Weaponized Part 2

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Scott, Kira, Malia, Stiles, Mr. Yukimura and I found ourselves in the locker room. Malia and Scott were also having trouble with their shift. 'I can't make them go back.' Malia said showing us her claws. 'Obviously this virus is affecting the three of you in a way it won't hit any human being.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'You guys have to stay out of sight, we have to quarantine you, from the quarantine...' Stiles said. 'Yeah but where?' Kira asked. 'What if they get violent? Like on a full moon?' She asked. I let out a chuckle. 'Then you better find somewhere good because I don't feel like ripping any of your throats out.' I sighed. 'We shouldn't stay in here, not in a locker room.' Scott said. 'A class room is not gonna hold us.' Malia said with a shake of her head. 'The basement maybe?' I suggested. 'Too many ways out.' Scott replied. 'We need something secure, somewhere nobody can find us.' He said. 'A vault.' Stiles said. 'Yes, the Hale vault, that could work.' I said. 'The Hales always have an escape route, like their house. There has to be another way in.' Scott said. Stiles magically got a blue print of the school from somewhere, I bet he keeps them in his locker for emergencies like these. He placed them on a table and we all stood around it. 'The vault should be right about here somewhere...' Stiles said pointing at an area on the map. 'I suppose if there's a second entrance it should probably be accessible from the basement.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'It's probably somewhere in this hallway...' I muttered tracing a line with my finger on the map. 'West corridor.' Stiles said. He suddenly went down just like I did earlier, I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist holding him up. 'You okay?' I asked with a frown. I grabbed his arm and pulled up the sleeve of his jacket revealing strange marks on the palm of his hand and his wrist. 'It's happening to you too.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'You're getting sick. You all are.' He turned to his daughter. 'I don't feel sick.' Kira shrugged. 'I think it's affecting you differently, neurologically, I found your test answers.' He said grabbing a sheet of paper from his pocket and placing it on the table. There were pencil marks on the paper, but not where they should be. They were all next to the circle that had to be colored.

We made our way down to the basement as fast as we could and started looking for possible way into the vault. 'Hey guys, over here.' Stiles called. We all walked over to him and found some weird circlely thing in the wall. As I stepped back I saw it was in the middle of the same drawing Derek had tattooed on his back, the triskelion. 'It's like the entrance outside it only opens with claws.' Stiles said. 'Anyone's claws right?' He asked. Only Hale claws you mean. But Malia didn't know that. And it was probably for the best she didn't. 'Um, Malia, could you try?' I asked turning around. 'Why me?' She asked. Because your Peters daughter and that makes you a Hale but you can't know that woops. 'We don't have control.' Scott shrugged. 'Okay, I'll do it.' Malia said stepping forward. 'But first tell me what you've been hiding for me.' She continued. Great. Of course. Why can't you just open the vault? 'I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it.' She said. I nudged Stiles side telling him to say something. 'I know I'm on the list!' Malia said and I raised an eyebrow. Hello escape route. 'Yes...' Stiles breathed. 'So how much?' She asked us. 'How much what?' Stiles asked confused. 'How much am I worth?' She asked. 'Four million.' Scott replied. Maia frowned and lowered her head a little. 'You okay?' Stiles asked stepping forward. 'Yeah, Scott's 25, Kira's 6, Sam 20, they'll take you guys out way before me.' She shrugged. 'It's progress, it's progress...' Stiles told us. I sighed and grabbed his arm pulling him apart. 'Stiles there's something I need to tell you, I was supposed to tell you earlier but then I got stuck in a well, and then we found that tape and there was the test...' I rambled. 'Sammy slow down, remember the breath.' Stiles chuckled stopping my rambling. 'You guys.' Scott called, I turned my head and saw a door had opened. 'Tell me later, okay?' Stiles said and he walked inside. I sighed and followed him inside. At this pace we'll be graduated before I ever get to tell him. Once we were all inside the door closed behind us.

Scott, Stiles and Malia all sat down whilst Kira and I were pacing around the room. 'Why didn't you tell him?' Kira whispered as we walked past each other. I frowned and cocked my head to the side. I turned around and we walked towards each other again. 'How do you know I didn't?' I whispered back. 'Because else that wouldn't be happening.' She whispered as we walked past each other again and she nodded in Stiles direction. I turned my head and stopped pacing, Stiles was sitting against some boxes with Malia's head resting on his lap. I closed my eyes shut and walked over to my brother sitting down next to him. 'You okay?' He asked quietly. I shrugged and rested my head on his shoulder. 'I'm too late Scotty.' I whispered. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held my close. 'No you're not. I promise.' He whispered and kissed the top of my head. 'You know this is where it all started.' Stiles said. 'That's where the money was. 117 million in bearer bonds.' He said. 'How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?' Kira asked. 'The bank I guess. They just let it sit here collecting dust.' Stiles sighed. 'Why does it matter?' I asked. 'You know how many problems that money could solve?' Stiles replied. 'For you?' Kira asked. 'Me and my dad, The Eichen house and the MRI bills are crushing him.' Stiles replied. 'Mom does this thing.' I began. 'She writes down all the items in our budget and how much they cost.' I said. 'And then she adds it all up and figures out how long we have until we lose the house.' Scott added. 'Money money...' Stiles sighed. 'Scott, I feel guilty now.' I said. 'What for baby sis?' He asked. 'Not forgiving dad, I don't even know why I'm angry at him. All I want is for things to go back like they used to be, everything...' I muttered glancing at Stiles.

Remember when I said I probably wouldn't update much? Well, the weather here sucks atm so we're all stuck inside so yeah, I take it back xd
Make sure to show the chapter some love if you liked it :))))

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