24. Honeymoon

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“Al?” Angel yawned, rubbing his eyes as his vision cleared, finding himself and Fat Nuggets to be the only ones in bed. Looking around he shrugged, grabbing his robe from the floor and walking downstairs.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs he could hear sizzling, and smelled bacon. “Seriously Al?” He muttered to himself as he walked into the kitchen, finding Alastor cooking. “You're up earlier than expected, with all our..activities last night I figured you'd be asleep all day.” Alastor laughed, handing Angel his coffee.

“Oh I'm damn ready to pass out, but that wouldn't be the best way to spend the first day of our honeymoon now would it?” Angel laughed, sipping on his coffee as he looked out the window. It was sunny out, birds were chirping and there were deer running around in the large field that was the backyard.

“I was thinking we could eat outside! Like old times..very, very old times.” Alastor sighed. “Hey, we don't have a 6 year old screaming in our ears anymore, it's just you and me.” Angel smiled, placing a hand on Alastor's shoulder.

“You're right, let us take this time to relax before welcoming new life!” Alastor laughed, placing a hand on Angel's stomach. “Do you have any idea how far along you are?” He asked, feeling the small bump.

“No clue, I'd like to think I'm pretty early into it but we both know I barely showed when I was pregnant with Tracy.” Angel laughed, wrapping his arms around Alastor's neck. “It's fine, let's just enjoy our honeymoon.”

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

“Victoria, welcome!” Stolas smiled, Tori walking with him. “Hey Stolas, how's the garden going?” Tori asked as they walked down a long hall. “It's going just swell, my roses have already bloomed.”

“That's great, I've been thinking about starting my own garden, maybe planting some strawberries.” Tori sighed as Stolas opened the door to the library. “Well what's stopping you?”

“Me and Tracy have been talking about our future, moving seems to be one of the things we're considering.” Tori laughed as they sat out on the balcony, a small table and two chairs outside, tea waiting for them.

“Oh? Any reason in particular you're discussing it?” He asked, serving them both a cup of tea. “Well we've been talking lately and decided that eventually we want kids and the house we're in right now is just too small for more than two people.”

She looked up, noticing the wide smile on Stolas's face, practically jumping in his seat. “Well that's wonderful news! Have you discussed who will be the one carrying the child?” He asked.

“Well Tracy has no desire to ever get pregnant and while the idea scares me a little, I know I'll have all my loved ones there.” Tori laughed nervously. “Well, should you ever need anything at all, I'm a text away.”

“Thanks Stolas, that's oddly comforting.” She smiled. “So, are you going to start trying anytime soon?” He asked. “Not now, but definitely within the next few years, we've been talking about getting engaged in a year or two.”

“I wish I could say I had the choice to decide when to do all of that stuff the first time around.” Stolas laughed. “I honestly can't imagine you married to anyone but Blitz.” Tori laughed. “That's exactly what my son said.” Stolas laughed.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

“What the Hell Tracy!?” Tori yelled as a cat jumped on top of her. “I named her Lucky!” Tracy smiled, her eyes gleaming as Tori finally got the cat off of her. “Don't know if you remember this, but I'm a bird! A very tall bird that looks like nothing more than a thanksgiving meal to this cat!” Tori squawked, Tracy looking up at her, clearly upset.

“She's a stray! She needs a loving home!” Tracy yelled, picking up the cat and running into their room. “Well..I guess you have a cat now.” Lydia laughed, Tori sighing. “I don't know what's gotten into her, she's been acting strange ever since her parents left for their honeymoon-..oh.”

“Took you long enough.” Lydia laughed. “I’m thinking I should go now, you talk to your girlfriend.” Lydia sighed, Tori standing outside of the door until she heard the front door shut. “Tracy, are you alright in here?” Tori muttered, poking her head into the room.

“Go away.” Tracy muttered, hugging the cat in her arms. “Ok well now I know something’s definitely wrong, you never would’ve done something like this before, talk to me.” Tori pleaded, sitting on the edge of the bed, putting a hand on Tracy’s shoulder.

“I’ve just never gone this long away from either of my parents since me and mama died, I’m just scared it could happen again and I won’t even be able to say goodbye.” She muttered, tears streaming down her face.

“I know it must be hard, but hey, they’re in the living world, somewhere they’re more than capable of protecting themselves and remember they said we could visit anytime, Hell they said they wanted you to go see your papa's cabin.”

“I know and I’m sorry for not being myself lately.” Tracy laughed through tears as she sat up. “So you’ll get rid of the cat?” Tori asked, Tracy shaking her head. “No! Like I said, she needs a loving home.” Tracy laughed as the cat escaped her arms, sitting in Tori’s lap.

“See, she likes you!” She smiled. “Ok but is she really a stray or did you just kill her owner?” Tori asked, raising an eyebrow at her. “I may have not realized her owner had a cat before I killed him.” Tracy laughed as Tori kissed her cheek. “Ok we’ll keep her, but she better not scratch up all our furniture.”

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

“Ok so we decided on at least trying blood from the butcher's but you know even Tracy preferred fresh blood.” Angel laughed. “Also, no on raising them here, only visits.” Alastor sighed.

“Also, I hope you don't mind but I told Tracy she could name the baby.” Angel muttered, looking up at Alastor. “What's wrong with my mother naming this child?” Alastor asked.

“She already named Tracy and I'd have my mom name her but well she named me and Molly picks at me to this day.” Angel laughed. “You don't mind do you?” He asked. “No! Not at all but you did make sure she’ll have a name ready by the time of the birth right?”

“Well obviously I did, she started popping out names while we were shopping!” Angel laughed. “Alright, so that settles it, all we have to do is go shopping for baby stuff upon our arrival back to Hell.”


Heyyy, so I’m really sorry for being gone and that this chapter is short, I’m not sure how much more I’ll get out before school ends for me, with finals coming up and me volunteering my time to a pride event in a few weeks, offering to make flowers for it, my schedule is packed. I want to get at least one more chapter out before school ends for me and then hopefully finish this book before summer ends.

I promise I am trying to get as many chapters out as I can, but everything is so hectic for me right now. I am going to spend every free second I have on another chapter. I can promise that much.

Thank you all for your understanding.

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