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The class was loud and talkative, excited about the field trip tomorrow if they were going. Niall groaned. “Its stupid I can't go.”

“You shouldn't have been lying about this kind of shit then,” I told him, leaning back. “How the hell did you even fake the permission slips?”

“I was an aide for what's his face last year and he sent me a copy of a permission slip to print and I just never got rid of it.” Niall shrugged.

“Of course,” I said in the middle of the chuckle. “You would.”

“Of course I would,” Niall said. He grinned and shrugged again. “Am I really Niall if I'm not doing stupid shit like that. Aren't you worried about who you're gonna room with?”

“I do know how to interact with other humans, Niall. I know, shocking.” I tried my best to keep a straight face and actually did until Niall started laughing. Then I couldn't keep it together. 

“Oh my God, H.” I laughed a bit harder before we both quieted down. Thankfully the whole class was being loud and it wasn't just us. 

“Have fun, be safe, use a condom,” Niall told be before leaving when the bell rang.

“Shut up, Horan!” I called after him, shaking my head.

A few kids stayed after class and a few came in, so I pulled out my math homework and worked on it. It took less than an hour for all the kids to clear out, which was about the time it took me to complete my work. When the last kid left, I got up and closed the door. Louis had been erasing the board and stopped when the door closed. 

“Are you ready for the next two days?” I asked, walking close to him and leaning on the cleaned part of the white board. 

“Yes and no,” he answered. “I have a plan. I'll tell you about it later.”

I nodded my head. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he responded, writing what his classes needed to do for the next three days on the whiteboard. “You're staring,” he said without looking at me. 

I shrugged and bit my lip in an attempt not to smile. “Yeah, and?”

“Most people would find that creepy, babe.” Louis glanced at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

“You're supposed to find it adoring,” I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip slightly. “Love meee,” I whined when he kept writing on the board.

“What? I'm supposed to love my boyfriend? What bastmophy is this?” I kept pouting, crossing my arms. He smiled and shook his head, laughing. “Come here.”

Louis opened his arms and I walked into them, a smile completely covering my face. He kissed the top of my head as I sighed contently. I tilted my head and he kissed me, biting my lip gently.

“I’m so glad I have you,” I whispered when I hugged him. 

“I love you.”

My phone started ringing on my desk. I groaned and pulled away so I could get it.
"Hey," I answered, walking back over to Louis. He was starting to gather his things, but wrapped his arms around my waist while I was talking.
"Hey, are you staying at Niall's because of the trip tomorrow?" My mom asked.
"Am I allowed to spend the night?" I asked, glancing at Louis for his reaction. He nodded, kissing my shoulder before resting his head there.
"Yeah, just don't forget your stuff before you leave. I have to go to the store, do you have your key?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'll stop by in just a bit. Thanks Mom, talk to you later," I said, waiting for her response before hanging up. "She thinks I'm with Niall," I informed him.
"Alright, love," he said, kissing my neck again and letting his lips linger for a second. "Are you done with your work?"
"Yeah, I just need to get my stuff," I replied, turning my head and giving him a kiss, smiling into it. He rubbed his nose against mine before he let go of me.
He finished his stuff as I slid my notebooks into my bag. I walked out into the hallway, Louis following after locking his door. We walked out to his car and I waited for him to put everything up in the back seat.
Louis started driving to my house. It took less than ten minutes to get there. I quickly went inside and grabbed my already packed bag and a few bucks. When I made sure I had everything I went back to the car, getting back in.
The whole drive to Louis' totally did not contain singing to the Fray and Green Day, not sure where you got that information. Either way, I was extremely happy, and nothing could take it away from me. He made me extremely happy. I didn’t care what anyone else would say. When it was just me and him together, it was pure bliss.
When we got inside, I went straight to his kitchen, looking in the fridge. "Hungry, babe?" Louis asked, walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, swaying us slightly. "Then again, when aren't you?"
"Not my fault you're good at cooking," I mumbled. I felt him grin against my neck, kissing the skin. "But if you keep that up, we might not get to food." I bit my lip as he nipped at my neck, leaning back into him.
"You want it," he said, moving my shirt off my shoulder, biting not hard enough to hurt but enough to get a small noise out of me. He then started sucking on my shoulder, leaving a love bite.
"I want food too," I said breathlessly. "God, what do you do to me?"
"Everything," he smirked, turning me to face him while pushing me against the fridge that had shut. He kissed me, one of his hands grabbing my jaw, pulling us impossibly closer together.
One of my hands tangled into the hair at the nape of his neck, groaning quietly into the sloppy kissing as he pressed his hips to mine. My other hand grabbed his shoulder, squeezing.
After a while Louis slowed us back down, pulling away to rest his forehead on mine, kissing my nose while we caught our breaths.
"What are you thinking about?" Louis asked softly. I opened my eyes and looked into the ocean blue his eyes always were.
"Hmm?" I hummed, blinking and letting the words process. "Oh, just... you."
"What about me?" Louis asked.
"Just about us, how happy I am that this happened." I moved closer to him, resting my head on his chest while we stood.
"Me too, baby," he said and I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm so glad this happened."
I sighed contently, wrapping my arms slightly tighter around his waist. "What's the plan for the trip?" I asked.
"If I'm right," Louis started, kissing my head before letting me go and going through the fridge, "and everyone shows up, they'll have three kids to a room with one left, which should be you. The other teachers will probably groan and bitch about possibly having to share a room, so I'll offer to room with the student."
"Aka me."
"Aka you. If it doesn't work, we'll figure it out. You know we will."
I did. We'd find a way, even if it meant sneaking to his room then leaving early and going to breakfast or my room.
While Louis was busy cooking I pulled my homework out, finishing up the last few things I needed so I wouldn't have to worry about it when we got back during the weekend.
Louis put a plate next to me while I was sitting on the counter, so I went to move my textbook, which he set on the side. He helped me off the counter and I grabbed the plate and we went to the living room.
We sat down on the couch, and I curled into his side while we ate and watched t.v. I smiled as I ate, perfectly content with the situation.

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