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"Lou," I groaned, rolling over him to shut off his alarm. "Get up."

"Shh, sleep," he whispered, wrapping his arms around me and keeping me to his chest. "Not time to get up."

I kissed my boyfriend's cheek. "It's the first day, come on." I attempted to sit up, but Louis kept his arms around me. "Louis," I warned tiredly.

He sighed and let go of me, so I sat up and he followed. I leaned into his side, yawning. "We can skip," Louis suggested.

"No, bad," I mumbled, climbing out of bed before he could trap me there with him. "Ass up, now." I pointed to the spot in front of me, mostly because I wanted a kiss. Normally he was the one trying to pull my ass out of bed, oh how the tables have turned since the beginning of the summer.

"When did you get so bossy?" Louis asked, getting out of the bed and pulling me closer to him by my waist. He leaned down and kissed me before I had the chance to answer him.

I pulled away and pecked his lips. "When you don't listen," I sassed. "Now, go shower." I softly slapped his chest and pushed him backward, making him pout.

"Come with." I gave in because he is just too damn cute, plus it should, hopefully, take less time. But it was me and Louis, so you never knew.

After that, I got dressed in one of his band shirts and a pair of black skinnies while he was dressed much more professionally. "Am I the only one not looking forward to this?" I asked him as I finished tying my shoes.

"Seriously, we can stay home and sleep," he tried suggesting again.

"It's gonna look horrible for you if you don't show." I stood up and began walking to go get the rest of my stuff together so we would be able to leave. "And we don't need rumors starting on the first day again. We both know they will," I added on.

Louis sighed but nodded in agreement. I grabbed my backpack and Louis grabbed his laptop case and a few other things before heading to his car. Before we got out the door I kissed him again, smiling. Then I opened the door and followed him out to his car, climbing into the passenger seat and smiling to myself.

Louis and I had been dating for nearly a year and we were pretty much made for each other, it seemed. The only problem was that I was seventeen when we started dating, and he's a teacher at my high school. His family and my best friend, Niall, are the only people who know about our relationship, even though kids from school did try to start rumors that thankfully never got investigated. Probably because it didn't change how we interacted. If Louis or I would have pulled back, it might have been a different story but thankfully Louis kept me calm and collected during those months or else we both would have been in a world of hurt.

I lived with him, on top of it all. In some ways, it's like a miracle that we've never been caught. We try to do a lot to keep anyone from finding out, though. It was a good thing that I was naturally less social than most other teenagers, so I didn't have many friends that I would have to try to hide this from. I wouldn't know what to do without him at this point. He got me away from my abusive stepdad, which I am forever thankful for.

"I'm not ready for this," I said honestly once we were parked. I looked at the school building I mostly hated. Louis seemed to be one of the only good things that ever came out of that place. We were early, so barely anyone was around yet, including other teachers. Give it five minutes and most of the parking lot will be full.

Louis squeezed my hand. "I'm not either." He kissed my knuckles quickly before letting go of my hand. We climbed out of his car and headed into the school. He had to go to the office for a second, so I took his stuff to his classroom, unlocking the door and setting everything down. I sat down on a desk, then curled on my side.

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