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'Dad, really, I'm okay.' Scott told our dad for about the hundredth time. 'No I should've been here.' Dad replied with a shake of his head. 'I said I would be at the games.' He said. 'Meh, this was just a pre-season scrimmage, no worries.' I shrugged. 'And we didn't even tell you about it.' Scott added. 'But I promised your mom I'd be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital.' Dad said. 'I should've been here.' He added. 'You should've been here ten yea...' I began but Scott quickly placed his hand over my mouth. 'You're here now.' He spoke. 'Phe to wate.' I muttered underneath his hand. 'To you I will always be too late, won't I Sammy?' Dad asked and I nodded firmly. Three people walked passed us, I saw it was the sheriff, Deputy Parrish and Violet in cuffs. She better be, nobody tries to cut my brother's head, and mine at the same time without knowing. At least I don't think she knew, how far would she have gone to kill two werewolves at once? The sheriff joined us. 'What is that? Is that the weapon?' Dad asked him. The sheriff nodded and held up a plastic bag with an object inside that looked like a normal neckless. But was actually far from normal. 'It's a uh, thermo-cut wire.' The sheriff told us. It was probably a reflex when Scott's hand reached for my waist and pulled me back a bit. Dad noticed that and smiled a little. He then turned around and went after Parrish with the sheriff. As they disappeared behind the corned, Liam appeared. 'Where's Kira?' Scott asked. 'She took off, Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the dead pool.' Liam replied. 'Her mom's on it.' Scott said with slightly widened eyes. 'Everyone's on it.' Liam said, glancing my way. Scott looked down at me. I shrugged. 'Yep. But it doesn't matter anyway, only one of us has to be on it, we can both be killed at the same time.' I sighed. 'And they better not find out about that.' I added. Scott nodded in agreement and turned back to Liam. 'You're not?' He asked. 'Yet.' He replied. 'There's still another third, right?' He asked. 'Thermo-cut wires are very unusual weapons, Violet.'  I heard my dad say and I looked back over my shoulder. 'Now we've got a file at the bureau on something familiar. Used in over a dozen murders.'  He said. 'I don't know what you're talking about.'  Violet replied. 'I just go to school here.'  She shrugged. 'Maybe we should call your parents then.'  Dad said and her face dropped. 'Oh no that's right, you don't have any parents.' Dad sighed. 'That's why they call you the orphans.'  Violet shot my father a deadly look as they walked her away. 'We need to find her boyfriend Garret.'  He told the sheriff. 'Coach, I'm gonna need both their locker numbers, and someone send me a pair of bold cutters.'  The sheriff said. I turned around with a smirk. 'Who needs bold cutters when you have wolf strength?' Scott nodded and we made our way to the locker room. 'Go, we'll keep watch.' I said and Scott walked towards the lockers opening them as Liam and I looked into the hallway to see if anyone was coming. 'I think someone's coming Scotty, hurry up.' I said. 'You found anything?' Liam asked. A weird feeling came over me, doubt. He found something and he doesn't know whether to tell or not. 'Wait here.' I muttered to Liam and walked over to my brother crouching down next to him. He looked at me with wide eyes before opening a sports bag filled with money. And since Scott didn't know what to do, I did it for him. 'No.' I said. 'There's nothing here.'


'Scott?' I asked stepping into his room. He was sat on his bed and from where I was standing I could see the bag under his bad. I swallowed. 'You still want me to go after Liam to check on him? If I'm right he's jogging with Mason now.' I said. He nodded. 'Yeah, I still want you to check on him.' He said in a monotone voice. I sighed and walked over to him, I crouched down in front of him and grabbed hold of his hands. 'This was the right thing to do.' I whispered. 'We stick to the plan, we don't tell anyone until we figure out whose money that is or where it came from.' I told him. Scott nodded. 'Okay.' He muttered. 'Now, I'm going jogging apparently, I'll be back in an hour or so.' I smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving the room. I ran down the stairs and found my mom on the phone, probably the same people who turned the power off. Meaning I couldn't watch tv and we had a fridge full of food waiting to go bad. And we definitely don't have the money to replace that. 'I'm out for a bit, be back in an hour.' I mouthed at her. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up saying it was alright. I went outside and started running along the rode until I found a path that led into the woods, all I had to do first was find the track Liam and Mason were running. I hope he doesn't think I'm stalking him, trust me, I'd much rather be talking to Stiles right now. Actually, no, I wouldn't. Last night my room was filled with sheets of paper that had a few sentences written on them. All trying to tell Stiles how I felt, but none were good enough. After about fifteen minutes I could hear voices in the distance. I started running a bit faster and slowed down once I saw them, I remained in the woods though and didn't go onto the path. I frowned when Liam suddenly started running away from Mason. I gritted my teeth and started running after him, remaining between the trees. Though he'll probably here me coming. Damn that kid was running fast, and I don't like running. I ran onto the path, Liam heard me and looked back with a confused look. 'What are you doing here?' He asked me. 'Mind slowing down a bit there sweetheart?' I called out. He stopped running so sudden I almost crashed into his back. 'I said slow down, not stop.' I sighed. Liam turned around to face me. 'What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?' He asked and I rolled my eyes. 'Of course you'd think that. No sweety, I'm looking out for you. You might still be a target.' I said. 'So could you.' He shot back. I smirked. 'I can take care of myself.' I said crossing my arms over my chest. 'So you followed me?' He asked. 'Yep, and I saw you leaving your buddy behind, that's not very nice.' I pouted. He looked behind him down the road he just came from and I followed his gaze. I didn't even hear the car coming up behind us and knocking us to the ground. Liam clutched his shoulder. 'What the hell dude?! Are you blind or something!' I yelled sitting up straight. I saw Garret coming out of the car and I wish I could swallow my words. Which obviously I couldn't. 'Now this is a surprise. Two for the price of one.' Garret smiled. 'Or should I say three?' He asked. I tried my best to keep a straight face. 'Obviously you really are blind because there were only two people here for you to run over with your fancy car.' I said. Garret let out a chuckle and grabbed a dagger from behind his back. 'Oh I've heard a lot about you Sammy.' He smiled. 'It's Samantha for you.' I growled. 'Samantha.' He corrected himself. 'And your brother of course. You're more famous than you think. At first I didn't believe it, but then I saw you on the field at the exact same moment Violet was trying to kill the alpha and I knew. You two really are twins. You feel each other's pain, literally. You really shouldn't have followed Liam, Samantha.' He spoke before lowering the dagger towards me.


'Sorry guys, Liam skipped my class, maybe he's sick like me.' Coach told Mason and I. 'Liam didn't look sick on our run.' Mason told me. 'He's not getting back to any of my texts.' I said checking my phone again, and neither was Sammy... 'Yeah mine either.' Mason sighed. The bell rang meaning we had to get to class. 'Alright don't worry I'll find him, and text me if you see him?' I asked Mason who nodded before walking away. My phone buzzed and I saw it was Liam. 'Liam?' I asked pressing the phone to my ear. 'Sounds like you already know the answer to that Scott.'  Garret. My eyes scanned the hallway but I couldn't see him. 'Where is he? And where's my sister?' I asked. 'Oh come on, like I'm actually going to tell you that.' He replied. 'I'll give you the money.' I said. 'Yeah, you will. But that's not gonna be enough to get both of 'em back. You see, when I have your little sister I have you, so you're gonna have to put a little more effort than that.'  Garret said. 'What do you want?' I asked. 'I want the money, and Violet. Or you'll never see Liam and Sam again.' He said and with that he hung up the phone.

I checked to see if no one was there before I walked between two school busses where Garret was. Oh how badly I wanted to rip his head off right there, but that wouldn't get me Sam and Liam back. So I tried my best to remain calm. 'Okay, what do you want?' I asked. 'Want me to go to Stilinski I can do that, I can talk to my father he's an FBI agent.' I said. Garret smiled. 'You think I want you talking to anyone with a badge?' He asked. 'I'm not getting help from a werewolf because I want him to talk to someone.' He said. 'Then what am I supposed to do?' I whisper shouted. 'They're transferring Violet to a federal facility, you are not gonna let that happen.' He said. 'How?' I asked. 'They're going to put her in a car, we're gonna follow it, we get ahead of it, you stop it.' He replied. 'You want me to attack a car, that's your plan?' I asked him. That was the most stupid plan of all I'd ever heard, and Stiles says my plans are bad. 'You're an alpha. If you can't stop one little car then one little beta is going to die.' He said. I frowned. 'That's right, I said one. I have better plans for little Samantha, because as I torture her, I'm also torturing you. I already am actually.' He said and my hand reached for my shoulder. 'What did you think? You ran into your door or something?' Garret chuckled, he raised the bottom of his lacrosse stick and a dagger appeared. 'I stabbed them with a blade dipped in wolfs bane, and once it gets to the heart, bad things happen.'

Okay so I was just watching season three with my brother and this book has gotten me to the point where I'm watching the show and I'm like 'where the hell is Sammy?' hahahah and I keep replaying the scenes in my head but with her in them oh god this is bad

Something About Him // Teen Wolf [Book 4] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now