4. Three Souls Together Again

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The three sat on chairs at the slowly deteriorating dining table. They didn’t quite know what to say, realistically who would? “Um,,I don’t think I’ll turn into ice again.” Tracy coughed as her parents glanced over at her.

“That's good,,I was in Heaven for a while. Don’t really see whats so great about it, really fuckin’ boring up there to be honest.” Angel laughed before the room grew silent again. “Hey what happened here anyway it’s a fucking ghost town.” Angel asked.

“Yeah, it’s actually more creepy than where I was and there was only one angel there.” Tracy laughed, taking another sip of her hot chocolate. “That reminds me, where were you and why do you look like,,that?” Angel asks, Tracy looking back at him, clearly offended.

“I didn’t mean it like that,,just you look,,older?” Angel stammered. “I don’t really know, Miriana said it was some place between existence and nonexistence,,,whatever that means. I look like this because apparently being frozen in ice slows down the aging process or something. Apparently I died for a bit when I came back so I’m immortal now I guess.”

“So how old are you now?” Alastor asked. “20 I guess..I think I look pretty good actually,,except  for the hair that is.” She laughed, the black blood that was in her hair so many years ago having matted, they were going to have to cut it off.

“I lost myself after you two were gone,,haven’t done my broadcast since then, obviously haven’t taken care of myself. Everyone leaving was good and bad. There was no one here to watch over me,,which was more of a problem than a good thing.”

“Yeah papa you gotta eat something cause you’re not looking too good.” Tracy muttered. “I will dear, and Anthony to answer your earlier question. Once Charlie became queen she allowed sinners to move to other rings of Hell, it was better that way, a high number of demons and sinners alike were dying due to the climate.”

“Fuck, she’s queen now? What happened to daddy Lucifer.” Angel laughed as Tracy glared at him. “He succumbed to the ice, originally it was thought we could bring him back but he melted, thank Satan.” Alastor laughed.

“Well now I feel bad.” Tracy muttered. “Hey sweetpea that wasn’t your fault, none of this is. You were a teenager with no control of your powers alright?” Angel sighed, placing a hand on Tracy’s.

“He has a point Tracy, you weren’t in control.” Alastor chuckled, to say the least, while he felt sorry for Charlie's loss, he was definitely glad Lucifer was out of the picture now. He had even taken note of how much happier the demon was.

“It’s not just that, I feel bad now that I’m back,,,Miriana’s all alone now.” Tracy cried, while before maybe she would’ve thanked God that she had got back, she had grown close to Miriana over their 100 years spent together, she could maybe even call her a friend by the time she was back.

“That name sounds oddly familiar.” Alastor muttered, “She’s the one that made the curse.” Tracy sighed as Alastor glared at her. “Ok now look before you get mad, I mostly blame her dogshit of a mother.”

"Yeah, Osvaldo told me all about it. I feel bad for him, lost his whole family because of his shitty wife.” Angel sighed, he remembered nights where he’d wander the halls of the palace and come across Osvaldo crying. It was a sad sight to see really and he knew how guilty he felt about what had happened to Tracy.

“I mostly feel bad for Miriana, I mean she's trapped and back when people still remembered this in history books they painted her as the bad guy.” Tracy pouts, she knew how much it hurt Miriana that she was trapped between worlds, she wished she could do something, anything, if it meant she could’ve seen her family again.

“I’m sorry I said I hated you two.” Tracy cried, digging her claws into her skin. “I was just upset you guys were arguing again,,I didn’t want you two to break up again and forget about me.” She cried, looking up at her parents who started back at her, blank expressions on their faces.

“Tracy, rather we’re together or not, we’re never going to forget you. I know all of this is difficult for you, it is for us too but you’re our daughter, our everything. That’s never going to change.” Angel sighed, the tears he was holding back finally leaving his eyes.

“Your mama is right Tracy, you mean everything to us and that's not going to change, rather you like it or not.”Alastor laughed before a brief silence took over the room. “Now then,,shall we get going?”

“I wanna go home for a bit first.”


“I’m glad you chose to come here, once we leave there's no coming back.” Tracy glanced over at Alastor. “What?” Tracy muttered, she didn’t want to leave, she had spent her first 6 years of life growing up here.

“They don’t allow demons to reenter due to the harsh climate, not even hellhounds or any demon covered in fur due to the dangerous conditions of the now unstable buildings.” Alastor explained.

Although the same rules didn’t quite apply to him. He did leave the pride ring once with everyone else only to buy a house in the Gluttony Ring and somehow find a spell to get him back into the Pride ring where he stayed since, not wanting to leave in case Tracy came back.

“Where did everyone go?” Angel asked, glancing over at the slowly rotting family picture up on the wall. “Most went to the Gluttony Ring or Wrath. Few remain here and every then most were prisoners.”

“What about Tori and Emi?” Tracy asks hesitantly. “That,,I have no idea.” Alastor sighed. “I’m sorry what? What do you mean you have no idea?” Angel asks, glancing over at Tracy who has tears in her eyes.

“That is something I will let them explain, if they can that is."


Since were all probably back in school by now, here's a little something to get your spirits up. Don't worry you'll still get a new chapter this Saturday. Love ya ᥫ᭡

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