Time Of Death

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I didn't know what time it was. All I knew was that it was late and that I couldn't sleep. I had too much on my mind. The Benefactor, Malia finding out about Peter, Sammy... When she showed me her tattoo and told me what it meant I swear my heart stopped beating and it was her smile that got it to work again. I was so afraid that I'd lost her. No wait, I was certain I'd lost her. Even though I could see she was sad, I never ever would've thought it was because she still loved me. I don't deserve her love, I broke her heart in the most horrible way. But I knew our relationship was already hanging from a thin wire, not that that was a good excuse. I think I was just so scared about hurting her... That I tried to drive her away from me, in which I succeeded. But I'm not the only one that feels bad, Malia does as well. She may not show it, but she does. She doesn't really know guilt, as she's never experienced it before, but she told me that she thinks Sammy hates her. I sighed and turned back around. Obviously Malia's angry with me now, I don't blame her. We should've told her about Peter. I really do care about Malia. I think if Sammy hadn't been in my life before, Malia and I could've become a thing. I had considered it, but it was her who told me not to. That I should keep fighting for Sammy. Even though she cared for me. Malia really is a wonderful girl, and she knows that. And she also knows what Sam means to me, more than I do it almost seems. She once told me I say her name in my sleep. I so wish Sammy was here right now. But I know she has other things on her mind, she finally made up with her dad which I think was really good for her, being mad at him really affected her. This was good for her. But there's still the money problem, a problem I can relate to. I opened my eyes and smiled when recognized her black hair spread across one of my pillows. Her eyes shut, eyelashes brushing against her cheekbones, she looked calm and peaceful. Happy, like she had no worries. I know I was probably either dreaming or hallucinating but I didn't really care. At least she was here in some kind of way. It was better than nothing. It's been weeks since she's been in this bed, let along in my room. I still hate myself for everything that I did to her back when the Nogitsune had taken possession over me, even though we both knew I couldn't help it. She saved me then. I will probably never get to return that favor, as a badass werewolf she's able to look out for herself. But I like it that way. Although her constantly saving my ass isn't good for my masculinity of course. Right now, everything seemed perfect, with only one little problem. I scooted closer to her trying to get back into my usual spot. 'What?' She mumbled. 'I uh, always sleep in the middle, you know that...' I said and a smile spread across her face. 'Yeah I know, but since it's my first night here since I don't know how long, I think I'm not gonna move, in fact...' She said and she moved over her head was resting on my chest and her left arm was around my waist. 'Now you're definitely stuck.' I smiled and kissed her head. 'I'll try.' I said. And it lasted five seconds. I sat up straight and sighed. 'I'm sorry but I really can't sleep unless I'm in the middle.' I sighed. She let out a chuckle. 'Fine, then we spoon, come here.' She scooted over to the side and turned to her side. I laid down next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist grabbing her hand. This was good. Until my arm began to ache. I opened my eyes and let out a sigh. 'Now what?' She asked me. 'My arm's falling asleep.' I muttered. 'I'm gonna kill you Stiles Stilinski.' She sighed. 'I know I know, it's just... Can't I be the little spoon?' I asked her. She turned around and supported her body on her elbow. She raised one of her eyebrows. 'You said you were the little spoon when Malia stayed over.' She said and tilted her head to the side. I lowered my head and sighed. 'Yeah I know but it's just comfortable okay?' She rolled her eyes and laughed. 'Fine.' She said and she grabbed my hand flipping me over with ease, I hate it when she uses wolf power just to show off that she's stronger. I grabbed her hand and held it to my chest. 'You can't tell anyone, this will ruin my masculinity.' I muttered. She giggled and pressed her lips against my shoulder. 'I won't, I promise.' She said. 'I love you.' I whispered already half asleep. I didn't get a reply so I opened my eyes again, I couldn't feel her arm around me anymore. I turned over and saw the other half of the bed was empty. I let my breath escape and fell down on my matrass.


I entered the room where Scott was waiting with two damping coffees in my hand. 'Hey, what's he doing?' I asked referring to our dad who was still in the other room. 'I don't know I'm not a police expert like Stiles, but it has to do with the shooting.' Scott replied. I shrugged. 'He had to, that man had a gun pressed to Stiles head.' I said. The whole thing with people getting sick, was just another assassin. The virus wouldn't kill people, but it would've killed us. Just like the assassin almost killed Stiles, but not before my dad took him out. Which I'm happy he did. I don't know what came over me in the vault, maybe it was because we were on the edge of death, maybe I was just thankful that he saved Stiles. But I'm happy I did what I did. The anger I had for my father only made me sad and tired. He came back and he's trying his best now, the past shouldn't matter. There's nothing we can do about the past. All I want to do now is make up for all the lost years... Once we get rid of this Benefactor of course. The door opened and our dad came in. 'Thanks for waiting I know it's late.' He said. 'Meh its fine, we won't be going to school tomorrow anyway.' I grinned. I don't care if it was because some guy died, no school means happy me. 'Well unfortunately I'm gonna have to drive back to San Francisco tonight.' Dad said and my smile faded. He noticed. 'I know I know, I have to do a review at the field office but I'll be back as soon as I can.' He said and I nodded forcing a smile onto my face. 'I might have to miss the first game of the season though...' He sighed. 'It's no big deal.' Scott shrugged. 'It is to me. I'm keeping my promises this time.' Dad replied. He noticed us looking at the plastic bag that was filled with bullets. 'What I did.' He began. 'Was necessary, justifiable, you know that right?' He asked us. 'That man was going to kill Stiles. I don't care if it were Obama you had to shoot, you saved his life and I couldn't be more grateful.' I told him. 'Have you done it before?' Scott asked carefully. 'Two other times, it's not easy, taking a man's life. Even if someone forces you to do it.' Dad said. 'How do you deal with it?' My brother asked. 'You look at it logically, without emotion, you compartmentalize.' He replied. 'How do you do that?' I asked. 'I used to do it by drinking...' He said and lowered his gaze to the ground for a second. 'Come here you two...' He said and pulled us both into a hug. 'One more thing.' He told us after we broke up the hug. 'When I do come back, we have to talk about some stuff. You and your friends, the way you handle things, it doesn't seem to face you the way it should. It's like you guys know something I don't. When I get back, I'd like to be in the know.' He said. Scott didn't seem to have an answer so I gave him one. 'Okay.'

'Great then we can go home now.' Dad said. 'Actually.' I began and both men looked at me confused. 'I have something else to do, it's rather important.' I said. 'Stiles?' Dad asked and I nodded with a slight blush on my cheeks. 'Okay, if it's important then you must go.' He told me. I smiled and thanked him before running outside.


The sheriff and his son were both probably already asleep, so I used my key to get inside. I kicked off my shoes at the bottom of the stairs to let the sheriff know I'm here when he wakes up in the morning and tip toed up the stairs. I peeked inside Stiles' room and saw he was asleep. I closed the door behind me and looked around, I hadn't been here for quite a while. He had a see through board in the middle of the room with photos on it and things written on it. I really wouldn't be surprised if he becomes sheriff someday. I walked over to his bed, slightly doubting if this was a good idea. But then thought about the walk back home and what a waist it would be, so I stripped down to my underwear and carefully got under the covers. I know he can't sleep unless he's in the middle so I stuck to the side, I reached out my hand and grabbed his. It was only a matter of seconds before I fell into the best sleep I'd had in weeks.

*sigh* I really, really, really love this chapter I just... Idk. *sigh*
Make sure to give it some love if you enjoyed it!! :D

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