Orphaned Part 2

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Liam woke up gasping for air, splashing water all over me. I sighed a little and wiped my face. He reached for the wound on his chest which made me reach for the one on my shoulder. Liam looked around confused, well there wasn't much to look at. A circle of wall. We were in a well. 'Help!' Liam yelled. 'Help! Scott!Is anybody there?' He yelled. 'I fear not sweetheart.' I sighed. He turned around with a confused look. 'What do you mean?' He asked me. 'He probably dumped us in the middle of nowhere, and we were stabbed with a blade dipped in wolfs bane, he's poisoned us Liam.' I told him. He looked up again but I stopped him. 'I already yelled for help whilst you were still out, nobody can hear us. I'm sorry.' I muttered. 'Are we gonna die out here?' Liam asked me with wide eyes. I pushed off from the wall I was leaning on. 'Oh sweetheart.' I sighed and pulled him in a hug. 'No we're not. I promise I'm getting us out of here, I promise.'


The car drove past us so Garret started the car we were in. I never would've done this but it's Liam and my baby sister we're talking about here. And she's getting weaker. I still haven't told Stiles either, he'd be too worried. He'd search to entire forest if he had to, I know he would. He'd do anything for my sister. And so would I. 'There's a stop sign half a mile ahead.' Garret said. 'So I take out the tires with my claws?' I asked. 'Teeth, claws, heat vision whatever.' Garret replied. 'Just stop them. You ready?' I looked ahead of me and immediately told Garret to stop the car. The car in front of us was on its side and there were people laying on the ground. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the sheriff who was pulling my dad out of the wreck. I turned around to see Garret walking towards us. 'She's not here, Violet's not in the car!' I said. I frowned when I saw he was holding his lacrosse stick which now had daggers on both sides. The sheriff grabbed my arms. 'Scott listen to me! They're still here!' He said and then I heard a sound that I had learned to remember and recognize. Berserkers. And one was standing right behind me. 'You want me?' I heard Garret say and I prayed he'd just shut up and not make it worse. 'Come on come and get me!' He stepped forward with his weaponized lacrosse stick ready. 'That's right, you're not so big!' Garret said but just then another appeared behind him and drove some kind of knife through his body. I ran towards Garret as he fell to the ground. The sheriff called and when I turned around one of the other Berserkers knocked me down.


I woke up and immediately recognized the animal clinic. 'Hey there, I was kind of hoping you'd be out for a little longer.' Deaton told me with a slight smile. 'Scott.' Mr. Argent began. 'This is gonna hurt.' He said and I looked down at the object stuck in my side. He wrapped his hands around and pulled it out, I screamed and rolled off the table. 'Where's my dad and the sheriff?' I asked. 'They're at the hospital they're both fine.' Deaton told me. 'it was Kate, it was her and the Bersekers.' I said. 'We know.' Argent replied. 'But they move fast and they don't leave much in the way of tracks.' He said. 'We have to find her, she has Violet and I think Violet knows where Liam is.' I said. Deaton handed me the object Argent pulled out of my body. 'As much as this may hurt, it can probably also help. Can you catch a scent?'


'Can I ask you a question?' Liam asked me out of nowhere. I raised my eyebrows and nodded. 'Um, what happened between you and Stiles?' He asked and my heart dropped into this water all the way to the bottom to never be found again. 'What do you mean?' I asked with a crack in my voice. 'I know you guys were, or are something, what went wrong? He doesn't like me, and I think it has something to do with you.' Liam said. I sighed and lowered my head. 'I wouldn't worry too much about that, Stiles is suspicious over almost everyone. He'll get over it. But yes, we were indeed together, for quite a long time actually, more than a year. Almost two. But something happened. Before you got to Beacon Hills, we had a bit of a problem with an evil spirit that had taken possession over Stiles. He... checked himself into a mental facility called Eichen House. There was a girl there, Malia. We found her in the woods not long before that, she'd been a coyote for 9 years or so. And well yeah, you can already guess what happened.' I shrugged. 'He cheated on you?' Liam asked and I nodded. 'He told me he wanted to push me away from him. Because he didn't want to hurt me anymore. I kind of get that... But now, now I don't know if they're dating or not, he says not. All I know is that I still love him with all my heart.' I said quietly. 'Did you tell him that?' Liam asked me. I shook my head. 'No, I was going to today but instead I came running after you. I promised my brother I'd look after you.' I said with a quiet chuckle. 'You're crying.' He muttered and I looked up confused. My hand reached for my cheek and I laughed when my hand became wet. 'Sorry, I always do that without noticing.' I said. 'I'm gonna get you out of here.' Liam said. 'What?' I asked confused. 'I'm going to get you out of here so you can tell Stiles you still love him and he can stop hating me.' He told me.

And so I watched him do several atemps of climbing up the wall. Which all failed. He slammed his fist into the wall in anger. It became quiet for a few moments. He suddenly stood back up and walked towards me. 'Come on.' He said grabbing my arm. 'Liam it's not working, I'll never be able to get up there. I can't climb with this wound on my shoulder... I'm weak Liam it won't work.' I sighed. 'No, your brother taught me not to give up so I'm not giving up!' He said and he turned around and pulled me onto his back. 'Liam don't... You'll get yourself hurt.' I muttered, I was slowly dozing off and I had no idea where I was going. 'Just hold on. Don't let go Samantha, think about Stiles. Don't let go.' Liam said and he placed his hands against the wall again. I felt the water disappear from underneath me. 'Liam, you have a chance to get out of here... Just let me go, there's no way you're getting me up there.' I muttered. 'Don't say that. I will. Just talk to me, talk about Stiles.' He told me. I smiled at all the memories. 'Well he's an idiot for starters. People always used to think we were dating, because we both use sarcasm and he always used to carry my books... I never knew...' I muttered. 'That he had a crush on you?' Liam asked and I nodded. 'I remember the first time I felt something was different between us. It changed everything.' I moved my arm so Liam could see my wrist. 'See my tattoo? That heart, means my relationship with Stiles. And the two stripes Scott and I. I know it's not a smart choice to get a tattoo related to your boyfriend, but even if we ever broke up, it would also stand for our friendship. Which I know will last forever no matter what. He doesn't know what the tattoo means. The two stripes he knows, the heart he just thinks because it's girly.' I said and let out a laugh. I noticed Liam didn't reply, I looked up and his hands were shaking. I took a deep breath. 'Liam, I'm gonna let go now.' I whispered. 'No! Will you just please let me do something good for once! Let me save you!' Liam exclaimed. 'Howl.' I said. 'What?' He asked confused. 'When a wolf is alone it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. Use every bit of strength you have left, Scott will hear you.' I said quietly. I wrapped my arms a little tighter around his neck, he let out of scream which turned into a roar which I knew Scott must've heard. Come on little brother, please. One of Liam's hand slipped. 'Come one Scotty, please...' I whispered. I squeaked as Liam's other hand slipped as well and buried my face into his neck. Although we didn't fall all the way down. I looked up to see my brother had grabbed Liam's hand. He pulled us out of the well and pulled me into a firm hug. 'Oh Sammy... I'm so glad you're okay.' He muttered into my hair. I pulled back and looked at Liam. 'Sweetheart.' I said turning his head towards me. 'You did it, you saved me. You saved us. We're okay.' I turned towards my brother with a smile. 'I think I'm ready to talk to Stiles now.'


I opened the front door and sighed at the sight in front of me. My mother at the table with her hands in her hair. 'It's not good is it?' I asked. She stood up and walked over to me to pull me in a hug. 'Not right now but we're going to be fine.' She told me. 'How are you doing?' She then asked. I smiled a little. 'I called Stiles asking if he could come over. I think it's time he knows.' I said showing her the tattoo on my wrist and she smiled knowing what I meant. 'That's good.' She said. I went upstairs where Scott was already in his room with the bag in front of him. I sat down next to him and we waited for Stiles to arrive which didn't take long.

'Have you counted it yet?' He asked once we were all sitting around the bag filled with money. Scott shook his head. 'We should probably count it.' Stiles sighed and I turned the bag over throwing all the money on the ground. But money wasn't the only thing that was inside, a mix tape also fell out of the bag.

I'm about to leave so I thought I'd leave you behind with a chapter :) I don't know when you'll hear from me just know that I'm not dead okay

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