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I snuck back in my room to grab my backpack Monday morning, then quickly returned to Louis’ car, honestly terrified that my dad would actually keep going with what was started yesterday. My phone died at Louis’ and I didn’t bother even trying to charge it. I didn’t want to deal with the calls and texts that would be waiting for me.

I didn't bother to worry about the bruise on my cheek, but I had to do something about the one across my neck. It wasn't very dark but you could see it easily. 

“You could use makeup,” Louis suggested in the car. 

“I think that's about all I can do. I can't wear a scarf all day, a choker couldn't cover it, plus they aren't my style…” I trailed off, trying to think of more ways, but nothing came to mind. “Yeah, I think that's what I have to go with.”

A drugstore was open, so Louis pulled over and I got out, going inside. I went straight to the makeup section and looked for a concealer that wouldn't be noticeable. 

“Harry?” I turned around and saw Janice, a quiet girl from school. “What're you doing here?”

“Um,” I said, looking away quickly, trying to think of an excuse. I sighed and looked at her. “My dad did this,” I motioned to my neck and jaw, “and I need to cover it before anyone knows about it.”

She moved over to me, crouching down and looking at my neck. Without another word Janice turned to the wall of makeup and only had to look for a few seconds before she pulled out a bottle. “To make sure this is gonna work...,” she mumbled before grabbing one of the sponges girls use to apply it. She started to open the packaging, so I grabbed her hands to stop her.

She smiled at me and shook her head with a small laugh. “It's fine, Harry. My parents own the store.”

“Are you sure?” I asked hesitantly. “I can buy them fir-”

“Completely. Lift your head a bit,” she instructed. I bit my lip and stared at her for a second before doing so. “Yeah, this is gonna be perfect.” 

Janice finished applying it to my neck, then grabbed my jaw gently and turned my head so she cover the bruise. “You at least told someone about this, right?” She asked. 

“Yeah, I did,” I confirmed.

She nodded her head, then let go of my jaw. “Good. You're too sweet for this to happen to you. It’s not my place to force you to do anything, plus you know what's best.” She pushed the makeup into my hand and kissed my cheek quickly. “See you at school.” She gave me a small smile before standing up.

“How much-” I started to ask as she walked away.

“Don't worry about it,” Janice called as she rounded into the back, probably to tell her parents or I don't know what she was doing. I shook my head and grabbed a five from my wallet, putting it on the counter before I left. 

Back in Louis’ car, he looked over my face. “You can't even tell.”

“Yeah. Do you have Janice Marcos in any of your classes?” I asked.

“No, but I know who she is. She seems really sweet.”

I nodded. “Yeah, she helped me with it.”

“What did you tell her?” Louis questioned. I glanced at the clock and was relieved that school still had about thirty minutes until starting.

“The truth with my dad. She didn't say anything and just found the shade and stuff. All she asked was if I told anyone what was going on.” I shrugged. “She kissed my cheek, but it wasn't anything like-”

“Its fine, Haz. I know it didn't mean anything. That's just in her character,” Louis smiled at me. “You want coffee or anything?”

I nodded my head, letting the radio play for a while as Louis went inside a coffee shop to order our drinks. I dug through my bag for a good hiding spot for the concealer when I found my random ass car charger. I looked at Louis’ dashboard and found a place to plug it in.    

As soon as my phone turned on and loaded everything, I groaned. My parents had texted me multiple times, Niall was worried about where I was, but assumed I was with Louis.

I called Niall, tapping my fingers against my thigh while it dialled. “Thank God. Are you okay?” Niall asked as soon as he picked up.

“I’m with Louis,” I said, avoiding the question directly

“I figured that out. Are you okay?” He demanded again.

“Define ‘okay’ for me,” I said, leaning back in the seat.

“Okay: not hurt badly physically, emotionally, or mentally. Like how fucking bad is your throat, Harry?”

“Who told you?” I asked, sitting back up, my hand automatically moving to the car handle, like I would need to jump up and run.

“Your dad, surprisingly. He called, flipping out on me since you weren't answering and he thought you were with me. I covered, obviously, I'm a great friend, and told him to fuck off. He went on a tangent about it, pretty sure the while choking you part was a slip up, though.” 

Niall stopped talking, but I didn't know what to say. My dad wasn't even feeling bad about it, he just got pissed I left. Shouldn't there be some remorse? Shouldn't he be mad at himself that I felt like I had to leave? 

“Harry?” Niall asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Wha- yeah, right. Thanks for covering. I owe you, like always.” I didn't even realize tears were falling down my face until I felt them land in my lap. “I'll be at school soon.” 

“I'm staying after school with you and Tomlinson. Have him give us detention during class or something so no one else can stay,” Niall said. “Your dad isn't even upset over all of this, so either we're going to the cops or you're just not going back.”

Louis was walking back to the car, so I wiped my face. “I'll tell him,” I said quietly. 

“I'll see you in first hour.”

“Yeah, bye.” I hung up and let my phone fall to my lap, putting my face in my hands. I tried to hold back the tears, but I couldn't.

Louis pulled me to his chest as soon as the drinks were out of his hands. “What happened?”

I didn't want to, but I pulled back from him. We couldn’t get caught. I couldn't lose Louis now. I needed him. “Niall knows about last night, my dad's pissed I left and hates me and everything is falling apart.” 

My head was tucked into my knees I pulled onto the seat. His hand had been on my back, but he pulled it back. I didn't look up, holding my knees as I tried to force myself to calm down.

“Hey, I can't come in.” I looked at Louis and started shaking my head, but he just held up a finger while talking on the phone. “Yeah, my car won't start, I'll be there tomorrow. Okay, cool. Thanks.” He hung up and set the phone down, glancing at me.

“You didn't have-”

“Yes I did. I'm not leaving you alone right now and you shouldn't be going to school. Plus, I've literally missed like two days so far this year besides that field trip,” Louis reasoned. He started his car and pulled out of the parking lot, heading back to his house. “God, I'm so sorry, Harry.”

“Before we go back to yours,” I sniffled after a moment of silence, wiping my face. “Can we go to the cemetery?”

“Yeah baby,” Louis whispered, grabbing my hand and squeezing. “Of course we can.

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