I.E.D Part 2

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After class we hid in coach' office and checked every lacrosse stick we could find for some kind of knife in the bottom. After about half I hour I sighed deeply. 'This is useless you guys, most players play with their own gear anyway.' I shrugged. 'She's right, and maybe instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game cancelled.' Kira said. Scott shook his head. 'The game is the best way to catch him red handed.' He spoke. 'But what if he's red handed because his hands are covered in the blood of the person he just stabbed to death.' Stiles said. 'Which by the way could be either of you guys.' He added. 'Or Liam.' I said quietly. 'We don't have the whole list and he could be on it.' Scott said. 'We don't know anything about that list!' Stiles said. 'How it's made, how it's updated...I mean, who's been out taking supernatural census anyway?' Stiles replied. 'How do they even know about me?' Kira sighed. 'They know about everyone.' Scott replied. Stiles sighed. 'Alright I think Kira's right I think we should stop the game.' He said. 'I'm not afraid.' Scott said. 'But I am Scotty, this isn't a Kanima or a Nogitsune, this is someone who we go to school with, and they wanna kill us. That scares me Scotty.' I whispered. 'I'm not afraid either.' Kira said. 'I'm terrified alright and I'm not even on the list!' Stiles exclaimed. 'Guys these are professional killers, it's their profession!' He said. 'One of them has go a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off! Who knows what else they have?' I added.


I walked outside and was met with a crowd standing around a bus. I pushed my way through the people and stood between Scott and Stiles. 'What's Liam doing?' I asked. 'It's his old school.' We're playing against them tonight.' Scott told me. Oh great. The kid Liam was talking to laughed. 'That's cute Liam, is that what they told you in anger management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished coach' car.' He said. 'I paid for it.' Liam replied. 'Yeah you're going to pay for it, we're gonna break you in half out there, and it's gonna be all your fault.' I noticed blood coming from Liam's hand so I stepped forward and placed my hand on his shoulder pulling him back a bit. 'Well hello gentlemen, wishing each other luck for the game tonight I see?' I smiled. 'Whoa Liam! They even got you a babysitter! Now that's cute!' The kid said and he and his classmates shared a laugh. A silent growl sounded from the back of my throat and I stepped forward towards the boy. 'Why don't I come babysit your sorry ass once and cut off all your fingers in your sleep!' I hissed. Two hands pulled me back and a body stepped in front of me. 'Hey, hey, hey, what's going on prep students, welcome to our little public high school, how you doing?' Stiles, the welcome wagon, asked. 'I'm Stiles, firm handshake you got there. Uh, we're very excited for the scrimmage tonight but let's keep it clean alright? No rough stuff, alright see you on the field.' He grabbed my shoulders and walked me away from the crowd, Scott and Liam following behind us.

Liam was still pretty angry and kind of wolfing out so we took him to the locker room and placed him under a cold shoulder, I gave Scott and Stiles the job of keeping him there. Since he was, you know, trying to rip our heads off. 'What so you're just gonna stand there whilst our heads are only inches away from these fangs?' Stiles exclaimed over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and stepped a little closer. 'Hey uh, sweetheart, you might wanna calm down a bit, people are gonna hear you. And uh... We don't want that.' I said. Stiles shot me a look and I threw my hands up. What else was I supposed to do? I'm not a werewolf psychiatrist or something geezz. 'Okay, okay!' Liam called. Scott and Stiles let go of his shoulders, he stepped away from the cold water and leaned his back against the wall. 'That car you smashed? I thought that was your teacher's?' I asked. 'He's also my coach.' Liam replied. 'He benched me for the entire season.' He said. 'What did you do?' Scott asked. 'Got a couple red cards.' Liam shrugged. 'Just a couple?' Stiles asked. Scott crouched down in front of Liam. 'You gotta be honest with us, what else happened?' He said. 'Nothing! I-I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation.' Liam said. 'What did they call it?' I asked. 'Intermittent explosive disorder.' Liam replied. 'I.E.D?' Stiles asked. 'You're literally an I.E.D? That's great.' He said. 'You gave superpowers to a walking time bomb.' He told my brother. I shot him a look. 'Did they give you anything for it?' Scott asked Liam. 'Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic.' Liam replied. 'Oh this just gets better.' Stiles muttered. 'But I don't take it.' Liam added. 'Obviously.' Stiles replied clapping his hands together. 'I can't play lacrosse on it, it makes me too tired.' Liam said. Scott and I gave each other a look. 'Okay.' I began. 'First of all, I don't think you should play tonight, you can tell coach your leg is still hurting.' I said. 'No!' Liam exclaimed as he stood back up. 'I can do this! Especially if you're there.' He told Scott. 'Liam it's not just about to game...' Scott said. 'It's about whoever killed Demarco probably being on the team.' I added. 'Who's Demarco?' Liam asked. 'The one who brought the beer to the party? The guy who was beheaded?' Stiles said. 'The person who order the keg, killed Demarco.' Scott added. I noticed Liam's look and frowned. 'Liam? Do you know something?' I asked. 'I don't know who ordered the keg, but I know who paid for it.' He said. My jaw dropped a little. 'Who? Sweetheart who paid for the keg?' I asked him. 'Garret.'

I just finished writing season four what the holy hell? :OO I don't know when I'll start season five, I think I might wait until I've seen the whole of it idk. Also I've still got quite a lot of chapters to upload and Im kind of busy watching Game Of Thrones atm hahahaha

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