to do is wait for the Benefactor to show up.

About 15 minutes later, still a no show, Liam pointed at one of the cameras. 'Is that supposed to look like that?' He asked. The screen was shaking and all messed up and then it just went black. 'No, no, no, it's not...' I muttered. 'Where is that?' Kira asked. 'It's the roof, someone's gonna have to go check it out.' I replied. 'I'll go.' She said. 'Whoa, whoa, this might not just be a malfunction.' I told her. 'That's why I'm bringing this.' She said showing us her Katana. 'I'm coming with you!' Liam called running after her and leaving me all alone. 'Okay and you're both coming right back! Immediately!' I let out a sigh. 'Kids...'

I grabbed my phone and called Melissa. 'Stiles?' She asked right after picking up. 'How's Sammy?' I asked and immediately face palmed myself. Stupid question. Stupid question. 'Well... They declared her dead, so now I'm known as the nurse who lost both her kids in half an hour to unexplainable heart failures. They're both in the morgue... Stiles we better find this son of a bitch so Kira can bring my kids back to life.' She said. 'I know, I know. We will, I promise.' I told her. In front of me the all screens suddenly went black. And also the lights turned off. We lost the power. Son of a bitch. I ran outside the room where I bumped into Argent. 'The powers out in the whole building, I lost all the cameras.' I told him. 'Stay with Scott and Sam, text me if you see or hear anything.' He told me. He looked at his watch and I saw we only had 18 minutes left. Oh god.

Hey guys!
So the idea of a blog just popped into my head and I immediately got super excited hahaha xd I'm not too sure whether do actually go through with it. I really like the idea but I also wanna focus on school a bit more next year. I also don't have an idea what it would be about and all that stuff...

Do you think it's a fun idea and maybe I should try it out?

Also don't forget to leave some love on the chapter!

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