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I stepped out of my brother's bathroom after having showered off all the gasoline. 'Man this thing really sticks in your hair.' I sighed. Scott rolled his eyes a little and threw me my jacket before we both left his room and jogged down the stairs. 'Kira found Brett.' Scott said as he handed Liam the spare helmet, which is actually mine but for the kid I'll make an exception. 'He's fine but we gotta go.' He said. 'More assassins?' Liam asked. 'Maybe a lot more.' Scott replied with a sigh. 'Different than the ones who just tried to set us on fire?' Liam asked with slightly widened eyes. 'I think so yeah.' I replied with a sigh. I heard no more footsteps behind me, when I turned around Liam had placed the helmet on the table and was looking down at it. Scott and I shared a look, I shrugged saying he didn't really need to come. Scott nodded and reminded me of my task. I rolled my eyes a little and walked over to Liam. 'Hey.' I said placing my hand on his shoulder. 'Want me to take you home?' I asked. 'I'm not like you.' Liam said looking up at my brother and I. 'Not yet.' Scott replied. 'No I don't mean I'm not strong, or I'm never gonna learn how to be in control, I mean everything else.' Liam said. 'You and your friends, you try and protect everyone. Have you been doing this the whole time? I mean how are you all still alive?' He asked us. 'Not all of us are...' I muttered. I looked at my brother and nodded saying it was okay. 'I'll take him home.'


I walked into Beacon Hills Memorial hospital, my mom texted me saying it worked and she got Stiles to stay here. Whilst we were almost getting burned to death, him and Lydia were tied up by this Brunski guy who works at Eichen House, basically he tried to kill them. He punched Stiles in the face so now he has a concussion. I knew he wouldn't want to stay in the hospital because him and his dad own this hospital enough money already, but I couldn't let him run around with a concussion now could I? I was nearing his room and I was surprised to see Malia leave the room. 'Hi, what are you doing here?' I asked a little confused. 'I uh, came to apologize. I kind of understand now why you kept it from me. It's just, this stuff is still really difficult for me. Forgiveness and stuff.' She told me with a shrug. I smiled and returned the shrug. 'Meh, that's fine. Its progress right?' I asked and we shared a chuckle. 'Yeah.' I was a little taken back when she suddenly stepped forward and hugged me. She noticed my confusion. 'What's wrong? Friends hug right?' She asked and a smile creeped onto my face. 'Yeah, yeah of course friends hug.' I replied hugging her back. 'Hey eh, I'm here to take Stiles home. Wanna come with?' I asked her as we broke the hug. She looked back at the door that lead to Stiles' room and back at me. 'Okay, yeah sure.' She replied. I smiled and told her to wait, I peeked my head around the corner of Stiles room and smiled. He turned his head and his eyes widened a little. 'Sammy!' He jumped up, I walked over to him and he hugged me lifting me up and spinning me around. 'Are you alright? Malia told me you guys almost got set on fire?' He asked me, his eyes filled with concern. I shrugged. 'Besides the fact that I could barely get the gasoline out of my hair, I'm fine.' I told him and pecked his lips. 'Come on, I'm here to take you home.' I said. 'Uh, your mom said I couldn't leave without a CT scan.' He told me with a sigh. I shrugged. 'I know. Who's idea do you think it was to keep you here? Now Come on!' I said and dragged him out of the room.

When we got to Stiles' house he immediately ran up to his room and grabbed his tape player. He somehow got his hands on the tape that Brunski had when he had him and Lydia tied up. We were all sitting on his desk as he played the tape. 'Let's go Lorraine.' A man's voice sounded, probably Brunski. 'Listen to me, please listen. There is something I have to do. Something I have to stop.' Lorraine said. 'I have to take you back to Eichen, Lorraine.' Brunski replied. 'No, I don't think you're gonna be taking me anywhere. I can hear the recorder in your pocket, it's on now isn't it? You're making a tape, just like you taped the others.' Lorraine said. Stiles pressed the pause button. 'The same happened at Eichen House.' He said. 'But then where did she go?' Malia asked. 'That's what we need to find out.' He replied and pressed play again. The tape started from the beginning again. Malia suddenly stopped us. 'That's it. Play it again and turn it up.' She said. What did I miss? Stiles did as she asked. 'No, I don't think you're gonna be taking me anywhere. I can hear the recorder in your pocket. It's on now isn't it? You're making a tape, just like you taped the others.'

'It's the record player.' Malia said. Stiles and I shot each other a confused look. 'What record player?' I asked. 'The one at the lake house, in the study.' She replied standing up. 'So she escaped from Eichen House to go back to listen to a record player?' Stiles asked with a frown. 'Well she was like Lydia right? She was a banshee?' Malia asked. 'Yeah but only once.' I replied. 'She predicted Maddy's death and then spent decades trying to predict someone else's.' I said. Malia started pacing around the room. 'Maybe she finally did.' She said. 'And what if this time it wasn't just one death? But a lot of deaths?'

'Like the dead pool...' Stiles muttered. 'What if all those years ago Lorraine predicted it. And she knew that there was something in the study that could stop it.' Malia said. 'Yeah we're going to the lake house.' Stiles said snatching his keys from his desk.


I had my elbow placed next to the record players and my head was resting on my hand. He had been listening for a while but all we could hear was buzzing. Stiles finally couldn't handle it any longer and he stood up. 'What are we even doing this room wasn't made for us.' He sighed. 'We need someone like Lydia or Meredith... We're just sitting here listening to a stupid record player that doesn't play anything! Come on.' He turned off the record player. 'There are things we can do that aren't totally useless.' He said opening the door. I frowned as I could still hear the buzzing yet the record player was turned off. I grabbed Malia's shoulder. 'You hear that too?' She asked. I nodded. Stiles looked at us confused. 'What's going on?' He asked. 'We can still hear it.' I replied staring at the record player confused. 'But it's not on...' Stiles muttered confused. 'Then it's something else.' Malia said standing up. 'Something's spinning.' She said. We looked around the room but there was nothing else in hear that could cause this sound. Stiles moved the table with the record player on it and revealed a cable that went inside the wall. I frowned and grabbed the cable, I started pulling it creating a massive crack in the wall. We could easily break through it as it was more made out of thick cardboard. We kept pulling pieces from it until we could clearly see the three machines in front of us with things spinning. Which of course explained the noise Malia and I heard. 'What the hell is this?' I asked confused. 'The dead pool...' Stiles replied. Malia shrugged and stepped forward, her hand made into a fist. Stiles quickly grabbed her arm. 'Whoa, we can't just smash it to pieces.' He said. 'If this thing's being used to disseminate the list then it's probably gonna keep going until everyone's dead.' He said. 'So we need some kind of prompt or command or something?' I asked. Malia stepped forward again. 'What about a key?' She suggested. Stiles and Malia were calling Lydia, since this is her lake house maybe she knows something. I decided to call Scott and see what he was up to, he found Brett's pack and he hid them somewhere. 'Um, hi Sammy I'm kind of busy right now.' He told me as he answered the phone. I frowned when I listened to the noises in the background. 'Scott are those gunshots I hear?' I asked. 'Yep, they are. They found us. But don't worry, we've got Argent and Derek and Braeden. We'll be fine.' He told me. I let out a sigh. 'Okay just... Be safe.' I said before hanging up. I turned back around and frowned when Malia just threw a bottle of wine on the floor. Stiles crouched down and picked up a key from between the broken glass. 'I don't even wanna know.' I sighed with a shake of my head. He walked back towards the spinning machines and the key fit perfectly. He turned the key and the spinning slowly stopped. I let out a sigh of relief. 'We did it. It's over.'

ASDFGHJKL THEO YOU DICKHEAD (sorry if you haven't seen season five you probably won't know what I'm talking about )

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