16. No Matter the Life

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Ok two things, one there is slightly graphic content, no blood or anything but it involves the fucked up truth of what happened to Tori's eyes soo. Yeah.

I would like to apologize in advance.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"I thought I'd never see you again." Tori cried, Elena brushing her fingers in her hair. "It's ok, mi Victoria, I'll never let anything separate us again." Elena laughed, taking a closer look at Tori’s face. “Cariña, ¿qué pasó a tus ojos?” Elena cried, wiping the tears off Tori’s face.

“Oh yeah..that's a long story.” Tori laughed through tears. “Don’t worry, you’ve still got a pretty face, igual que un ángel." Elena laughed, kissing Tori’s forehead before glancing over at Tracy. “And who's this little friend you have with you? She's awfully pretty." Elena exclaimed.

"Oh, uh." Tracy muttered, Tori nodding at her. "Abuelita, esta es mi novia, Tracy." Tori smiled, taking Tracy's hand in hers. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Flores." Tracy laughed nervously, going to shake Elena's hand, Elena instead pulling her into a tight hug. "The pleasure is all mine darling."

"Tracy, Tori, we better get outta here!" Angel yelled, running towards them, Alastor following just behind him. "Mama! Papa! What did you two do!?" Tracy yelled. "Excuse me, your papa is the radio demon!?" Elena yelled, hiding behind Tori. "Don't worry he's perfectly harmless, if anything you're safer than I am." Tori laughed, holding Elena's hand.

"Your mama ran into some old..acquaintances. I could easily fight them off but your mama doesn't want me to for some reason." Alastor scoffed, rolling his eyes. "First off Alastor they gave me some of the best crystal meth so you're not killing them and Tracy, why is there a clone of your girlfriend?" Angel asked.

"Elena, I'm Tori's abuelita." Elena smiled, shaking one of Angel's hands. "Oh, well now I see where she gets her beauty from." Angel laughed. "Apologies but what is abuelita?" Alastor asked. "Her grandmother, Alastor, you'd think being around me, Tori and Tracy, you would've learned at least a little Spanish."

"Oh well in that case, it's truly a pleasure to meet you." Alastor laughed, kissing the back of her hand. "Tori is quite the woman, I see where she gets that from now." Alastor laughed. "Oh you're too kind, how about we go to my house, have some tea. I live just down the street.”

"That sounds lovely."


"This is quite a nice house, might I ask where did you get this dining table set from?" Alastor asked as Elena handed him some tea. "Actually my husband made it with his own hands, far cheaper than buying it from any old store." Elena laughed.

"You and Abuelo are together again?" Tori asked, squeezing Tracy's hand under the table. "Yes well he apologized for his mistakes although it took him 100 years to win me back, I wasn't going to make it easy." She laughed, Angel laughing with her.

"Tell me about it, men, they just can't seem to get it together." Angel laughed, Alastor's eye twitching. "Actually where is abuelo?." Tori asked as Elena sat down. "He's on his way back, he was out running some errands."

"What I don't understand is why you're here and not in heaven." Tori muttered. "Oh I used to be, but when I was informed of your death and that you hadn't made it to heaven I demanded they let me come down here."

"Abuelita why would you do that?! You belong in Heaven!" Tori exclaimed. "It's called love Tori, your girlfriend is sitting right there I thought you’d know a thing or two about it.” Elena laughed, Tori frowning at her.

“Which reminds me how long have you been together?” Elena asked. “100 years, well actually a lot of the time I spent being a literal block of ice and Tori was living new lives but we made it.” Tracy laughed anxiously, squeezing Tori’s hand under the table.

“Oh? So I can’t expect to be attending any weddings or having great grandchildren anytime soon?” Elena pouted. “I’d hope not, I can’t let Tracy go yet.” Alastor laughed, static surrounding them.

“Ignore my papa, he's got attachment issues. Honestly me and Tori haven’t really talked about that much at all.” Tracy laughed, glancing over at Tori. “Oh would you look at that we’re out of sugar I’ll go get some more.” Tori laughed nervously, promptly getting up and walking out of the room.

“Somethings bothering her.” Angel laughed. Tori walked into the kitchen, looking around. Old photos of her abuelita and the rest of her family framed on the wall. One in particular caught her attention, a photo of her parent’s wedding.

You’d think they’d have the biggest smiles on their faces but that wasn’t the case. Instead they looked absolutely miserable, the bouquet in her mothers hands was big, but not big enough to hide the clear pregnancy bump.

And suddenly the sound of Tracy yelling could be heard from the other room. Without a second thought Tori ran back into the dinning room only to be met with Tracy being held back by Angel and Alastor.

“You sick fucks! You didn’t tell her what you did!?” Tracy yelled, trying to break free from Angel and Alastors grasps. “Mama!? Papa!?” Tori yelled, the two of them and her abuelo quickly turning their attention to Tori.

Tori’s abuelo, was a blue macaw, dressed in a regular pair of slacks and a dress shirt her parents though were both goats, the same curved horns and legs that any old goat would have, goats meant to represent evil which was more than fitting.

“Victoria sweetie, you look beautiful.” Her mama laughed. “Shut up mama! What did you think you could just live out your days without me eventually telling Abuelita what you did to me and Emi!?” Tori squawked, her usually pitch black eyes turning a dark red and her feathers fluffing up.

“Cristina, Manuel what did you do?” Tori’s abuelo, Daniel muttered. “It was all her fault mama! She decided to get with the radio demons little brat!” Cristina yelled, static surrounding them. “Speak of my daughter like that again and you’ll wish you hadn’t died!” Alastor growled.

“You..what did you do to my nietas eyes!?” Elena yelled, tears leaving her eyes. “You want her eyes, fine take them!” Cristina stuttered, taking her earrings off and throwing them on the ground in front of Tori. It took everyone a few seconds to realize what she meant.

“Get out.” Elena muttered, Cristina looking up at her. “What?” She muttered. “Get the fuck out you monster!” Elena yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I wish I had killed you! My mama didn’t have to die for you!” Cristina yelled, tears leaving her eyes.

“You were trying to kill me?” Tori cried as Tracy held her hand. “What did you think I was driving like a maniac for nothing!?” Cristina yelled as a tentacle punched her in the face. “I will never be enough will I?” Tori muttered.

“I can become a famous dancer in Hell, a powerful overlord and despite all of that there was never a single life where I had parents that loved me because the harsh reality is I'll never make you proud and I'm not going to spend the rest of my afterlife trying to.” Tori muttered, walking out of the room and out of the house without saying another word.


See part of me regrets not having Tori's eyes made into necklaces for both her parents but it's her mom that had the obsession with the eyes sooo it's fitting for her. Love you - Meliox

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