I.E.D Part 3

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I was sitting on the bench next to Scott and Kira –yeah, somehow she made it on the team by throwing a lacrosse ball at coach- looking at this Garret kid with an evil look. 'Shouldn't we do something now?' Kira asked. 'You know, before lasers start shooting out of Sammy's eyes and burn through his skull.' She chuckled. 'We can't, we're still not really sure if it's him. If we're wrong, the real assassin gets away.' Scott replied. 'Oh I'm sure it's him alright, always knew it, evil lil' son of a bitch.' I muttered. 'You sound like Stiles.' Scott noticed. Kira suddenly nudged my side, I looked over my shoulder and saw Stiles coming our way in his lacrosse gear. I jumped up and walked towards him, I'd almost forgotten how good he looks in those clothes. 'Dad, you're supposed to be here.' He spoke into the phone. 'I'm leaving now, and this conversation isn't getting me there any quicker.' The sheriff replied. Stiles put his phone away and dropped his sports bag on the bench. 'Is your dad gonna make it?' I asked. 'Yeah, he was just leaving.' He replied. 'Okay, that's good. Hey uh, you're gonna be great out there.' I smiled. 'Will you be on the first row?' He asked me. 'Aren't I always?' I replied. Coach blew his whistle and yelled for everyone to get onto the field. I grabbed Stiles' arm before he could walk away. I pulled him towards me and swiftly pressed my lips to his cheek. 'For good luck.' I whispered. He grinned and ran onto the field. Behind me Scott was trying to convince coach not to let Liam play. Which wasn't really working. 'As captain, I'm suggesting Liam sit out the game.' Scott said. Coach laughed. 'And eh, as President of the United States, I'm vetoing that suggestion.' Coach said. 'But what if he gets hurt?' Scott asked. Just then this Brett kid from the other team called to Liam. 'Hey Liam! Think fast!' He threw the ball at Liam who easily picked it out of the air. 'Oh he's playing.' Coach told my brother.

Okay 0-1 within the first 10 minutes or so was not what I had in mind. We're gonna die. My eyes scanned over the field, I cringed a little when the Devenford players knocked Liam to the ground, of course they're going after him. Liam quickly crawled up, took off his helmet and his gloves and stormed towards the two guys but Scott and Stiles quickly held him back. 'Don't Liam, they're not worth it.' I muttered and rested my head on my hands. 'She's right.'  I heard Scott say to Liam. I looked around and noticed the sheriff still hadn't arrived, hopefully Stiles hadn't noticed yet. Who am I kidding of course he must've noticed. It means the world to him that his dad sees him play. I looked back onto the field and smiled when I saw Stiles had the ball, he passed it to Kira who ran straight for the goal, even though coach was yelling for her to pass. Let the girl score if she wants god dammit. And score she did! I jumped up from my seat and screamed at the top of my lungs. 'Yeah! Go Kira!' I yelled grinning. 'Yukimura! Get over here!' Coach yelled and I rolled my eyes. Here we go. Kira ran towards him. 'Take a seat on the bench for the rest of the game.' Coach told her. Her eyes widened. 'What? Why?' She exclaimed. 'You didn't pass.' Coach said. 'She had an open shot!' I yelled and threw my hands up. 'McCall! Did I ask for your opinion? Now you either shut up or you can sit on the bleachers! Yukimura, bench.' Kira sighed as she sat down next to me. 'I thought you did great.' I told her and she smiled. 'Thanks.' The game went on and for a few minutes nothing happened, until that Brett idiot and Liam idiot decided to ram into each other. It seemed pretty serious as coach paused the game. I looked around, coach was on the field where he couldn't see me... I stood up and ran onto the field. I stood with Scott, Stiles and Liam. 'Geez boy how hard did you hit him?' I chuckled. 'I didn't, he hit me.' Liam said and he showed us his broken arm. I scrunched my nose. 'Ugh, Scotty take care of that will ya.' I sighed as I turned around, I heard the sound of bone breaking and I knew it was safe to turn back around. Brett on the other hand wasn't fine, they took him off the field. I noticed Garret looking our way and my eyes widened a little. 'Liam, are you cut? Did Garret cut you?' I rambled. 'No, no I'm okay.' Liam replied. 'Then he missed.' Scott muttered. 'What do you mean?' Liam asked confused. 'It's you Liam, you're the one he's after.'


'I talked to coach, I'm out for the rest of the game.' Liam told Scott, Kira and I. 'What are you gonna do?' I asked my brother. 'I don't know, something's still not right, we're missing something.' He replied. 'Hey guys!' Stiles called as he walked over to us. 'Lydia just broke another third of the list.' He said. 'Am I on it?' Liam asked. 'No, but someone else is.' Stiles sighed. 'Brett Talbot.' I looked at Scott with wide eyes. 'Go!' I said and he nodded before running off the field. 'Hey Sammy...' Stiles called and I turned back around. 'You're on it as well.' He told me. I shrugged. 'I don't care, nobody's cutting my head off any time so...' My airways were suddenly cut off so I couldn't finish my sentence. 'Sam? Sammy?' Stiles asked when I didn't finished my sentence. My hand reached for my throat as a burning pain came out of nowhere. 'What's happening to her? What are those red marks? What's happening?' Liam rambled. I fell down to my knees. 'Shit!' Stiles cursed. 'It's Scott, stay with her!' He yelled over his shoulder as he ran away. Liam threw his hands up before getting down on his knees as well. 'Oh my god... Oh my god... Are you dying? Please don't die.' He rambled. I gasped for breath when the pain disappeared with a snap. 'What... The marks... They're- they're fading.' Liam said confused. I nodded, still panting. 'It wasn't me, it was Scott, but he's fine now.' I told him. 'How the hell is that possible?' Liam asked. I looked up with a smile and shrugged. 'It's a twin thing.'

Hellloooooo m'lovelies!! How are ya'll doing? 

Just wanted to let you know, I'm leaving on a holiday on saturday with ma family for two weeks so I probably won't be uploading much. I'm not taking my laptop with me, I want to spend two weeks with my family with as less internet as I can. Of course I'll be checking things on my phone and such you know :p I just wanted to let you know so you won't think I got eaten by a dinosaur or anything

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