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'Is three enough?' Kira asked referring to the laptops in front of us. 'It depends on how many cameras they have but I think so.' I replied. 'Are we really doing this?' Liam asked. 'We're doing it, tonight.' Scott said. We were in the middle of Scott's living room with mine, Kira's and Sammy's laptop on the table. Scott's could've used his own but he insisted on using his sister's because it had a unicorn sticker on it, he'll use every opportunity he gets to make fun of her that kid. I was really surprised when I woke up this morning and saw she was next to me, for a second I thought I was dreaming again but it turned out she really snuck in last night. And that made me really happy. 'Isn't it kind of dangerous?' Liam asked. 'Yep, it's incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic.' I replied. 'Have you guys done something like this before?' He asked us. 'Something dangerous or something idiotic?' I asked. 'Because both we have.' Kira shrugged. 'You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want it.' Scott said noticing some doubt in Liam's eyes. 'I'm not scared.' He said. 'Well, then you're borderline idiotic.' I shrugged. 'If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us you know that right?' I said looking at all of them. 'How do we even something's definitely coming?' Kira asked. 'The tape from Garret's bag said visual confirmation is always required.' Scott replied. 'Yeah Simon said the same thing, he couldn't get paid by the Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead.' I said. 'So the idea is, when you kill someone on the dead pool but you can't send the proof...' Scott began. 'You can't get paid.' Kira finished. 'How does that get us any closer to the Benefactor?' Liam asked. 'He still needs to know if the target is really dead.' Scott said. 'Especially if it's someone high on the list.' I added. 'So if he wants visual confirmation...' Liam began. 'He's gonna have to come get it himself...' Scott added. 'There's still one thing I don't get though.' Liam said. 'Why isn't Sam here? Out of all people shouldn't she be here?' He asked. 'No, she wouldn't approve of the plan, I know her...' Scott said. 'But with this twin band, wouldn't she feel something's wrong?' Kira asked. 'Yes, there's no way to stop that, she'll probably come to the hospital or at least try calling on of you. I can only pray she won't hate me after this.' Scott sighed.


As soon as I felt it I made my way to the hospital. I wasn't even awake when I felt it, but it woke me up in the most unpleasant way. It started out as a normal nightmare, but when I woke up it felt like someone ripped my heart out, or at least a piece of it. There was an emptiness inside of me, something that didn't feel right. Something was missing. My brother. I pushed the doors open and ran inside, In the lobby I stopped the first doctor I found, Liam's stepfather. 'Where is he? Where's my brother!' I yelled. 'Samantha McCall?' He asked me calmly. 'Yes now tell me where he is!' I said. 'I'm afraid I have some bad news, you might wanna sit down...' He told me. 'I don't wanna sit down you are going to tell me where my brother is!' I yelled. 'Samantha, I'm so sorry but... Your brother came in this morning, we... did everything we could but... we couldn't save him. He's passed away.'


Melissa entered the room and joined us at the table we were all standing around, with Scott on it. Looking really, really dead. 'I still hate this plan.' She said. 'I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying he looks dead!' She continued. 'Give me your hand.' Mrs. Yukimura said. Melissa looked at me confused and I told her it was okay. She held out her hand and Kira's mother placed it on her sons chest, when she felt his heart beat she sighed with relief. The heartbeat was slow, but it was there. 'Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?' She asked. 'Enough for an alpha.' Noshiko replied. 'How much time do we have?' Melissa asked. '45 minutes.' Noshiko said. 'What happens after that?'

'I bring him back the same way.' Kira said. 'No I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than 45 minutes.' Melissa said. 'No one's told her?' Noshiko asked. Melissa's eyes widened. 'What? What happens after 45 minutes?' She asked. 'He dies.' Melissa lowered her head and took a deep breath. When she looked up again she looked around confused. 'Where's Sammy?' She asked confused. 'Uh, she doesn't know.' I replied quietly. Melissa turned to me with wide eyes. 'She doesn't know? Do you have any idea what that means?' She exclaimed. 'Scott didn't want her to know, he knew she wouldn't agree.' Kira said. 'Their band is already so much stronger than a normal twin band! It will feel like a part of her is ripped away, she's probably already here...' An ear piercing scream that sounded throughout the entire hospital confirmed that her mother was right. We all looked at each other with wide eyes and ran out of the room.

We found her in the lobby, on the ground with Liam's stepfather and some other nurses around her trying to calm her down. One of them was holding a syringe but it was no use as she was sobbing and screaming hysterically and swaying her arms at anybody that went near her. 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM? YOU BRING HIM BACK TO ME RIGHT NOW! YOU BRING HIM BACK!' She screamed. I ran towards her, I pushed the other people out of the way and slid down on my knees. 'Sammy, Sammy...' I began but she pushed me away. 'NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!' She smashed her fists against my chest. I grabbed her wrists. 'Sammy just calm down for a second!' I yelled. 'Give him back to me... I want him back... Please give him back to me...' She sobbed. 'Give me my brother.' She fell into my arms sobbing her heart out. My heart shattered at the sight of her. We should've told her, if she hadn't agreed we would've come up with something but this is way worse. 'Could you hold her still for a sec? This will calm her down.' One of the nurses asked me. Sam jumped out of my arms and went for the nurse. 'YOU WON'T GET ME AS WELL! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER! I HATE ALL OF YOU! YOU GIVE HIM BACK TO ME RIGHT NOW!' I pulled her arms behind her back. She rested her body against mine. She was totally broken. 'I can't, I can't, I can't! It hurts! Make it stop, Stiles make it stop I can't!' She sobbed. 'She needs something to calm her down, she's gonna get herself hurt.' The nurse said. 'I'm already hurt... You killed me.' She whispered and her knees went weak again so I quickly lifted her off the ground. 'I've got her it's okay.' I told the nurse before walking towards the others. Melissa was crying at the sight of her daughter like this. Her head suddenly shut up and she pushed herself out of my arms. 'No, no, no I'm supposed to die as well! I'm supposed to die with him! We're twins I-I... I'm supposed to die as well! This isn't right why didn't I die? STILES WHY AM I NOT DEAD!' She yelled grabbing the collar of my shirt. My eyes widened when those words left her mouth. How could she say something like that? I had no idea what to say to her. I just stared at her and she rested her had against my chest crying. 'This is bad, we should've told her! We should've told her!' Liam rambled. 'It's too late for that now, take her to him, show her and pray to every God known she won't skin you alive.' Her mom said. 'I have to get to Argent to send the message to the Benefactor, if the message isn't send in time...' I said. 'We'll take her.' Kira said nodding at Liam. I frowned looking down at the sobbing and shaking girl in front of me. 'Stiles, we don't have time...' Melissa said. 'Fine, you take care of her.' I said before handing her over to Liam who picked her up again since she was probably in no state of going anywhere. 'I'm so sorry baby girl...' I muttered. I kissed her forehead before running off to find Argent.


I didn't know what going on around me. I only caught fragments of their conversation, something about telling me and a message to the Benefactor. All I could feel was this emptiness inside me. I felt Stiles handing me over to Liam and him and Kira were taking me somewhere, probably to see my brother's dead body. All I could feel was anger and sadness. Oh how badly I needed to rip someone's head off right now. Preferably the doctor that declared my brother dead. What even happened? Did an assassin get to him? Why didn't anyone call me? A rush of guilt came over me. This wasn't right at all. Violet almost killed us both, then why didn't that happen this time? We were supposed to die together. I'm supposed to die with him. Although I kind of did die as well... Another wave came over me and I buried my head in Liam's neck as new tears started rolling down my cheeks. 'I should've died... I should've died... This isn't right.' I mumbled. 'Sammy...' Liam said as he put me down on the ground. I turned around and there he was. 'No, no, no, no!' I burst out into tears again. 'Scotty?' I walked around the table. 'This can't be real, tell me this is just a nightmare...' I whispered. I went to Stiles house last night to feel safe and happy for once again, and now I'm staring at my brother's dead body? I bend down and rested my head and his bare chest. 'I'm so sorry little brother... I'm so, so...' Something cut me off. A sound. A heartbeat. At first I thought I imagined it but then I heard it again, very slow but there. My head shut up and I looked at Liam and Kira with eyes. 'What is this?' I whispered. 'We're so sorry we didn't tell you! It's a plan to catch the Benefactor! Scott didn't want you to know because he knew you wouldn't agree... If we knew you'd react like this we would've told you... We're so sorry!' Liam rambled. I looked down at my brother and back at them. 'So he's not dead?' I asked. 'No, that heartbeat you felt is enough to keep him alive, but we only have 45 minutes.' Kira told me. I laughed and ran towards her throwing my arms around her neck. 'Thanks you.' I breathed. I turned back around and cupped Scott's cheek. 'You're gonna be okay...' I whispered.

Okay so here it is, the Time Of Death bonus chapter! As you probably noticed it's not finished since I realized it would make more sense the other way but yeah, I hope you like it :) I certainly enjoyed reading this and I wish I could've used it hahaha 

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