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"I'm gonna get hot chocolate when we go out," Louis said, leaning his down onto my shoulder then he kissed my neck.

"Alright, be ready in about twenty," Johannah said. Louis agreed before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the living room.

"What's happening in twenty minutes?" I asked. Louis spun me in a circle then pulled me back to him, causing a huge grin on both of our faces.

"We're taking the younger ones to go look at Christmas lights," Louis said. "We usually get hot chocolate or something before, we'll come back, open a present, then go to bed."

I wrapped my arms around Louis' waist and rested my head on his chest. "Sounds like a plan." I smiled to myself. "I like your holidays much more than mine."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, baby," Louis said with a kiss to the top of my head. "You had nothing to worry about."
I turned around in his grip so I was facing him. "Love you."

"Love you," he replied with a smile.
We got ready to go and piled into cars, Louis and I in the back row of his mom's van. I was pretty much sitting on his lap but he didn't care. He kept one hand on my thigh and the other around my waist, keeping me close to him. We ordered drinks, both of us getting hot chocolate.

They played Christmas songs while driving around to look at lights people put up. Louis pulled me to him so that I was resting my head on his shoulder.

"When I was a kid, like maybe four or five," Louis said, rubbing circles into my waist, "I thought everyone hung lights on their houses to celebrate my birthday." Louis smiled fondly, looking at the lights. "I thought that for a while, actually. I think I figured it out when I was like eight or nine."

"That's so adorable," I said, kissing his cheek. And it was. I could picture a tiny Louis looking at all the lights in amazement, so happy that so many people cared about his birthday. Now everytime I end up putting lights up around Christmas, I'll think of Louis' birthday instead.

We drove around for an hour or two, then went back to the house. The youngers one were excited for Santa to come and the adults were ready for a bit of calm after a hectic day. Louis and I sat down on the couch while everyone opened a gift. I was curled into his side, a smile on my face.

"Do you two even know what space is?" Fizzy asked with a giggle. "Like I don't know if I've seen you two apart for more than two minutes, if that."

"We don't get to do this all the time, Fizzy," Louis pointed out. "So yes, I'm hoarding my boyfriend while I can."

"That's true," she said, plopping down next to us. "You two do seem to work really well together, though."

"Is that your blessing, Fiz?" Louis asked as a joke, but at the same time I knew he was serious. He was worried about what they thought, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Hmmm." She put her hand to her chin, like she was thinking about it. "Of course. Have I been trying to torture him?"

"Pretty much," Louis and I said in unison. We both laughed and Fizzy rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. At least you're not with Eleanor anymore." Fizzy wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "I didn't like her," she explained further to me.

"No one did," Louis sighed. "You guys could have pretended, though."

I frowned but managed to cover it up quickly. He was allowed to miss someone close to him. There wasn't anything wrong with that. I had to repeat that to myself a few times. I was going to say something, but Lottie jumped in on the conversation. "Yeah, but then you probably wouldn't have Harry, so, I call it a win."

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