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'Wow.' Were Deaton's first word when we brought Derek to him. 'Wow? As in "wow I've seen before and I know exactly what to do" kinda whoa?' Stiles asked. 'Yeah cause that's the kind of the whoa we were hoping for.' I sighed scratching the back of my neck. 'I think you might be overestimating my abilities.' Deaton told us. 'He's cold.' Lydia said as she grabbed Derek's hand. 'Really cold.' She said. 'Do you think this is permanent?4'Scott asked. 'I'm not sure if a medical diagnoses is adequate... This is way beyond my experience.' Deaton replied. 'So what do we do with him?' I asked. 'Until he wakes up? Probably not much.' Deaton shrugged. 'It might be best to leave him with me. He will be save here.' He said. 'You mean from Kate?' Stiles asked. 'If she is alive and if she is what you say she is she won't be able to walk past that gate.' Deaton replied. 'Why would she wanna do this to him?' I sighed. I mean, everything Kate does, is to help herself, she only thinks about herself. But what could possibly be good for her by doing this to Derek? 'Knowing Kate it'll probably be for a reason that won't be any good but her.' Deaton said speaking for my thoughts. 'And bad for everyone else...' Stiles added. 'Hey you guys should go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger.' Deaton shrugged. 'So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night. And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again.' He told us. 'Someone should stay with you.' Scott said. 'I'll do it, I'm not that tired anyway.' I shrugged. Scott shook his head at me. 'You look like you're about to pass out, you're going to bed Sammy.' He sighed. 'I'll stay, my grades are fine.' Lydia said. 'Despite missing a few classes...' She added with a shrug. 'I am so not okay with this.' Stiles said. 'Guys, go.' Lydia said sternly. 'No.' Stiles said with a shake of his head. I rolled my eyes. 'Text us if anything happens.' I smiled at her. 'No, still not okay with it.' Stiles said. I grabbed the collar of his jacket and started dragging him out of the room. 'No, not going anywhere. Alright just cause you're stronger doesn't mean you should show off like that, we're talking about my masculinity here.' He sighed. I scoffed. 'Sure.'


I opened the door with my key and walked inside, Scott followed behind me and closed the door behind us. It was raining outside and well, our roof had a few leaks so the room was filled with buckets and pots to catch the water. I sighed a little when I saw our dad asleep on the sofa. Scott looked at me with a frown. 'How weird is it that you hate him more even though he dropped me down the stairs.' He muttered. I shrugged. 'That's not it, I know mom told him to leave and I get it, I'd do the same. But he never tried, Scotty. He never tried to come back, or at least get in contact with us. And now he suddenly shows up and tries to be the good dad. Sorry but that's not working for me.' I whispered and turned around, of course I had to run into a dad's toolbox which obviously woke him up. 'Shit!' I cursed under my breath. 'Scott? Sam?' Dad called. 'Hey dad.' Scott said quietly. 'Uh, what's with the tools?' He asked. 'I was uh, just getting started on the list of repairing's you guys need done, what time is it?' He asked us. I quickly turned the clock around that said 4 o'clock. 'Midnight.' I said. 'We were supposed to have dinner, we had a deal. When your mom has a nightshift, we have dinner.' He said. 'You had a deal with him.' I corrected him and jerked a thumb in Scott's direction. 'We  totally forgot about it, sorry. When we came back from that camping trip we had to go straight to the animal clinic to finish up work...' Scott said. Technically we did went camping, in Mexico... 'Alright, well, tomorrow night, dinner.' Dad said. 'Great.' Scott replied. 'Did you get anything to eat?' Dad asked just as we were about to walk about the stairs. A smile creeped onto my face. 'Yeah, Mexican.' We replied in unison.


Scott and I met up with Stiles at the school. When we walked towards him he held up a plastic cup and smiled. I frowned. 'What's that? Your drugs?' I chuckled. 'No yours, its coffee.' He said handing me the cup. I looked down at the black liquid with a frown. 'Why did you bring me coffee?' I whispered. 'I always bring you coffee.' Stiles replied a little confused. 'It's a thing.' He shrugged. 'Yeah, back when we were a thing.' I muttered before walking up the stairs. I heard a sigh leave Stiles' mouth. 'The timing just got really bad but I need to tell you something, Scott.' Stiles said as they followed me up the stairs. 'So it's like two in the morning, I wake up and Malia is just lying right next to me. She just sneaks in! That was like five times a week!' He said. 'Then what happens?' Scott asked. 'This.' Stiles replied. I turned around and saw Stiles lifted up the back of his shirt. I didn't even wanna know what there was to see. 'After that we spent the rest of the night spooning.' Stiles said. 'That sounds okay.' Scott shrugged. 'Yeah but I'm always the little spoon, always.' Stiles said and I burst out into fits of laughter. 'Well so far for your masculinity!' I called over my shoulder. I then frowned and turned around and they both stopped walking. 'So are you dating?' I asked and both their eyes widened. 'No, of course not.' He quickly replied. 'It's complicated. But sometimes when she looks at me it's like she knows I'm not telling her something.' He sighed. 'You mean Peter?' Scott asked. 'We gotta tell her Scott.' Stiles said. I squeezed myself in between them and we started walking again. 'Yeah, I know, but I don't know how.' My brother replied.

Our first class today was with Mr. Yukimura. Scott sat at front, Stiles sat next to him and I sat behind Stiles. Mr. Yukimura started writing some stuff on the back board. 'It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders had had to endure some pretty big failures.' He told us. 'One you'll recognize from last night's reading.' Oops. 'Failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of congress, and lost as vice president, before he was elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has ever seen.' He said. 'Who was he?' He then asked us. Some hands were raised, including Stiles. We looked at him confused, he didn't do the reading, none of us did, he just winked saying it was a tactic. 'Malia?' Mr. Yukimura called and I looked at Malia who had a marker in her mouth and one in her hand coloring basically her entire book. She looked up at us. Scott's phone rang on his desk. 'Scott, phone's off.' Mr. Yukimura said. 'Malia? One of our greatest presidents?' Mr. Yukimura asked again. Malia nodded, she put the red marker in her mouth as well and starting looking through her book. My phone buzzed and Mr. Yukimura called for all phones to be put off again. It was clear Malia didn't know the answer. 'Random guess: Obama?' I tried and I heard some giggles coming from the back of the class. I noticed Stiles sending me a grateful look, I'm not helping her for his sake. For hers. 'No. Does anyone else know?' Mr. Yukimura asked and almost every hand went up. Malia looked around with a strange look. Another phone beeped. 'I said phones off!' Mr. Yukimura exclaimed. 'Dad.' Kira began. 'That was yours.' She said and Mr. Yukimura's face dropped a little. 'Oh.' He muttered and he turned around and reached for his jacket. He frowned when he read the text he received. 'Scott, call Lydia.' He read. Stiles, my brother and I shared a confused look.

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