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I woke up but kept my eyes closed. I was afraid that if I opened my eyes I'd be in my own room and it would all just have been a dream. And I certainly didn't want it to be a dream. A faint ache between my legs suggested that it definitely wasn't a dream. I slowly opened my eyes and a smile creeped onto my face. My smile turned into a grin when I recognized Stiles' room. I pulled the covers up, yep, I did not dream. I sat up straight and only now noticed I was alone in this bed. Where the hell did Stiles go? Maybe he went downstairs to get some breakfast. I stepped out of the bed and grabbed the clothes I was supposed to put on last night. I walked over to the door and carefully peeked into the hallway, it was empty. I pressed the clothes to my chest and tiptoed to the bathroom, I could use that shower now. I locked the door behind me and took a well needed yet not to long shower, I wanted to see Stiles. After my shower I got dressed in a world record and raced down the stairs, only to be disappointed and see that I was alone. Why would Stiles leave without waking me up? Maybe he left a note or something, I ran back up the stairs into his room. There was indeed a blue post it on my pillow.

"At the sheriff station with Lydia, be back before you wake up."

I chuckled and stuck the post it back to the pillow. 'Well you're late.' I sighed and walked back outside. I was wide awake and going to the sheriff station.


When I walked inside the building I was met with shocked looks and gasps. They must've already heard about these two kids magically coming back to life after officially being declared dead but they hadn't seen for their own eyes. I smiled awkwardly and made my way to Papa Stilinski's office. I knocked on the door and stepped inside once I heard a yes coming from inside. Stiles smiled when he saw me, the sheriff turned around and his jaw dropped. 'You? You... So it's true. B-but I found you? You were dead?' He stuttered. I smiled a little. 'Yet here I am.' I sighed. The sheriff sighed and leaned against his desk. 'I don't' even wanna know, I'm just happy you're alive. Thank god.' He sighed. I smiled and walked over to Stiles who wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my temple. 'Is this what I think it is?' Lydia asked with a grin. I shrugged and looked down the hide a slight blush on my cheeks. 'We're getting there.' I smiled. There suddenly were gunshots coming from the room next to this, the sheriff quickly reached for his gun before running outside. The cop I only just saw ten seconds ago before I entered the sheriff's office was pinned to the floor by another guy whom I couldn't recognise as he was covered in black stains. He punched the cop in the face which caused him to fire the gun he was holding and hit the sheriff right in his shoulder. 'But your dead?' He said confused as the other guy continued to punch into him. My brain suddenly decided to wake up and tell my muscles to move. I ran forward and pulled this guy off of the cop, but I'm afraid I was already too late. I pulled him away from him. 'What the hell dude! What do you think you're...Holy sweet bananas, Parrish?' I asked as I thought I recognized the man behind all this black dirt. He nodded, still panting a little. 'And that guy tried to kill me.' He said nodding at the cop laying behind me. I nodded and turned to Stiles and Lydia. 'Call Scott, we're taking this guy to Derek.'


'He covered you in gasoline?' Derek asked after taking a look at Parrish who seemed unharmed in any way. 'It's the hair and nails isn't it?' Lydia asked. 'The parts of the body that are essentially dead.' She said. 'Well they should be gone.' Derek replied. 'I was set on fire. All of me should be gone.' Parrish said. 'Not if you're like us.' I shrugged with a smile. 'Like you?' He asked confused. 'I don't think he's like us.' Derek said. 'Then what is he?' Lydia asked. 'I'm sorry but I have no idea.' Derek sighed. 'But you knew about Jackson and Kira?' Scott asked. 'This is a little out of my experience, there might be something in the bestiary. Did you try Argent?' Derek asked us. 'We don't know where he is.' I replied. 'Okay hold on, what's a bestiary?' Parrish asked. 'Actually that's not even my first question, just tell me one thing, are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?' He asked. I let out a laugh. 'Not exactly.' Scott said. 'Okay then what are you?' Parrish asked. 'Well, have you ever owned a dog? Imagine that dog, only bigger, with claws and fangs.' I smiled. Parrish looked at me like I was either joking or out of my mind. 'Take a look dearie.' I shrugged and nodded at my brother whose eyes were now red, the color of an alpha. I clapped my hands together. 'Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the hospital because my future father in law got shot. See ya'll later lovelies!'


I stood outside the door, doubting whether I should go inside. They were talking about the bills. 'Stiles, are you going through my stuff?' I heard the sheriff ask his son. 'Yeah, I go through all your stuff especially when you keep things from me.' Stiles replied in an obvious tone. 'I keep things from you because you don't need to know everything.' The sheriff replied. 'Yes I do how else am I supposed to take care of you?' Stiles asked. 'You're not supposed to take care of me!' The sheriff replied raising his voice and I cringed a little. I hate that they have to go through this. 'I'm the dad, you're the son. You get it? Dad, son. I take care of you.' The sheriff said. 'We're supposed to take care of each other.' Stiles replied calmly, it broke my heart. 'Hey, we're gonna be alright.'' The sheriff said quietly. 'How do you know, dad?' Stiles asked. 'I don't, but the morphine's kicking in and I'm not gonna worry about anything right now. And neither should you, you should worry about that girl standing outside the door doubting whether she should come in or not.' I know he dozed off after that so I stepped into the doorway. Stiles looked up and smiled a little to see that his dad was right. I walked over to him knowing what worry and sadness he was hiding behind that smile. He was sitting on a chair and I took a seat on his lap throwing my legs over the arm of the chair. 'You okay?' I asked quietly as I ran my hand through his hair. He shrugged. 'I just hate all of this.' He sighed. He turned his head to me and cupped my cheek in his hand. 'Are you okay?' He asked and I let out a chuckle. 'Seriously? Your dad has been shot and you ask me if I'm okay?' I asked him with raised eyebrows. He shrugged. 'I think you know what I meant.' He said quietly. 'I'm fine.' I told him. 'It was amazing, thank you.' I smiled and kissed his cheek. 'This is probably the worst timing in the history of bad timings but, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend again?' I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. 'Hell yeah.'

Hey y'all fine bunch of people

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