17. Trust

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Tw: Mention of self harm scars and NSFW (trictoria shippers are being FED tonight.)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Are you doing any better?" Elena asked, sitting next to Tori. Tori didn't say a word, to be honest she didn't know what to say anymore. "Your girlfriend thought it would be better if I talked to you, said she wouldn't know what to say." She laughed, Tori continuing to look blankly at the sky.

"Yeah well what could she say? She doesn't even know my parents got married and had me at 16." Tori laughed through tears. "Victoria, you need to understand your parents well..they're not good people. I put everything into raising your mother, we both know how that ended."

"Abuelita, that wasn't your fault. It didn't matter what you did in every life, mama always found something wrong with me." Tori sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes. "It's fine though, I got away from her."

"You know you've made me proud right?" Elena smiled, Tori glancing over at her. "You..with every strike, every insult, every rejection, every death, you stayed the same Victoria I gave my life up for." Elena laughed, putting an arm over Tori's shoulder.

"Really, even if I'm gay or didn't do anything you wanted me to during my life?" Tori muttered, tears once again leaving her eyes. "Victoria, I don't care about what you did during your life, just what you're doing now." Elena laughed.

"Are you still forgetting the fact my parents murdered me for being gay?" Tori laughed through tears. "Gay, straight, you find someone you love and that treats you right and you'll always have my approval." Elena laughed as Tori hugged her.

"There's a lot I haven't told her about my other lives, stuff I know is going to hurt her." Tori muttered. "Tori, you should tell her, if she really loves you, you'll get through it together."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Tracy!" Tori yelled as she walked upstairs, opening their bedroom door to find Tracy on the bed, a bouquet of roses in her hands. "I know you like to act like you hate when I get you flowers but I wanted to make you feel better." Tracy laughed, getting up and handing Tori the roses.

"Thank you, honestly this time I need it I'm fucking exhausted." Tori groaned, practically throwing herself into bed. "Relax for once, your afterlife is dancing or going out and making deals or having to deal with your family, I'm starting to worry about you."

"Dancing is the only thing besides my loved ones that makes me happy, it's my escape." Tori muttered, a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. "It doesn't hurt to just relax for once though, sometimes it's even good for you..and I just realized I sound like my papa." Tracy scoffed as she laid next to Tori, Tori's back towards her.

"You're right though, I gotta relax sometime." Tori laughed, even she had to admit she overworked herself. "I need to tell you about my other lives." Tori muttered, as she turned to be face to face with Tracy. "You don't have to if you don't want to. You know I wouldn't force you right?" Tracy sighed, Tori kissing her.

Slowly without realizing, their kissing intensified, Tori getting on top of Tracy, Tracy wrapping her legs around Tori's waist. "Fuck." Tracy muttered as Tori looked down at her, running a finger over Tracy's cheek.

"You look beautiful." She smiled as she peppered kisses all over Tracy's neck. "Will you quit teasing me already?" Tracy whined, feeling Tori's knee slowly start to rub between her legs.

Tori smirked as she helped Tracy take her pants and panties off. "Please Tori I need you." She whined as Tori got down, noticing Tracy's scars on her inner thighs. "I know they're not pretty, you can judge all you want." Tracy muttered as Tori looked up at her.

"I think they're as beautiful as the rest of you." She murmured as she pulled Tracy closer to her. Tracy gasped as she felt Tori's tongue licking her entrance, gripping Tori's hair in her hands. "Fuck." Tracy moaned, Tori glancing up at her as she stopped.

"Tori." Tracy whined as she sat up. "How much are you willing to experiment?" Tori asked, Tracy looking down at her. "Depends, what do you have in mind?" Tracy asked as Tori reached under the bed, pulling out a box and opening it, revealing a bunch of toys.

"Really? Why do you even have all of that?" Tracy asked as Tori pulled out a strap on. "I have my needs ok." Tori laughed, looking up at Tracy. "That isn't going to hurt is it?" Tracy asked as Tori undressed herself. "Well it's the smallest one, not any bigger than my fingers."

"Your fingers are like 4 inches long." Tracy laughed nervously. "Tell me if anything hurts, alright?" Tori muttered as she got on top of Tracy again, kissing her neck, Tracy didn't say a word, just nodded as Tori lined up the strap on with her entrance, letting out a sigh as she felt it slowly go inside of her.

Tori waited a second, allowing Tracy to grow used to the feeling before slowly starting to move in and out, Tracy letting out cries of pleasure, wrapping her legs around Tori's waist, her upper set of arms wrapping around Tori's neck while the lower set gripped the sheets.

"God Tori!" She cried, her ears twitching, static surrounding them. "Ah! Tori please, oh fuck, fuck!" She moaned as Tori grabbed one of her lower hands. "Cosí buono!" She cried as she arched her back, releasing all over the sheets.

"You alright?" Tori laughed, Tracy trying to catch her breath. "Yeah..a little overwhelmed but I'll be fine." Tracy laughed, kissing the back of Tori's hand. "You must've really enjoyed it, sheets are fucking drenched." She laughed, kissing Tracy's forehead.

"What else do you have in that box?" Tracy asked as she sat up, grabbing another strap on from the box, just by looking at it Tracy could tell this one was at least 3 inches bigger than the one Tori had used on her. "I haven't even used that one yet." Tori laughed, Tracy smirking at her.

"Ok babe I love you but are you trying to rearrange my guts? Biggest I've taken was 4 inches and he wasn't even that good." Tori laughed nervously as Tracy put it on. "I am going to be so sore."

"It'll be fine..I think." Tracy laughed as Tori laid down. "Just get the lube, there's no way that's going in without it." Tori muttered as Tracy got the lube from the nightstand drawer, applying some to Tori's entrance.

"You'll stop if something hurts right?" Tori muttered, looking up at Tracy. "Of course." Tracy smiled as she lined the strap on with Tori's entrance. "Just be gentle, alright?" Tori sighed as Tracy slowly went in.

"There, it's just the tip, does that feel nice?" Tracy asked, Tori barely finding the strength to nod her head. "Ok just, relax." Tracy muttered as she slowly slid the rest in, Tori letting out cries of pleasure, feeling herself tightening.

She stayed still for a few seconds, allowing Tori to slowly adjust. "Ok..I'm ready." Tori cried as Tracy started moving in and out, the bed creaking and groaning, the headboard repeatedly hitting the wall as Tori released moan after moan.

"Ah! Oh mierda, don't stop my sexy pink doe!" Tori whined, her claws scratching at Tracy's back as Tracy bit into her neck, black blood going into her mouth and onto the sheets. "Oh my God, oh my dark God!" Tori cried, tears now streaming down her face, Tracy grabbing hold of one of her hands, helping her relax.

"I feel so full! It's too much!" Tori cried as she finally reached her climax, releasing all over the sheets just as Tracy pulled out, her head falling back against the pillow. "Fuck." She groaned, hugging Tracy. "You alright?" Tracy laughed as she laid down next to her.

"Yeah..just hold me, alright?" She huffed as she crawled into Tracy's arms, slowly falling asleep. "Of course."


I suck even more at writing sapphic sex can you tell? Honestly at this rate this is more of a trictoria book than radiodust but besides the point. Trying to get chapters out guys but bare with me here I'm sick. Love you - Meliox

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