Chapter Fourteen

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It had been a horrible day. I had a headache, three of my teachers had decided on pop quizzes, and everyone seemed dead set on pissing me off by talking about Louis nonstop. All day long.

By the time it was seventh period, I was ready to cry and just wanted Louis to hold me. As soon as I walked in, he could tell something was wrong. He lectured instead of the work day he had assigned the day before, which kept the class quiet. I didn't bother with taking notes, knowing I could copy them later and instead watched as he spoke. I didn't want to make it seem like I could get away sleeping in class when that's one of Louis’ biggest rules. And if he let me get away with it, he’d never hear the end about how he favors me.

Just as my head stopped pounding and was down to a dull ache,  the fire alarm started going off. I winced as each loud ring went off. I grabbed my bag and then felt Louis grab my arm, pulling me along when I had gotten to the doorway.

“Head hurts,” I mumbled as we walked. I tried uncovering my ears to just walk, but I had to cover them again with the high pitched whales coming from the alarms.

Louis kept his grip on me, allowing me to close my eyes and just follow his lead. When we got outside, Louis had to do attendance and didn't bother with my name while I sat on the grass. He stayed next to me while we waited for the principal to say we could enter the school. The sun wasn't helping with my headache at all. Overall,r4 I wanted to curl into a ball and die.

“Come on, Haz,” Louis whispered, bending down next to me. I opened my eyes and groaned, putting my head between my knees instead. “We're going back in.”

I nodded weakly, standing up slowly with Louis’ help. I shuffled back to the building, covering my eyes from the sun as I walked. I felt someone grab my phone from my pocket and when I turned to make sure it was Louis who took it, he tapped on my shoulder. Just three light taps to let me know it was him.

Once back in the classroom, Louis instructed for a quiet work time. I was grateful and pulled out my work but left it on the table. Thankfully it actually was quiet instead of him having to quiet down the class multiple times.

“Does Tomlinson have your phone?” Niall asked while bumping into my shoulder.

Glancing at Niall first, I looked to Louis and he was setting my phone on his desk. “Yeah, took it earlier. Phone contract,” I mumbled, putting my head on my arms while we talked.

“He was serious about that?” Niall asked. I shrugged, which made Niall turn to his work and write frantically. I would have found it funny any other time, but my head hurt too much.

After about ten more minutes, Louis let the class leave, only about five before the normal bell. The second everyone was gone, I let my head fall in my arms on my desk, trying not to sob. I heard Louis’ door close and his footsteps walking over before he put his hand on my back.

“Want to come over?” he asked. I sat up and nodded slowly, leaning into him. He wrapped his arms around me, letting my head fall against his chest. “I'm sorry, baby.”

“It just hurts,” I whispered. “The drill didn't help.”

“I know. In about twenty we'll leave, okay? I have a meeting for like ten,” he said softly. “You can stay in here with the lights off or whatever and rest.”

“Okay.” He kissed the side of my head, standing back up. “I'll be right back.” I nodded and put my head down, the light flicking off seconds later.

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