117 Part 3

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I opened the front door with my key and walked inside with Stiles and Derek behind me. 'We're just gonna wait here for Scott, we're gonna sit quietly and we're not gonna call or talk to anyone!' Stiles said. 'Can I talk to you?' Derek asked. 'No.' Stiles replied. 'Can I talk to her?' Derek then asked pointing a finger at me. 'Definitely, absolutely, one big, gigantic no.' Stiles replied. 'Fine I'll just talk to him.' Derek said. Stiles and I turned around and jumped. 'Are you getting taller?' Stiles exclaimed. 'What are you guys doing here?' Dad asked us. 'Waiting for Scott.' Derek replied. 'So am I, we're supposed to have dinner.' Dad said and my eyes widened a little. Dinner. Oh shit. 'I brought extra, you guys hungry?' He asked and the room filled with no's from me and Stiles and a yes from Derek. Of course. Mate, you were more fun when you were old and grumpy. I sighed. 'We're not hungry, dad.' I said. 'I'm starving.' Derek said. 'None of us are hungry.' Stiles said. 'Okay well if you two aren't hungry, your friend can still eat with us. What's your name?' Dad asked. 'Miguel!' Stiles and I said quickly before Derek could even open his mouth and ruin everything. 'He's uh, my cousin Miguel.' Stiles said patting Derek's shoulder. 'From Méjico.' I added to make it even better. My smile disappeared though when my spoke some words in Spanish. A quiet 'oh my god' left Stiles' mouth. Luckily Derek speaks Spanish, who could've known? He looked at us with that look that said 'bitch what you got now?'


I can't even remember the last time I was eating around the same table as my father. I had a full plate standing in front of me even though we'd been sitting here for over 15 minutes. 'You not hungry, Samantha?' Dad asked. 'No sir, ironic enough Derek here is the only person I'm happy to sit around this table with.' I smiled. Dad looked between me and Stiles. 'Did I miss something?' He asked. 'Only about three third of my life.' I shrugged. Dad dropped his fork and looked at me. 'So, Miguel, what you say your last name was again?' He asked, clearly not wanting go into a discussion right now. It would have to wait, I knew it. 'It's uh, Juarez.' Stiles replied. 'Cinqua...Tiago....' He muttered. 'That's eh, that's a mouthful.' Dad said. 'How do you spell that?' He asked and Derek looked at Stiles with a look that said "What you got now, huh?" Stiles looked at me for help but I kept my mouth shut. 'Phonetically.' He eventually said looking back at my father. 'Mr. McCall, you're an FBI agent?' Derek suddenly asked and I nearly chocked on my drink. 'He's low level. Very low level. He doesn't even have a voice.' Stiles shrugged. 'So, do you investigate murders?' Derek asked my dad. Please shut up. 'Sometimes. When it's a federal crime.' Dad replied with a shrug. 'What about fires?' Derek asked and I shook him a look that said I would kill him if he didn't shut up. 'Oh my god! I wonder where Scott is! Shouldn't Scott be here by now? We should call Scott.' Stiles let out. 'What kind of fires are you talking about?' Dad asked completely ignoring Stiles. 'Do you know anything about the Hale family?' Derek asked. 'Oh my god you little bastard...' I muttered under my breath. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I nearly chocked again when I read who it was from. I hadn't changed my contact name yet.

From Idiotic Boyfriend: If he doesn't shut up he's gonna get us killed!

From Idiotic Boyfriend: PS: You forgot to chance the contact name back to Idiotic Stiles...

I dropped my fork extra loud and stood up from my seat before walking out of the room. 'Samantha, where are you going?' Dad called after me. More chairs were moved and I heard Stiles and Derek follow me upstairs. 'Sammy, I didn't mean to...' Stiles began but he was cut off by a thumb. I turned around I raised my eyebrows at the sight of Stiles pressed to the wall by Derek. Deja vu. 'Okay, I didn't lie. I omitted certain truths. Vital thrust now that I think about it.' Stiles said. 'I don't wanna talk to you, I wanna talk to the alpha, I'll talk to Scott!' Derek exclaimed as he stepped back. 'Okay, and I will go get him! You just stay here, okay? Don't move. Don't move!' Stiles said as he opened the door and ran into the hallway. 'How about the alpha's sister? Will you talk to her?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest. 'You're Scott's sister?' Derek asked. 'No I just walked into his room because I like his unicorn wallpaper.' I shrugged. 'That's sarcasm smarthead!' I laughed when I saw his confused face. 'Yes, he's my twin brother. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get changed first.' I said before walking out of the room. I ran into my own room and quickly jumped into some sweatpants. I dug through my whole closer to find a t-shirt. Unfortunately almost all of them were Stiles'. I don't even know why I still have those. He didn't ask for them back so.... As apparently all of my own shirts are in the laundry I didn't have any other option then to wear a Stiles' shirt. I stepped back into the hallway and found Stiles standing in the doorway of my brother's room looking inside with wide eyes and his phone in his hand. I quickly ran over to him and I only just saw some blonde hair out of the window. 'Don't tell me Kate took Derek?' I sighed. 'Yep.' He replied. 'I'm gonna find Scott.' I said and ran down the stairs. I texted him asking where he was and he told me to meet him, Peter and Malia at the school, apparently Kate is after the Triskelion. Don't ask why she would look for it at the school, that's the last place I'd look but hey, whatever floats her boat. I had taken Scott's old bicycle, I was not happy with my choice of vehicle but what other option did I have? I arrived at the school, I dropped the bike and ran towards the stairs. I stopped when I saw a huge man in front of me, he was really, really huge, covered in leather and a skull over his head. Okay slow down there fashionista. I saw my brother and Malia a few feet in front of him. 'SAMANTHA! Run!' Scott yelled before he and Malia ran in the opposite direction. The man, if you can consider it human, ran after them. 'Hell no.' I muttered and ran after them. I followed them into the outside lunch area, I don't even know why they were running, it's just one, we can take one. They suddenly stopped running and I saw it was because there was another one, in front of them. I ran around the other one in a very wide circle and joined my brother and Malia. 'I thought I told you to run!' Scott exclaimed. 'I did.' I shrugged. 'I ran after you.' I said. 'Damn you Sammy.' He sighed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with them as they walked up some metal stairs. 'Scott, it's both of 'em. They're both here.' Malia said. 'Where the hell is Peter? I thought he was with you guys?' I exclaimed. 'I don't know, he just took off.' Malia replied. See, that's why I don't like Peter. We ran to the top of the stairs but got cut off by the second one. And the one behind us was coming closer. I cracked my neck. 'Can I least know what I'm fighting?' I sighed. 'Berserkers.' Scott told me before jumping over the one behind us, turning back around and digging his claws into him. Malia and I took on the other one. I got this massive headache out of nowhere probably meaning my brother is getting his ass kicked. But I can't blame him since Malia and I weren't doing much better. Malia got cut on her thigh and was thrown onto the ground. I reached out my hand to help her up when I suddenly caught a familiar sent. I stared into the distance but I didn't see him. Although I knew he was here. Suddenly I was pushed out of the way by Kira who started slashing into them with her katana. Didn't work much better than our claws as she was soon laying next to Scott and Malia. Now the only one left standing was me. I swallowed and took a step back but I was soon met with some lockers. I squeezed my eyes shut and squeaked. 'Sam watch out!' A familiar voice yelled and suddenly Derek was standing in front of me. I watched him take on the berserkers and it's fair to say he did better than all of us together. There suddenly was a howl in the distance and the berserkers took off running. 'Well done, Hale.' I grinned. My smile faded wen Derek stood up and I noticed he was taller. He turned around and my eyes widened. 'Derek?' He was back. He was Derek again, the only difference was, that his eyes were no longer blue, but yellow.


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