2. Fall of a King, Rise of a Queen

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“Alastor?” Charlie mutters, standing in the doorway. “Why Charlie, what has you so down? You're about to become queen, this should be a day of celebration!" He laughs nervously. “The same thing that's bothering you, Alastor." She sighs, closing the door behind her as she steps in.

"I have not the slightest idea what you speak of Charlie! I am just swell." He laughs, facing away from her. "We all miss them, really. I wish they could be here too." She sighs, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I know this is hard for you to talk about. It is for everyone but I think they would want us to all be happy but especially you." She laughs as his ears twitch. "It is difficult to be happy when they were my whole reason to be happy. They completed me and now 50 years later I can only hang on to the hope that Tracy shall defrost someday.” He sighs, shrugging her hand off his shoulder.

"Yeah, sometimes I even start to wonder if Tracy defrosting will ever happen but we just gotta hang on and keep hoping." He glances up at her, a small smile on her face. "And how are you doing now that Lucifer is gone?" He asks, taking her gloved hand and kissing the back of it.

"I'm ok I guess. A part of me actually misses him even if he wasn't the best dad." She laughs, tears in her eyes. "Wipe your tears my dear, today is your day, a new chapter in your story." Alastor laughs.

"You're right..I better go check on Vaggie, she's really freaking out. Are you going to be ok?" She asks, reaching up and lightly running her finger on Alastors cheek. "I shall be alright, Charlie. I'll be watching you from the side alright?"

She nods, promptly walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. He reaches into his breast pocket, pulling out Anthony's ring. The hot pink diamond still as vibrant as the day he brought it and the golden band still shining just as bright, the engraving inside like new.

He attempted to part ways with it at the funeral, tossing it in to land on top of the casket. Only to snap his fingers a few hours, the ring appeared back in his breast pocket later where it has remained ever since. Although he never got the chance to give it to him, it was the only thing he had left to remind him of Anthony.

He walked up to a mirror, his reflection was,,different to say the least. At least compared to how he had looked these past few years, for today at least he was back to looking like his same old self, his hair well kept, he actually showered for once, wearing the same suit he was wearing the day Angel died.

It was taking everything in him not to break down today, for his own sake at least so Vaggie didn’t pick a fight with him on Charlie's big day.


Victoria Flores, a name Alastor had come to be but all too familiar with. She had come back recently, having been murdered and all. It was clear the cycle was affecting her but she didn’t care. The only reason she had stayed this past week instead of immediately going back was for Charlie and Vaggie.

Alastor glanced over at her, she was all dressed up for once. Similarly enough to Alastor, whenever she would come back she wouldn’t take care of herself, she couldn’t bring herself to fulfill Tracy’s one dying wish but who could blame her.

“You look,,nice.” Alastor coughs, Tori glancing over at him, a small smile pulling at the corners of her lips. While yes, Alastor was upset she was dating Tracy because that meant his little girl was growing up. He knew she was good to her and that as far as he was aware, she was a good sinner.

“You look a lot better than the last time I saw you.” She laughed, Alastor for once giving someone other than his family a genuine smile. “So when are you planning on leaving again?” He asks hesitantly.

He didn’t exactly approve of her leaving, thinking she was running away from her problems but he understood. “Probably next month, Emi wants to stick around for a bit and I don’t wanna leave her.” She laughs, drinking another shot.

“I suppose you won’t be seeing a therapist during that time, will you?” Alastor raises an eyebrow at her as she stares back at him blankly. “No, what’s the point if I’m going to be more traumatized when I come back again.”

“I suppose you have a point there, but why not stay then? That way you wouldn’t be causing yourself more harm.” She looks at Alastor, clearly upset. “I don’t want to be without her alright? I just can’t bring myself to stay forever if she isn’t here.” Tori growls, clenching hers and Tracy’s lockets in her hand.

“I don’t believe she would be happy seeing you do this to yourself.” He sighs. “I know she wouldn’t but her dying wish was that I take care of myself so that's what I’m doing.” She growls, slamming her fists on the bar counter before getting up and promptly leaving.

Alastor sighs, he didn’t want to upset her, he didn’t want to upset anybody. He knew talking about Angel or Tracy was equally as difficult for everyone else as it was for him. He just didn’t know how to go about speaking of them whenever he did.

“Hi Alastor!” Emi laughed, walking up to Alastor and sitting where Tori had been. “Hello Emi, how are you today?” He asked as Emi glanced over at him. “Just,,hanging in there I guess.” She laughed as Alastor simply nodded.

“Believe me, I know how that feels.” Alastor laughed, Emi looking back at him sorrowfully. “I saw Tori,,she seemed pretty upset.” Emi sighed, blinking the tears out of her eyes. She didn’t want to cry, in her mind she’d done enough of that the week she came back.

“Yes I believe I may have upset her although that wasn’t my intention.” Alastor sighed, holding his head in his hands. While he didn’t want to admit it, he was tired. All these years without Angel or Tracy were draining him and he didn’t know how much longer he could keep going.

“Tori is always upset,,like in every life.” Emi paused before continuing. “She never dated anyone else in any life,,it’s almost like she knows that Tracy is waiting for her.” Alastor glanced up at her, tears now rolling down her cheeks.

“Tracy does have that effect on people, just like her mama. You meet them, and no matter what you do, you never forget them.”

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