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It's been a week and we haven't heard anything from Kate yet, which I'm hoping is a good thing. But right now we had bigger worries on our head. Lacrosse. Today were the try outs and my boys wanna make sure they're still on the team. 'But you're still the team captain, you got your grades up just like coach told you to, right?' Stiles asked my brother. 'Yeah, I mean, he never told me I was back on the team he just told me to show up at try outs today.' My brother replied. 'We got bigger things to deal with anyway, did you tell Argent yet?' Stiles asked. 'I texted him but he didn't get back to me.' Scott said. 'Yeah, mine either, he really hurt my feelings there.' I pouted. 'You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?' Stiles asked with wide eyes. 'Do you know what it costs to call France?' I asked and Stiles nodded understandably. 'Yeah you think you got money problems try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House.' Stiles said. 'Another notice?' Scott asked. 'Yeah, this one said final.' Stiles sighed. 'I can try selling my magical unicorn? I could make some money on that?' I tried lighting up the mood again. Stiles smiled a little. 'Don't sell your unicorn princess.' He said and my heart skipped a beat. 'Now what the hell are we doing here anyway? We have like 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team isn't one of them!' Stiles rambled. Scott looked onto the field and raised his eyebrows. 'It is now.' He said. I followed his gaze and raised my eyebrows as well. I watched two freshman throw some lacrosse balls and the goalie got all of them. All, of them. 'Who the hell is that?' Stiles exclaimed. The goalie took off his helmet and I whistled. ' I don't know but that freshman is hella cute!' I grinned and both boys glared at me. 'What?' I shrugged innocently. 'Maybe we should just practice a bit.' Stiles said and they walked onto the field. I skipped after them. 'I just heard his name is Liam.' I said. 'Sam if you don't stop that now I'm throwing a lacrosse ball at your face.' Stiles threatened.


Lacrosse was over and I was standing at the door of the locker room. 'Stiles, coach has never complained about me being in here, and neither have the boys if you know what I mean.' I told him with a wink. 'Well, I'm complaining right now. Sammy, Scott and I can handle this freshman.' He assured me. 'You're jealous. Aren't you?' I smirked. 'Wha? Me? Jealous? Pssht you're jealous!' He shot back and I rolled my eyes. 'Just get out of the way.' I sighed and walked past him. 'Hey Sammy!' Some boys chorused and I smiled and waved. 'Only watching boys! No touching!' Stiles called from behind me. 'Jealous.' I sang. 'Jealouser.' He replied. 'That's not a word dumbass.' I said as I walked towards Scott who was standing behind Liam like a creep. 'Hey Liam!' I called and Liam turned around with a confused look. 'You're a girl?' He asked pointing a finger at me. 'Shit. Did my boobs give it away? Anyway, care to explain what that was out there?' I asked with a smile. 'What do you mean?' Liam asked with a frown. 'That little display, you're little circus act.' Stiles said. 'What circus act?' Liam asked, once again confused. 'You caught every shot.' Stiles said. 'I was in goal?' Liam replied raising an eyebrow. 'We saw that, but you caught every shot.' I replied. 'Nothing, not a single shot got past you.' Stiles added. 'Yeah, I was the goalie.' Liam said like it was obvious. 'You guys played this game before?' He then asked. 'You're a freshman right?' Scott asked, not answering his question. 'Don't look like one.' I said sending Stiles a smirk. 'Yeah.' Liam shrugged. 'But you weren't here last semester?' Stiles asked. 'Got transferred from Devenford Prep.' Liam shrugged in response. Scott looked at me with a frown. I know what he meant. Liam's heart was pounding right now. 'You transferred?' I asked. 'Yeah.' He replied. I raised my eyebrows. Liar, liar pants on fire. 'I bet you got kicked out, didn't you?' I smirked. 'Alright look, kicked out, transferred what do you guys care? I came here to play lacrosse. Team could use a few good players right?' Liam asked us. 'No, no, we don't need any more good players.' Stiles said quickly. 'We do, we could use a couple, or a lot.' I muttered. 'Alright how'd you get this good?' Stiles asked Liam with a sigh. 'Have you always been this good? Or did it suddenly happen, like once overnight? Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during a full m...' I quickly placed my hand over his mouth cutting him off. 'What he's trying to ask, sweetheart, how'd you get so good in lacrosse?' I smiled. I could feel Stiles' glare. 'I learned from my stepfather, made team captain as a sophomore, like you.' He told Scott, who smiled a little. 'And yeah, I guess I am just that good.' He told Stiles before walking away. 'He wasn't lying that time.' Scott grinned. 'I like him. We should keep him.' I said and Scott nodded in agreement.


'An axe murderer?' Kira asked. 'Family murdering axe murderer.' Stiles corrected her. 'I, I already heard about it.' Scott sighed. 'Wait. What? You did? How?' Stiles asked him. 'My mom called me.' He replied. 'What? Why didn't she call me?' I pouted. 'She kinda told me to tell you. And I may have forgotten.' Scott admitted with a slight smile. I glared and slapped the back of his head. 'Doesn't matter, we gotta go.' Stiles said and he already turned around. 'Whoa there buddy, we got econ in five minutes remember?' I chuckled. 'Right, did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?' Stiles asked me. 'Did you forget that your dad is the sheriff?' I shot back and crossed my arms over my chest. 'She's right.' Scott said. 'They want us to stay out of it.' He added. 'Are you guys kidding me? There's a family murdering axe murderer out there and we're not gonna do anything about it?' Stiles rambled. 'Maybe we should just let the adults handle it?' Kira shrugged. Stiles pulled a face in disapproval and sighed. 'So the three of you just wanna stay here, in school, go to class... Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life.' He sighed before turning around walking away. 'See you at try outs?' Scott called after him but Stiles waved if off. 'Arighty lovebirds, I'll see you two in class.' I smiled and walked in the same direction Stiles just went. I entered the classroom and sat in my usual seat next to Scott's. He arrived not much later and sat down next to me. 'Yo hey, can I quickly copy your homework? I had to paint my toenails last night so I didn't get to do it, and I know coach won't buy that as an excuse.' I shrugged. 'Yeah sure.' Scott said reaching into his bag, as he grabbed the book his eyes widened and he looked up at me. 'Oh god.' He muttered. I raised one of my eyebrows. 'You kissed her didn't you?' I asked him. 'Yeah.'

So school's been out for like what? 3days? And already my sleeping schedule has gone to hell oh my god

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