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We watched tv and fell asleep curled against each other. When I woke up, Louis had his hand over my hard cock, jerking lazily. I bit my arm and breathed in deeply, trying not to let out a loud moan when his lips wrapped around me.

I whimpered and whined into my arm as Louis took his time getting me to my climax. I bucked my hips up because I was right there and Louis pinned them down before sucking on the head of my cock, making me cum. 

I panted for a few seconds, trying to catch my breath. Louis grinned at me before leaning over me and kissing me slowly. “Good morning, love,” he whispered.

I chuckled and kissed him again. “Good morning.”

“Mm, now we get to go back to my place and we can do whatever we want,” Louis whispered, biting my ear.

“Fuck, I know what you want,” I groaned lowly. “I wanna be at your place now.”

Louis smirked and drug his lips across my cheek until he reached mine. I tangled my hands into his hair and bit my lip when he started nipping at my neck. “Lou,” I whined quietly. 

Louis sucked a dark hickey on the lower part of my neck. “You're mine,” he whispered.

“Always will be,” I whispered back, kissing him.

After that we got up and made sure everything was packed. I got dressed and made sure my shirt covered any marks, but some of the bite marks were still visible. “Louis, problem.”

He came over to the sink and ran his hands over the marks while looking at them in the mirror. I bit my lip and tied to act like this wasn't a big turn on although it completely was. “Okay, simple. I'll go down and wait for them to say we're leaving and when they ask where you are, I'll come up and get you and I should be able to drive you.”

Louis’ hand slowly circled my throat and his thumb brushed over my Adam's apple. I looked up at his eyes and groaned when I saw they were dilated largely. Louis barely squeezed, yet I took a deep breath in, actually waiting for him to apply a little more. “You like that?” He asked, his hand unmoving as he leaned down next to my ear.

“Yeah,” I breathed out, closing my eyes. “A lot.”

Louis smirked against my shoulder, adding the slightest bit of pressure before letting go. I opened my eyes and stared at him through the reflection, a small smile on my lips. 

“I love you,” he whispered, kissing my cheek. 

“I love you,” I replied, closing my eyes and turning my face into his. “So much.”

The plan worked perfectly. I just ended up going straight to Louis’ car with him following and getting in. Since Louis was supposed to be taking me straight home, we didn't have to stop everywhere the bus did, which meant we could actually do whatever. 

At the next town, Louis pulled over and we stopped wherever to eat breakfast. Louis lead me to a small booth and we sat down. He reached for my hands over the table and smiled widely.

This was one of the times when Louis was his absolute happiest. When there was nothing to hide from. When it could just be us.

“What can I get you gentlemen to drink this morning?” A waiter asked as he walked over. He winked at Louis and I bit my tongue.

“What do you want, love?” Louis asked me. 

“I'll take a Dr. Pepper,” I said, refusing to let go of his left hand. Louis nodded and agreed with me and the waiter wrote it down. 

“Two Dr. Peppers coming right up,” he said, walking off. 

“Was he trying to flirt with you?” I asked, lifting up our folded hands. “While we were doing this?”

Louis laughed. “Don't worry, I'll say something if he does it again, okay?” He leaned over the table and I copied him, letting him kiss me quickly. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I returned. “Now, what are we going to eat?” Using my one free hand I started looking through the menu. 

“What do you want?” Louis asked, looking over his menu in a similar fashion.

“They serve all food all day, right?” I asked, looking at some of the lunch options. Louis agreed. “Then I think I'll get the chicken fried rice. I don't want breakfast.”

Louis chuckled. “Only you, babe.”

The same waiter came by, setting our drinks down in front of us. “Are you ready to order?” He asked Louis mostly. 

Louis glanced at me, brushing his thumb over my hand. “Are you ready to order?”

“No,” I said just to annoy the waiter. Louis smirked and didn't repeat the answer just to see if the waiter would listen to me. He waited a second before stepping away.

“I'm gonna let you decide this, alright love,” Louis said. “Do you wanna go somewhere else or eat here? I don't want you getting upset right now.” He squeezed my hand.

“We should go somewhere else,” I said. “He's really pissing me off.”

“Alright, let's go.” Louis stood up and I followed as we walked from the booth. I saw the waiter frown for a second but we left before I could see any more of a reaction. “As much as I want to see you jealous again, not before I've made the last time right.”

I shook my head. “You are something else Tomlinson.”

“I'm all yours, Styles,” he said, brushing our noses together. I grinned before he kissed me. “All yours.”

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