Perishable Part 2

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I was at the school waiting for Liam, I'm supposed to look after him but I haven't been doing a pretty good job of that. I noticed him walking past me so I quickly threw my locker shut and ran after him. 'Hey Liam!' Mason called and I quickly stopped in my tracks. Don't look too obvious now. 'Am I gonna see you at the bon fire tonight?' Mason asked him. 'I'm thinking about skipping it.' Liam replied, good choice buddy. 'You're not skipping.' Mason said and I rolled my eyes. If the boy doesn't wanna go he doesn't wanna go. 'Why not?' Liam asked. 'Because you're on the lacrosse team, don't you have to go?' Nope. Nope he doesn't. That only counts for the volleyball team. Hold up, we don't have a volleyball team. Never mind. 'I don't know, I don't think I can make it.' Liam said. 'You're coming. And we're gonna find you a nice girl that you can embarrass yourself in front of and we're gonna find me a lacrosse player. At least... If your babysitter lets you come.' Mason said looking over Liam's shoulder and sending me a confused look. I smiled and waved awkwardly. I noticed Liam looking quite uncomfortable so I grabbed his shoulders. 'Hey there handsome, don't you gotta get to lacrosse practice? Yeah I remember Scott saying there was practice so let's go. Chop chop get a move on. Bye Mason it was nice seeing you!' I called over my shoulder. 'Okay what the hell is going on with you?' I asked once Mason was out of sight. He only shrugged. 'Liam, I'm serious.' I sighed. 'If something's wrong you can tell me, I owe you remember?' I said quietly. 'I'm fine it's nothing. I'm late for practice.' He said and walked away from me. Oh no buddy, you're not getting away that easy. I followed him and while he went inside the locker room I sat on the stairs outside of coach' office. And I was gonna stay there until practice was over. That's how stubborn I am. Eat that Dunbar.

About an hour later I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I smirked as a groan followed. 'Really? People are really gonna start thinking you're my babysitter you know that?' Liam sighed behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder and smiled. 'C'mere.' I said patting the empty space next to me. Liam rolled his eyes yet sat down next to me. 'Hiya Scotty.' I said and Liam looked back confused. 'How did you? Ugh never mind.' He said and Scott chuckled as he sat down next to Liam. 'Wanna tell us what's going on?' Scott asked him. 'Last night my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off, I hit the cancel button but it just kept printing...' Liam told us. 'Printing what?' I asked. Liam reached for his back pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper, he unfolded it and showed it to us. It was a part of the dead pool, only some of the names were striked through. 'What the hell is this?' Someone exclaimed. It was coach. We stood up and walked over to his office. It seems that Liam's printer wasn't the only one printing on its own. I grabbed one of the papers on the floor and we stepped away from the door. Scott held the one Liam gave us next to this one. 'See the difference?' Liam asked. I nodded a little confused. 'Derek's not on the list anymore.' I said. 'And I'm not worth 3 million, its 18 now. 18 million dollars.' Liam added.


'Dude you know we're gonna stand out when we walk around here like a bunch of zombies.' I told my brother. We were outside where the bonfire had just started. He glared at me. 'You know why you're here.' He said and I rolled my eyes. 'Yeah, yeah to look after the kid. I get it.' I said. We walked further into the crowd and closer to the fire, I frowned when I recognized someone in the crowd. 'Hey! Why can she dance and I can't?' I whined pointing a finger at Malia. 'You're such a kid.' Scott sighed before grabbing my hand and dragging me over to her. 'Hey, what are you doing here?' He yelled over the music. 'Getting drunk.' She replied and I hit my brother's shoulder. 'See! That's what I wanna do! But Mr. Grumpy here won't let me.' I sighed jerking a thumb in Scott's direction. 'I'm trying to make sure no one gets hurt.' He said. 'Here.' Malia said handing me the bottle she was holding and I happily took it from her. But before I could even bring the bottle towards my lips Scott took it from me. 'I don't hate to ruin your night, but we kind of can't get drunk.' He said and my jaw dropped. 'You're kidding!' He shook his head and I let out a groan. 'They should mention that before you get bitten.' I sighed. 'I'm sorry, you're not gonna feel anything.' Scott said. 'Maybe you should tell him that.' Malia said pointing at someone behind her. I squinted my eyes and noticed it was Liam who was holding a bottle of coke but was pouring something else in it. I raised an eyebrow. 'Hell no, what he thinking?' I said and walked over to him. 'Not gonna tell me to slow down?' He said to Mason. 'Actually I was gonna say keep drinking.' Mason shrugged. 'I think you should get drunk, and I mean stumbling down, fall on your ass, passed out facing the toilet drunk.' He said. 'Why?' Liam asked with a chuckle. I started walking a little slower, I wanted to hear this. 'Maybe then when I ask you what's going on you'll be too drunk to lie. I'm not asking because I wanna know, I'm asking because I wanna help.' Mason said. Liam stood up from the bench they were sitting on. 'I'm gonna get another drink.' He said, he turned around and jumped as I was now standing in front of him. 'Honey if you touch just as much as one more drop of alcohol I go woop yo ass, got that?' I told him. 'Not that it matters cos we don't get drunk, sorry sweetheart I was just as disappointed when I found out. Which was like 10 seconds ago.' I shrugged. Mason shut me a confused look. 'How can you not get drunk?' He asked me. I placed my hands on my hips in a sassy way. 'Did I ask yo opinion? I did not think so, so keep yo pretty mouth shut, hmm-hmm. Now as for you.' I said turning back to Liam. He rolled his eyes at me. 'Excuse you? Did you just roll your eyes at me?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest. 'Sam, you're not my babysitter, you're not my mother and also not my girlfriend so back off, okay? Now can I please just get drunk?' He sighed. I stepped forward and poked his chest with my index finger. 'You're right, I'm not your babysitter. I'm not your mother and I already have an idiot for a boyfriend. But I'm the reason we got stuck in that well so I'm trying to make right for my mistakes. I'm just trying to keep the people I care for safe, okay? And I happen to care about you.' I told him. He stepped forward and nearly stripped over his own feet, he would've face palmed the ground if I hadn't caught him in time. 'You really are drunk, but you can't...' I muttered. I reached for the bottle he'd been drinking from but there were suddenly two of them. 'Whoa, that's not good...' I muttered. 'Wait, you come here to lecture him about drinking but you're drunk yourself?' Mason chuckled. I looked up at him with a glare. 'I haven't touched a single drop since I've gotten here.' I said. 'Sammy.' Scott's voice suddenly sounded behind. He helped me up and sat me down on the bench next to Liam. 'How much has he had to drink?' He asked. 'Not enough to get him like this.' Mason replied. 'Something's happening we need to get them out of here...' Scott stopped talking mid-sentence and starred at his hand oddly. 'How much did you drink?' Mason asked. 'Nothing, not even a sip.' Okay this wasn't possible. We looked and acted like we were drunk but we didn't drink anything? Oh god if this is another assassin trying to kill our asses some bitches go die tonight. I tried to get up but my legs wouldn't hold me up. And this music was starting to give me a headache. Wait a minute... 'Scott...' I breathed placing my hand on his shoulder. 'The music... It's not the drinks...' I said and his eyes widened a little. 'I have to... I have to turn off the music, don't let them out of your sight.' Scott told Mason. 'Scotty wait...' I wanted to go after him but it only ended up with me falling forward. Two hands grabbed my arms and pulled me up. 'Thanks Mason.' I mumbled but when I lifted my head I didn't see Mason but a man in uniform. 'Whoa, you're not Mason...' I said confused. 'Dude these are my friends.' I heard Mason say. 'Your friends are overly intoxicated. They need to be escorted out.' The man replied. 'Okay I'll go with them.' Mason said. 'Yes please...' I mumbled raising a hand. 'That won't be necessary.' The security guard replied. 'I said they're my friends!' The security guard pushed Mason causing him to fall back. Two guys came up to help him. I couldn't see what happened after that as the security men walked us away. They walked us inside the school and dropped us next to some lockers. Well so far for helping us. Malia and Liam were both passed out and I was trying really hard to keep my eyes open. The door opened again and another man walked inside with my brother. He dropped him next to me. 'What is that?' I heard my brother ask. My head shut up and my eyes widened when I noticed the can he was holding. 'Dude, if that's gasoline you dead.' I slurred. The man stepped forward with a smile. 'Haigh says we gotta burn you.' He said before pouring the gasoline all over us. I spat the amount that had gotten in my mouth out looking like a fountain. 'Whoa whoa dude, this is new conditioner you mad bro?' I sighed. He crouched down and showed us his lighter. I gulped. I was seeing two fires which made it slightly worse. I suddenly noticed the music stopped and my eyes flashed yellow. Scott's hand shot up grabbing the man's hand putting out the lighter and breaking some bones. He deserved it. Braeden also appeared out of nowhere and head butted him with her gun. Derek also showed up and together they took on the three other cops. It was weird to see Derek fight without his wolf powers, man I don't know what I would do if I'd lose my powers. I looked to my left and raised an eyebrow. I dropped my leg, which was pulled up, kicking Liam and Malia in the back. They looked up confused. 'Wake up kids you're missing all the action.' I said. Derek walked over to us after he knocked out the last cop. 'What happened to the gun?' Scott asked. 'You're covered in gasoline?' Good one Derek, good thinking you got there. I crawled up, using Liam's shoulder for supposed which caused him to slide down again, he looked up at me with a glare. 'Here's some advice from your babysitter: wanna learn how to get girls? Be a gentleman, which means ladies first.' I shrugged and reached out my hand for Malia to take. She stood up and smiled thankfully. 'Drunk isn't fun ha?'





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