Smoke And mirrors

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I walked into this big garage where three cars were parked. Malia, Liam and Stiles came out of his jeep, Braeden came out of police transport van, don't ask me how she got it I thought the whole US marshal thing was just a cover. And then there was another jeep with Derek and Peter. As soon as I saw that last person I started walking faster. 'Uh, Stiles.' Liam said noticing me walking in Peter's direction. 'Whoa, whoa Sammy wait don't...' Stiles began but my fist had already collided with Peter's face. 'I know you are somehow connected to this! You always are!' I yelled, Derek started pulling me back. 'If my brother gets hurt because of you, you won't be getting out of Mexico.' I warned him. 'Hey, hey, it's okay.' Stiles said grabbing my shoulders. 'Did you get his scent?' Derek asked. 'Yeah I sniffed his pillow.' Malia replied. Derek turned to me. 'It would be kind of pathetic if I didn't know my own brother's scent now would it?' I shrugged. 'Shouldn't we be focusing on getting to Mexico?' Peter began. 'It's a full moon and if Kate took Scott to the same temple where she took Derek how do we know she's not going to do the same thing to him?' He asked. 'What she wants to make him younger?' Liam asked. 'How much younger does he need to be? Back into his diapers? Hell no.' I said. 'Maybe she wants to take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf?' Derek suggested. 'Great, what if she takes me down? How am I supposed to handle this kid without my werewolf powers?' I sighed jerking a thumb in Stiles' direction. 'A werewolf can't steal a true alpha's power.' Peter began. 'But maybe a Nagual jaguar with the power of Tezcatlipoca, maybe she can. So if everyone if officially freaked out, maybe we should get going.' He said. 'We can't. Not without Lydia.' Stiles said. 'Where is she?' I asked. 'At the school grabbing Kira's jacket so we can get her scent.' Malia replied. 'Nothing.' Stiles said holding up his phone meaning he tried calling her. 'If she has a car, maybe she can catch up to us.' Braeden suggested with a shrug. 'But what if something happened, what if she's in trouble?' Stiles asked. 'I could call Mason, he's has a study group at school, maybe he could look for her.' Liam suggested. I nodded and grabbed Stiles' arm. 'Please, I can't take this any longer. We have to go find him.' I whispered. He nodded and kissed my forehead. I walked over to the police transport van with Liam, Derek and Braeden. Stiles was coming with us as well but I heard him ask Malia if she was already with riding with Peter. She said he was her father after all and maybe they could do some bonding but Stiles specifically told her not to do that. 'Remember what we're dealing with here.' Peter began. 'It's not just Kate, its berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls but do not assume there is any humanity left.' He said. 'Oh, this little one is terrified of them aren't you?' He said looking at Liam. Is that what's been going on with him? I quickly stepped in front of Liam. 'You don't get to talk to him.' I said. Peter smiled. 'Don't worry Samantha, it is that fear that will keep him alive.' He said. 'A reminder to everyone, you do not fight berserkers to survive, you fight to kill.' He continued. 'You're wrong.' I said. 'I'm fighting to save my brother.' I shrugged and climbed into the van.


We were still on the road and as the evening was starting to fall it was time to start chaining Liam up. Derek started with some handcuffs. 'All good?' He asked. Liam pulled on the handcuffs, when they didn't come lose he nodded. 'Okay, I brought something to help you.' Derek said as he reached his hand into his pocket. It was the triskelion. 'This has been with my family for centuries, it's a very powerful supernatural talisman. We use it to teach beta's how to control themselves on the full moon.' He said. Stiles shot me a confused look, we knew that the triskelion was nothing more than a piece of junk that had made in China somewhere on the back scratched out. But I shrugged saying it would be good for Liam to believe in it. 'Yes, it's powerful, very powerful.' Stiles said. 'Did you use it?' Liam asked me. I nodded, although I didn't but he doesn't need to know that. 'Little did you know I am actually Derek's beta?' I grinned pushing Derek's shoulder. 'Wait, you turned her?' Liam asked Derek. 'I did it to save her life, yes.' He replied. 'But then why aren't you in his pack?' He asked me with a frown. I shrugged. 'Because she already had a pack.' Derek replied for me and I sent him a smile. Night was falling fast and Liam was really starting to struggle. 'Whatever you're gonna teach me, I think you better start.' He said looking up at us with yellow glowing eyes. 'Okay, Liam, we have a mantra that we use.' Derek began. 'Repeat it and focus on the words, it's like meditation you say the words until you feel control coming back over you.' He said. 'Okay, okay what are the words?' Liam asked. 'Okay, look at the triskelion, see the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back it's the same thing. Each spiral means something.' Derek replied. 'Alpha, beta and omega.' I said. He nodded. 'It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another. Beta's can become alphas.' Derek said. 'Alphas can become Betas.' Stiles said. 'Can alphas become omegas?' Liam asked and I nodded. 'Yes, yes they can.' I said. 'Now all you have to do is say the words, and with each word you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control.' Derek said. Liam nodded and looked down panting. 'Alpha, beta...' He began. 'Slower.' Derek said. 'Alpha, beta, omega... alpha, beta, omega...'

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